2024 3C2A Northern California Trials and Championships    May 3- 4, 2024
JT 38.88m 127' 7" 19th (F)
Big 8 Championships    Apr 23-25, 2024
SP 11.65m 38' 2.75" 8th (F)
DT 26.23m 86' 1" 16th (F)
HT 32.56m 106' 10" 12th (F)
JT 41.45m 136' 0" 5th (F)
Chico Invitational    Apr 19-20, 2024
SP 11.34m 37' 2.5" 8th (F)
DT 27.29m 89' 6" 18th (F)
JT 41.41m 135' 10" 9th (F)
Black and Gold (at Butte College)    Apr 12, 2024
SP 10.91m 35' 9.5" 10th (F)
DT 28.95m 95' 0" 14th (F)
JT 40.81m 133' 11" 6th (F)
Delta College Track and Field Throws Festival    Apr 5, 2024
HT 32.52m 106' 8" 18th (F)
JT 42.60m 139' 9" 3rd (F)
Mike Fanelli Track Classic    Mar 29-30, 2024
JT 36.47m 119' 8" 9th (F)
Pat Ryan Invitational    Mar 21-22, 2024
SP 11.20m 36' 9" 14th (F)
HT 35.29m 115' 9" 13th (F)
JT 40.37m 132' 5" 6th (F)
Bulldog Invitational    Mar 16, 2024
SP 11.29m 37' 0.5" 13th (F)
HT 34.53m 113' 3" 18th (F)
Jack Albiani    Mar 8, 2024
SP 10.93m 35' 10.5" 15th (F)
DT 29.61m 97' 2" 14th (F)
HT 27.55m 90' 5" 16th (F)
JT 42.82m 140' 6" 4th (F)
Kim Duyst Invitational 2024    Mar 1- 2, 2024
SP 10.91m 35' 9.5" 20th (F)
DT 29.71m 97' 6" 29th (F)
HT 32.55m 106' 9" 22nd (F)
Butte Opener at Butte College    Feb 24, 2024
SP 11.12m 36' 5.75" 19th (F)
DT 30.03m 98' 6" 23rd (F)
HT 35.53m 116' 7" 8th (F)
JT 34.77m 114' 1" 12th (F)
Sunbird Invitational    Feb 17, 2024
SP 11.16m 36' 7.5" 16th (F)
DT 30.83m 101' 2" 24th (F)
HT 36.48m 119' 8" 17th (F)
JT 38.51m 126' 4" 10th (F)
Shot Put (Outdoor)
38' 2.75"
Big 8 Championships Apr 23-25, 2024
37' 2.5"
Chico Invitational Apr 19-20, 2024
35' 9.5"
Black and Gold (at Butte College) Apr 12, 2024
36' 9"
Pat Ryan Invitational Mar 21-22, 2024
37' 0.5"
Bulldog Invitational Mar 16, 2024
35' 10.5"
Jack Albiani Mar 8, 2024
35' 9.5"
Kim Duyst Invitational 2024 Mar 1- 2, 2024
36' 5.75"
Butte Opener at Butte College Feb 24, 2024
36' 7.5"
Sunbird Invitational Feb 17, 2024
Discus (Outdoor)
86' 1"
Big 8 Championships Apr 23-25, 2024
89' 6"
Chico Invitational Apr 19-20, 2024
95' 0"
Black and Gold (at Butte College) Apr 12, 2024
97' 2"
Jack Albiani Mar 8, 2024
97' 6"
Kim Duyst Invitational 2024 Mar 1- 2, 2024
98' 6"
Butte Opener at Butte College Feb 24, 2024
101' 2"
Sunbird Invitational Feb 17, 2024
Hammer (Outdoor)
106' 10"
Big 8 Championships Apr 23-25, 2024
Chico Invitational Apr 19-20, 2024
Black and Gold (at Butte College) Apr 12, 2024
106' 8"
Delta College Track and Field Throws Festival Apr 5, 2024
115' 9"
Pat Ryan Invitational Mar 21-22, 2024
113' 3"
Bulldog Invitational Mar 16, 2024
90' 5"
Jack Albiani Mar 8, 2024
106' 9"
Kim Duyst Invitational 2024 Mar 1- 2, 2024
116' 7"
Butte Opener at Butte College Feb 24, 2024
119' 8"
Sunbird Invitational Feb 17, 2024
Javelin (Outdoor)
127' 7"
2024 3C2A Northern California Trials and Championships May 3- 4, 2024
136' 0"
Big 8 Championships Apr 23-25, 2024
135' 10"
Chico Invitational Apr 19-20, 2024
133' 11"
Black and Gold (at Butte College) Apr 12, 2024
139' 9"
Delta College Track and Field Throws Festival Apr 5, 2024
119' 8"
Mike Fanelli Track Classic Mar 29-30, 2024
132' 5"
Pat Ryan Invitational Mar 21-22, 2024
140' 6"
Jack Albiani Mar 8, 2024
114' 1"
Butte Opener at Butte College Feb 24, 2024
126' 4"
Sunbird Invitational Feb 17, 2024

2024 Outdoors

Shot Put
Big 8 Championships April 23-25, 2024
Chico Invitational April 19-20, 2024
Black and Gold (at Butte College) April 12, 2024
Pat Ryan Invitational March 21-22, 2024
Bulldog Invitational March 16, 2024
Jack Albiani March 8, 2024
Kim Duyst Invitational 2024 March 1- 2, 2024
Butte Opener at Butte College February 24, 2024
Sunbird Invitational February 17, 2024
Big 8 Championships April 23-25, 2024
Chico Invitational April 19-20, 2024
Black and Gold (at Butte College) April 12, 2024
Jack Albiani March 8, 2024
Kim Duyst Invitational 2024 March 1- 2, 2024
Butte Opener at Butte College February 24, 2024
Sunbird Invitational February 17, 2024
Big 8 Championships April 23-25, 2024
Chico Invitational April 19-20, 2024
Black and Gold (at Butte College) April 12, 2024
Delta College Track and Field Throws Festival April 5, 2024
Pat Ryan Invitational March 21-22, 2024
Bulldog Invitational March 16, 2024
Jack Albiani March 8, 2024
Kim Duyst Invitational 2024 March 1- 2, 2024
Butte Opener at Butte College February 24, 2024
Sunbird Invitational February 17, 2024
2024 3C2A Northern California Trials and Championships May 3- 4, 2024
Big 8 Championships April 23-25, 2024
Chico Invitational April 19-20, 2024
Black and Gold (at Butte College) April 12, 2024
Delta College Track and Field Throws Festival April 5, 2024
Mike Fanelli Track Classic March 29-30, 2024
Pat Ryan Invitational March 21-22, 2024
Jack Albiani March 8, 2024
Butte Opener at Butte College February 24, 2024
Sunbird Invitational February 17, 2024
Shot Put (Outdoors)
(Apr 23-25, 2024)
Discus (Outdoors)
(Feb 17, 2024)
Hammer (Outdoors)
(Feb 17, 2024)
Javelin (Outdoors)
(Mar 8, 2024)