January 17, 2009
Washington-Dempsey Indoor - Seattle, WA
307m (Flat)

Women's 800 Meters

1 Jessica Smith Sophomore Simon Fraser 1:44.75 2:03.08 2:10.93 1:51.29 2:35.81 2:35.81
2 Krishna Curry Junior UCLA 2:23.02 1:55.47 2:11.21 2:21.71 2:36.14 1:31.85
3 Nicole Blood Junior Oregon 2:35.5 2:47.6 2:14.1 2:54.3 2:52.9 2:39.5
4 Helen Crofts Freshman Simon Fraser 2:39.57 2:34.11 2:16.38 1:49.11 2:24.57 2:01.38
5 Annan Applebee Sophomore Western Oregon 2:52.1 2:31.6 2:16.6 2:56.2 2:26.1 1:57.4
6 Rosa Magana Junior UCLA 2:00.37 2:42.77 2:16.78 2:20.89 2:34.57 1:54.90
7 Patricia Gumbs Junior Florida Atlantic 2:32.06 2:45.76 2:16.99 2:40.28 2:21.10 2:51.24
8 Rachael Johnson Sophomore Western Washington 2:06.15 2:08.89 2:17.11 2:10.26 1:42.84 2:07.52
9 Andrea Brown   Washington 2:17.63 1:51.48 2:17.63 2:20.39 2:42.41 2:31.40
10 Melissa Owens Junior Portland State 1:55.43 1:45.70 2:19.07 2:28.81 2:49.67 2:14.90
11 Elizabeth Keaveny Freshman Portland 2:55.66 2:01.29 2:19.41 2:57.05 2:43.11 2:58.45
12 Ashley Berry Sophomore Western Oregon 2:02.82 2:09.79 2:19.56 1:54.44 1:43.28 1:43.28
13 Natalie Hemphill Junior Portland 2:01.60 2:44.93 2:19.77 2:18.38 1:39.24 1:40.64
14 Alicia Roske Sophomore U. of Victoria 2:15.7 2:45.0 2:19.9 2:33.8 2:45.0 1:47.7
15 Angela Shaw Sophomore Simon Fraser 1:54.94 2:31.38 2:20.16 2:34.18 1:43.72 2:51.00
16 Theresa Hailey Sophomore Portland 2:06.32 1:59.30 2:20.35 1:39.65 1:59.30 2:30.18
17 Lauren Matthews Sophomore Eastern Washington 2:10.33 2:06.08 2:21.66 2:03.25 2:17.41 2:16.00
18 Hailey Knettles Freshman Portland 2:07.52 1:44.85 2:21.68 1:44.85 3:04.19 2:01.85
19 Sarah Proctor   U. of Victoria 2:47.87 2:18.00 2:22.26 2:43.60 1:43.85 2:08.04
20 Emily Adama   Unattached 2:04.14 1:55.57 2:22.68 1:52.72 2:35.53 1:49.87
20 Gabrielle Bournes Senior UCLA 1:59.86 1:42.73 2:22.68 2:26.96 2:29.82 2:06.99
22 Erica Zambon Junior Western Oregon 2:10.22 1:40.17 2:23.09 1:45.89 1:48.75 1:44.46
23 Isabel Ferguson Freshman Unattached 2:31.66 2:48.99 2:24.43 2:24.43 2:53.32 1:49.77
24 Toni Jackson Junior Florida Atlantic 2:18.90 2:13.11 2:24.68 2:02.98 1:54.30 2:49.28
25 Melanie Said   Unattached 1:48.73 2:16.28 2:24.97 2:40.92 2:11.93 3:05.57
26 Lauren Beaulieu Freshman U. of Victoria 1:46.31 2:37.27 2:25.62 2:18.34 1:47.76 2:02.32
27 Cheri Watson Sophomore Western Washington 2:27.41 2:52.47 2:27.41 2:51.00 2:09.72 2:20.04
28 Brianna Schmid Freshman St. Martin's 1:53.08 1:56.06 2:28.79 2:04.99 3:03.02 2:58.55
29 Megan Northey Freshman Western Washington 2:33.52 1:57.75 2:29.04 2:20.10 3:07.79 1:59.24
30 Jennifer Weslowski Sophomore Simon Fraser 3:00.7 3:14.2 2:29.4 3:09.7 2:50.3 1:53.5
31 Kate Berni Freshman Western Washington 2:50.63 2:47.63 2:29.67 1:47.77 2:59.61 3:08.59
32 Stephanie Sauvage   Washington 2:04.46 2:02.96 2:29.95 2:46.45 2:41.95 2:20.96
33 Lindsey Farah Senior Evergreen St. 1:57.07 2:21.08 2:30.08 2:28.58 3:12.11 2:13.58
34 Maraiah Robinson Freshman British Columbia 2:19.77 1:49.72 2:30.29 2:40.81 2:24.28 2:12.26
35 Pearl Terry Freshman Unattached 2:19.94 2:00.38 2:30.47 2:34.99 2:41.01 2:21.45
36 Meryl Butcher Freshman Western Oregon 2:37.3 2:52.4 2:31.3 1:58.0 2:58.5 2:43.4
37 Jen Hamann Senior Seattle U. 2:49.71 2:17.89 2:31.52 2:04.25 2:55.77 2:25.46
38 Celeste Cassidy Freshman Seattle U. 2:31.57 3:14.01 2:31.57 2:45.22 3:06.44 2:27.03
39 Annie Taylor Junior Unattached 2:59.67 2:53.58 2:32.26 2:56.63 2:15.52 2:06.38
