February 13, 2009
Armory Track & Field Center - New York, NY
200m (Banked)

Women's 3000 Meters

1 Kari Higdem Senior Columbia 8:04.6 8:53.7 10:38.0 10:13.5 8:59.8
2 Suzanne Gabriel Junior UMBC 7:53.91 10:48.51 8:00.15 10:23.56 10:11.09
3 Lena Edelstein Senior Haverford 12:38.60 12:51.14 11:23.37 10:26.94 7:31.40
4 Alex Crawley Sophomore Columbia 13:03.92 9:18.15 12:13.75 10:27.13 9:05.61
5 Megan Crowe Senior Rider 11:43.79 7:51.29 12:21.49 10:28.38 10:47.24
6 Allison Bodack Sophomore Colgate 9:41.25 10:50.75 8:06.48 10:31.79 11:16.02
7 Irena Ossola Junior Columbia 7:36.16 13:24.61 11:49.58 10:33.55 13:24.61
8 Kerry Taylor Junior Lafayette 11:22.8 9:47.1 7:58.6 10:38.2 8:36.9
9 Jillian Pollack Sophomore Columbia 12:05.85 13:10.08 13:16.51 10:42.34 13:10.08
10 Kathleen Boland Sophomore La Salle 7:55.57 12:57.62 11:01.94 10:42.66 7:49.15
11 Katherine Bossardet Sophomore Central Connecticut 12:33.88 11:16.56 7:56.82 10:44.34 8:35.48
12 Heidi Baumbach Freshman Ithaca 10:41.61 8:06.07 10:35.13 10:48.09 9:23.84
13 Liz Paul Senior Delaware 10:55.14 10:16.22 9:04.87 10:48.65 9:11.36
14 Mary Clare Parrott Senior La Salle 10:22.57 10:48.78 11:21.55 10:55.33 9:43.25
15 Nicole Coiteux Sophomore Central Connecticut 12:40.51 12:14.29 12:33.96 10:55.61 13:46.07
16 Hope Winkler Sophomore Columbia 12:30.03 14:15.30 10:57.92 10:57.92 9:32.39
17 Kaela Mahon Senior Lafayette 13:57.45 9:07.31 11:06.01 10:59.41 12:51.51
18 Casey Ernstes Freshman Washington & Lee 14:12.71 12:13.73 9:54.91 11:01.01 8:09.15
19 Nicole Pearce Sophomore La Salle 14:13.84 13:40.75 7:49.95 11:01.89 8:56.13
20 Paige Zelinsky Freshman NYU 10:15.78 9:42.68 10:55.51 11:02.13 7:43.50
21 Jonna Trexler Sophomore East Stroudsburg 9:50.89 8:11.30 12:23.59 11:03.92 11:43.76
22 Harper Hubbeling Sophomore Haverford 12:41.48 11:34.68 8:14.29 11:07.96 12:41.48
23 Keri Wilson Freshman UMBC 8:01.53 12:35.73 10:55.41 11:08.78 13:22.54
24 Joanne Smith Senior College of St. Rose 12:03.29 11:09.71 9:35.95 11:09.71 11:09.71
25 Danielle Sisti Sophomore Ithaca 12:10.14 9:29.38 8:15.69 11:09.85 8:02.30
26 Bridget Hastings Junior Ithaca 12:24.06 12:24.06 12:17.36 11:10.32 12:37.47
27 Dominique Carnevale Junior Rider 10:17.28 12:38.18 8:09.80 11:10.95 13:38.56
28 Elizabeth DeLong Junior Ithaca 8:43.98 13:53.00 12:05.52 11:11.77 11:31.93
29 Amanda Quinones Freshman Rider 12:27.11 14:35.00 9:25.38 11:13.07 12:54.03
30 Katharine Wang Sophomore NYU 11:07.22 14:36.15 8:18.73 11:13.96 10:53.75
31 Melissa Ugelow Freshman Muhlenberg 12:35.93 12:35.93 11:27.82 11:21.01 8:44.38
32 Lauren Holck Sophomore Lafayette 13:58.24 11:07.86 11:14.68 11:21.49 11:01.05
33 Kim Bier Sophomore Muhlenberg 10:17.09 14:03.35 10:30.80 11:25.65 13:49.64
34 Pamela Alva Freshman La Salle 13:29.26 10:51.52 14:37.84 11:25.81 13:42.98
35 Kelli Kaelin Freshman Rider 8:01.19 13:17.40 8:56.18 11:27.41 8:08.07
36 Noelle Gotthardt Sophomore TCNJ 11:53.20 14:18.60 13:37.06 11:32.42 13:30.14
37 Ashley O'Brien Sophomore Rider 8:36.83 11:24.45 14:19.05 11:38.41 9:46.67
38 Sarah Vernon Senior Delaware 11:40.98 11:19.95 8:45.74 11:40.98 9:20.79
39 Meghan McGrath Junior Delaware 12:48.06 10:14.45 14:12.55 12:48.06 14:04.87
  Katherine Carrington Sophomore Columbia NT NT NT NT NT
Women's 3000 Meters Section 1
1 Kari Higdem Senior Columbia 10:13.5 8:59.8 10:25.7 10:44.1 12:22.3
