January 16, 2009
Armory Track & Field Center - New York, NY
200m (Banked)

Women 1 Mile Run Un-Seeded

1 Kathryn Sheehan Freshman Marist 5:16.44
2 Natalie Finnerty Sophomore Iona 5:17.12
3 Kristal Conklin Freshman Stony Brook 5:18.59
4 Juli Stensland Senior St. Joseph's (Pa.) 5:18.98
5 Selina Munoz Junior Long Island 5:18.99
6 Rebecca Mims Junior Temple 5:20.54
7 Lena Edelstein Senior Haverford 5:21.86
8 Kathleen Casey Freshman St. Joseph's (Pa.) 5:22.98
9 Megan Patterson Sophomore Fairleigh Dickinson 5:28.94
10 Nako Nakatsuka Freshman Fordham 5:29.94
11 Dayna McLaughlin Freshman Marist 5:31.33
12 Caitlin Tully Sophomore Haverford 5:32.33
13 Juliet Smith Freshman Monmouth 5:32.8
14 Marina Vineis Freshman Rutgers 5:33.81
15 Colleen Quinn Sophomore Iona 5:34.54
16 Ashley Mallen Senior Wagner 5:35.16
17 Erin Mee Freshman Lafayette 5:38.31
18 Bridget Carroll Junior Fordham 5:38.6
19 Stephanie LaFergola Junior Delaware 5:38.89
20 Hannah Rose Freshman Swarthmore 5:40.15
21 Noelle Gotthardt Sophomore TCNJ 5:41.23
22 Katharine Wang Sophomore NYU 5:43.97
23 Lauren Lester Junior Rider 5:44.93
24 Carlin Keil Sophomore Ramapo 5:46.21
25 Mairin O'Connor Freshman Fordham 5:47.48
26 Brittany Erickson Sophomore TCNJ 5:47.53
27 Abbey wallach Freshman TCNJ 5:49.08
28 Asha Singh Sophomore Rutgers 5:49.68
29 Joanne Smith Senior College of St. Rose 5:52.32
30 Robin Renahan Sophomore Long Island 5:54.37
31 Annalise Tracey Junior Ramapo 5:57.51
32 Keneshia Anderson Sophomore St. Francis (N.Y.) 5:58.21
33 Alexandra Delacruz Freshman St. Francis (N.Y.) 6:02.16
34 Patrice Mahoney Senior Rider 6:08.11
35 Meaghan Lass Junior Marist 6:13.13
36 Jamie Ervin Freshman Army Prep 6:16.64
37 Amy Stansbury Freshman Temple 6:19.35
38 Gabrielle Tracey Junior Ramapo 6:20.88
39 Meghan McGrath Junior Delaware 6:29.6
40 Rachelle Lear Freshman College of St. Rose 6:44.63
Women 1 Mile Run Un-Seeded Section 1
1 Kathryn Sheehan Freshman Marist 5:16.44 6:32.39 6:38.72 5:06.95
2 Natalie Finnerty Sophomore Iona 5:17.12 3:54.67 5:13.95 4:51.75
3 Kristal Conklin Freshman Stony Brook 5:18.59 5:18.59 4:46.74 6:09.57
4 Juli Stensland Senior St. Joseph's (Pa.) 5:18.98 5:28.55 5:12.60 5:50.88
5 Selina Munoz Junior Long Island 5:18.99 5:22.18 3:46.49 3:59.25
6 Rebecca Mims Junior Temple 5:20.54 6:43.88 4:06.82 5:23.75
7 Lena Edelstein Senior Haverford 5:21.86 4:56.12 6:32.67 4:30.37
8 Kathleen Casey Freshman St. Joseph's (Pa.) 5:22.98 4:08.70 5:06.84 6:46.96
11 Dayna McLaughlin Freshman Marist 5:31.33 6:30.97 4:38.32 5:21.39
15 Colleen Quinn Sophomore Iona 5:34.54 4:00.87 6:51.49 4:30.98
18 Bridget Carroll Junior Fordham 5:38.6 4:51.1 5:55.5 4:34.2
23 Lauren Lester Junior Rider 5:44.93 4:18.70 6:40.12 5:24.24
28 Asha Singh Sophomore Rutgers 5:49.68 6:07.17 4:43.24 6:24.65
Women 1 Mile Run Un-Seeded Section 2
9 Megan Patterson Sophomore Fairleigh Dickinson 4:33.02 4:06.71 5:28.94 5:05.92
10 Nako Nakatsuka Freshman Fordham 4:07.46 4:07.46 5:29.94 6:52.43
12 Caitlin Tully Sophomore Haverford 6:38.80 6:05.57 5:32.33 6:45.45
13 Juliet Smith Freshman Monmouth 4:49.5 6:59.3 5:32.8 7:09.3
14 Marina Vineis Freshman Rutgers 4:10.36 5:10.45 5:33.81 7:10.62
16 Ashley Mallen Senior Wagner 5:21.76 6:05.33 5:35.16 7:15.71
17 Erin Mee Freshman Lafayette 5:21.40 6:22.29 5:38.31 6:22.29
21 Noelle Gotthardt Sophomore TCNJ 5:44.65 7:13.37 5:41.23 5:48.06
24 Carlin Keil Sophomore Ramapo 4:12.74 4:57.74 5:46.21 5:18.52
25 Mairin O'Connor Freshman Fordham 7:31.73 7:14.35 5:47.48 6:08.33
26 Brittany Erickson Sophomore TCNJ 4:24.13 5:09.31 5:47.53 5:44.06
27 Abbey wallach Freshman TCNJ 6:41.45 7:30.32 5:49.08 6:17.01
Women 1 Mile Run Un-Seeded Section 3
19 Stephanie LaFergola Junior Delaware 5:52.45 5:38.89
20 Hannah Rose Freshman Swarthmore 7:22.20 5:40.15
22 Katharine Wang Sophomore NYU 4:31.74 5:43.97
29 Joanne Smith Senior College of St. Rose 5:03.00 5:52.32
30 Robin Renahan Sophomore Long Island 4:18.69 5:54.37
31 Annalise Tracey Junior Ramapo 5:18.19 5:57.51
32 Keneshia Anderson Sophomore St. Francis (N.Y.) 7:38.51 5:58.21
33 Alexandra Delacruz Freshman St. Francis (N.Y.) 5:04.22 6:02.16
34 Patrice Mahoney Senior Rider 4:39.77 6:08.11
35 Meaghan Lass Junior Marist 6:16.87 6:13.13
36 Jamie Ervin Freshman Army Prep 5:27.68 6:16.64
37 Amy Stansbury Freshman Temple 4:33.14 6:19.35
38 Gabrielle Tracey Junior Ramapo 7:18.02 6:20.88
39 Meghan McGrath Junior Delaware 4:59.9 6:29.6
40 Rachelle Lear Freshman College of St. Rose 5:15.62 6:44.63