40 Carly White Freshman Western Washington 2:46.09 1:54.28 2:32.37 2:46.09 2:35.42 2:14.09
41 Nicole Waters Freshman Seattle U. 2:51.47 2:09.00 2:37.31 2:53.05 3:16.64 3:11.92
42 Paige DeLapp Freshman Northwest U. 2:40.95 1:54.28 2:40.95 2:07.15 3:00.27 3:01.88
43 Amelia Rajala Sophomore British Columbia 2:14.6 3:09.4 2:46.2 2:44.5 3:29.4 3:14.4
Women's 800 Meters Section 1
25 Melanie Said   Unattached 2:24.97 2:30.77 2:51.07 1:58.88 2:48.17 2:06.13 2:56.87
28 Brianna Schmid Freshman St. Martin's 2:28.79 2:00.52 2:03.50 1:45.64 2:54.09 1:44.16 2:10.94
30 Jennifer Weslowski Sophomore Simon Fraser 2:29.4 2:12.9 1:53.5 2:47.3 2:50.3 2:35.3 2:20.4
32 Stephanie Sauvage   Washington 2:29.95 2:47.95 3:01.44 1:59.96 1:59.96 2:31.45 3:13.44
34 Maraiah Robinson Freshman British Columbia 2:30.29 2:39.31 1:49.72 2:06.25 2:57.35 2:30.29 2:49.83
35 Pearl Terry Freshman Unattached 2:30.47 3:06.59 3:09.60 2:51.54 2:16.93 2:01.88 2:39.50
38 Celeste Cassidy Freshman Seattle U. 2:31.57 1:53.68 2:49.76 1:52.17 3:04.92 2:52.79 2:55.83
39 Annie Taylor Junior Unattached 2:32.26 2:58.15 2:45.97 1:55.72 1:55.72 2:04.86 2:23.13
40 Carly White Freshman Western Washington 2:32.37 2:29.33 1:48.19 2:06.47 2:38.47 2:35.42 3:13.51
42 Paige DeLapp Freshman Northwest U. 2:40.95 2:00.72 2:28.08 2:52.22 3:22.80 2:42.56 2:52.22
43 Amelia Rajala Sophomore British Columbia 2:46.2 3:06.1 2:29.5 2:54.5 2:46.2 3:01.1 2:21.2
Women's 800 Meters Section 2
20 Emily Adama   Unattached 2:01.28 2:22.68
22 Erica Zambon Junior Western Oregon 2:43.13 2:23.09
23 Isabel Ferguson Freshman Unattached 1:43.99 2:24.43
26 Lauren Beaulieu Freshman U. of Victoria 2:57.66 2:25.62
27 Cheri Watson Sophomore Western Washington 2:03.83 2:27.41
29 Megan Northey Freshman Western Washington 2:11.16 2:29.04
31 Kate Berni Freshman Western Washington 3:01.10 2:29.67
33 Lindsey Farah Senior Evergreen St. 2:54.10 2:30.08
36 Meryl Butcher Freshman Western Oregon 2:50.9 2:31.3
37 Jen Hamann Senior Seattle U. 3:09.40 2:31.52
41 Nicole Waters Freshman Seattle U. 1:59.56 2:37.31
Women's 800 Meters Section 3
8 Rachael Johnson Sophomore Western Washington 2:54.13 2:44.54 2:54.13 2:13.00 2:17.11
10 Melissa Owens Junior Portland State 2:48.28 2:20.46 2:19.07 1:52.65 2:19.07
11 Elizabeth Keaveny Freshman Portland 2:52.87 1:43.17 2:12.44 2:45.90 2:19.41
14 Alicia Roske Sophomore U. of Victoria 2:05.9 1:57.5 2:10.1 1:44.9 2:19.9
16 Theresa Hailey Sophomore Portland 2:40.00 1:45.27 2:52.63 2:09.13 2:20.35
18 Hailey Knettles Freshman Portland 1:59.02 2:27.35 2:21.68 2:54.27 2:21.68
Women's 800 Meters Section 4
3 Nicole Blood Junior Oregon 2:27.5 2:11.4 2:14.1
4 Helen Crofts Freshman Simon Fraser 2:35.48 2:06.84 2:16.38
5 Annan Applebee Sophomore Western Oregon 1:38.3 2:35.7 2:16.6
6 Rosa Magana Junior UCLA 2:52.35 1:56.27 2:16.78
12 Ashley Berry Sophomore Western Oregon 1:39.09 2:01.42 2:19.56
13 Natalie Hemphill Junior Portland 2:49.13 2:25.36 2:19.77
15 Angela Shaw Sophomore Simon Fraser 2:25.77 1:52.13 2:20.16
17 Lauren Matthews Sophomore Eastern Washington 2:44.33 2:16.00 2:21.66
Women's 800 Meters Section 5
1 Jessica Smith Sophomore Simon Fraser 2:10.93
2 Krishna Curry Junior UCLA 2:11.21
7 Patricia Gumbs Junior Florida Atlantic 2:16.99
9 Andrea Brown   Washington 2:17.63
19 Sarah Proctor   U. of Victoria 2:22.26
20 Gabrielle Bournes Senior UCLA 2:22.68
24 Toni Jackson Junior Florida Atlantic 2:24.68