2 Suzanne Gabriel Junior UMBC 10:23.56 9:33.68 12:46.98 8:31.32 10:04.86
3 Lena Edelstein Senior Haverford 10:26.94 10:39.48 11:04.56 12:00.99 12:19.79
4 Alex Crawley Sophomore Columbia 10:27.13 11:48.66 12:07.47 11:17.30 12:45.10
5 Megan Crowe Senior Rider 10:28.38 7:45.01 10:47.24 12:52.91 12:34.06
6 Allison Bodack Sophomore Colgate 10:31.79 10:57.07 11:16.02 13:22.38 11:22.34
7 Irena Ossola Junior Columbia 10:33.55 7:48.83 11:17.90 10:01.88 9:36.53
8 Kerry Taylor Junior Lafayette 10:38.2 9:47.1 8:49.7 7:26.7 8:30.5
9 Jillian Pollack Sophomore Columbia 10:42.34 10:42.34 8:01.76 10:55.19 11:53.00
10 Kathleen Boland Sophomore La Salle 10:42.66 12:06.21 9:19.12 12:44.77 12:57.62
12 Heidi Baumbach Freshman Ithaca 10:48.09 11:01.06 13:56.04 11:33.46 9:04.40
13 Liz Paul Senior Delaware 10:48.65 8:38.92 9:37.30 11:01.63 11:47.03
16 Hope Winkler Sophomore Columbia 10:57.92 12:36.61 13:02.93 13:48.98 11:43.98
  Katherine Carrington Sophomore Columbia NT NT NT NT NT
Women's 3000 Meters Section 2
11 Katherine Bossardet Sophomore Central Connecticut 9:27.02 13:06.10 13:44.76 13:12.54 10:12.13 8:22.59 10:44.34
14 Mary Clare Parrott Senior La Salle 11:41.21 13:39.17 9:43.25 11:34.65 10:35.67 9:30.14 10:55.33
15 Nicole Coiteux Sophomore Central Connecticut 8:18.27 9:04.16 11:21.84 8:57.60 8:37.94 8:11.71 10:55.61
17 Kaela Mahon Senior Lafayette 12:51.51 8:21.16 8:21.16 9:20.50 8:14.56 11:32.38 10:59.41
19 Nicole Pearce Sophomore La Salle 12:41.18 12:14.70 11:15.13 10:55.28 8:56.13 12:34.56 11:01.89
20 Paige Zelinsky Freshman NYU 13:14.56 8:43.09 10:48.89 12:08.35 11:35.24 12:01.73 11:02.13
21 Jonna Trexler Sophomore East Stroudsburg 12:10.32 8:31.22 7:44.75 8:31.22 12:36.87 9:30.98 11:03.92
22 Harper Hubbeling Sophomore Haverford 13:14.88 12:54.84 8:47.69 8:14.29 9:21.09 11:48.04 11:07.96
25 Danielle Sisti Sophomore Ithaca 11:36.65 14:04.02 11:23.25 10:09.57 10:49.76 8:29.09 11:09.85
26 Bridget Hastings Junior Ithaca 13:17.68 10:23.40 13:31.09 12:24.06 7:55.93 13:31.09 11:10.32
28 Elizabeth DeLong Junior Ithaca 13:12.69 14:33.31 13:59.72 10:18.03 11:18.49 10:11.31 11:11.77
29 Amanda Quinones Freshman Rider 12:00.19 12:00.19 14:08.07 14:28.26 13:00.77 8:24.81 11:13.07
34 Pamela Alva Freshman La Salle 13:15.54 9:01.79 12:13.82 10:24.09 12:27.54 9:56.66 11:25.81
Women's 3000 Meters Section 3
18 Casey Ernstes Freshman Washington & Lee 9:15.25 14:19.32 10:27.96 11:01.01 9:02.03
23 Keri Wilson Freshman UMBC 9:15.09 10:48.72 13:09.16 11:08.78 10:42.03
24 Joanne Smith Senior College of St. Rose 11:36.50 10:16.14 8:49.07 11:09.71 7:55.50
27 Dominique Carnevale Junior Rider 13:31.85 13:25.14 8:43.35 11:10.95 14:25.53
30 Katharine Wang Sophomore NYU 10:40.27 7:51.78 12:07.88 11:13.96 9:12.65
31 Melissa Ugelow Freshman Muhlenberg 12:08.68 10:40.15 13:23.60 11:21.01 8:51.19
32 Lauren Holck Sophomore Lafayette 11:35.12 10:33.79 8:31.12 11:21.49 14:45.94
33 Kim Bier Sophomore Muhlenberg 9:56.52 14:23.92 14:51.35 11:25.65 9:15.38
35 Kelli Kaelin Freshman Rider 8:14.94 14:19.27 11:27.41 11:27.41 12:49.90
36 Noelle Gotthardt Sophomore TCNJ 8:25.47 10:37.03 13:09.36 11:32.42 11:04.73
37 Ashley O'Brien Sophomore Rider 13:16.19 14:53.97 11:45.40 11:38.41 11:17.46
38 Sarah Vernon Senior Delaware 9:41.82 15:04.27 13:19.12 11:40.98 13:05.10
39 Meghan McGrath Junior Delaware 13:41.83 14:04.87 9:20.69 12:48.06 13:11.11