April 3- 4, 2009
San Francisco St. - San Francisco, CA

Men's 1500 Meters

1 Eric Malain Sophomore Humboldt State 3:55.78
2 Will Marquardt Freshman San Francisco 3:56.93
3 Jesus Romo Sophomore San Francisco 3:57.46
4 Ryan Raya   Gator Track 3:58.62
5 Evan Hennessey Freshman Santa Clara 4:00.23
6 Steve Garboden Freshman San Francisco 4:00.55
7 Tyler Alvarez Freshman San Francisco 4:01.14
8 javier ceja Sophomore Unattached 4:01.26
9 Austin Huff Freshman Humboldt State 4:01.31
10 Bryon Williams Junior San Francisco 4:02.47
11 Simon Mutai Junior Academy of Art 4:02.59
12 Keli Parker   Unattached 4:04.12
13 Daveson Marchdich Junior Academy of Art 4:04.62
14 Nick Shea Senior St. Mary's (Cal.) 4:05.
15 Amos Maru Junior Academy of Art 4:05.68
16 Nhuguyen Le Freshman Santa Clara 4:06.83
17 Shawn Daut Freshman Academy of Art 4:07.9
18 Matt Wagner Freshman UNAT-Santa Clara 4:08.02
19 Michael Barnes Freshman San Francisco 4:08.32
20 Brian Fisher Junior Santa Clara 4:10.39
21 Gerald McCormick   Unattached 4:13.49
22 Max Fernandez Sophomore San Francisco St. 4:14.79
23 Humberto Gonzalez Senior Humboldt State 4:15.75
24 Austin Jones Freshman Santa Clara 4:16.67
25 David Stiles Senior Unattached 4:16.96
26 Aaron Sommer Junior Notre Dame de Namur 4:17.39
27 Alex Wolf-Root   Horsecow 4:18.04
28 Mike Calcagno Sophomore Santa Clara 4:22.19
29 Kenji Kadowaki Sophomore Santa Clara 4:22.75
30 Sam Cuadra   Gator Track 4:22.8
31 Matt Savage Freshman Santa Clara 4:23.06
32 Luis Vazquez Freshman Merritt 4:23.22
33 Alp Mimaroglu Freshman West Valley 4:24.41
34 Abel Gutierrez Freshman Humboldt State 4:24.67
35 Tamru Abate Freshman UNAT-Notre Dame de Namur 4:28.35
36 Kyle Fujitsubo Sophomore San Francisco St. 4:28.51
37 Michael Price Senior Humboldt State 4:31.02
38 Mark DePasquale Sophomore San Francisco St. 4:35.79
39 Nate Davis   UNAT-Mills College 4:51.73
  Colin Hopkins Sophomore San Francisco NT
Men's 1500 Meters Section 1
1 Eric Malain Sophomore Humboldt State 4:54.73 4:19.36 4:50.01 3:55.78
2 Will Marquardt Freshman San Francisco 2:45.86 2:57.70 3:28.50 3:56.93
3 Jesus Romo Sophomore San Francisco 4:21.21 4:40.21 3:05.22 3:57.46
4 Ryan Raya   Gator Track 4:32.03 3:20.44 3:37.15 3:58.62
5 Evan Hennessey Freshman Santa Clara 4:05.04 3:36.21 4:09.84 4:00.23
7 Tyler Alvarez Freshman San Francisco 3:00.86 5:11.07 4:51.78 4:01.14
8 javier ceja Sophomore Unattached 3:15.42 5:11.23 4:56.75 4:01.26
9 Austin Huff Freshman Humboldt State 4:42.34 5:08.88 4:30.27 4:01.31
10 Bryon Williams Junior San Francisco 2:59.43 3:04.28 3:18.83 4:02.47
12 Keli Parker   Unattached 4:13.89 3:15.30 3:07.98 4:04.12
18 Matt Wagner Freshman UNAT-Santa Clara 3:13.46 3:06.02 5:22.43 4:08.02
19 Michael Barnes Freshman San Francisco 3:33.56 3:21.14 3:50.94 4:08.32
  Colin Hopkins Sophomore San Francisco NT NT NT NT
Men's 1500 Meters Section 2
6 Steve Garboden Freshman San Francisco 4:00.55
11 Simon Mutai Junior Academy of Art 4:02.59
13 Daveson Marchdich Junior Academy of Art 4:04.62
14 Nick Shea Senior St. Mary's (Cal.) 4:05.
15 Amos Maru Junior Academy of Art 4:05.68
16 Nhuguyen Le Freshman Santa Clara 4:06.83
17 Shawn Daut Freshman Academy of Art 4:07.9
20 Brian Fisher Junior Santa Clara 4:10.39
21 Gerald McCormick   Unattached 4:13.49
22 Max Fernandez Sophomore San Francisco St. 4:14.79
23 Humberto Gonzalez Senior Humboldt State 4:15.75
24 Austin Jones Freshman Santa Clara 4:16.67
26 Aaron Sommer Junior Notre Dame de Namur 4:17.39
27 Alex Wolf-Root   Horsecow 4:18.04
32 Luis Vazquez Freshman Merritt 4:23.22
34 Abel Gutierrez Freshman Humboldt State 4:24.67
36 Kyle Fujitsubo Sophomore San Francisco St. 4:28.51
Men's 1500 Meters Section 3
25 David Stiles Senior Unattached 3:12.72 3:40.99 4:16.96 3:05.02
28 Mike Calcagno Sophomore Santa Clara 4:22.19 5:32.99 4:22.19 4:16.95
29 Kenji Kadowaki Sophomore Santa Clara 5:07.42 5:31.07 4:22.75 4:22.75
30 Sam Cuadra   Gator Track 5:07.4 3:03.9 4:22.8 4:12.2
31 Matt Savage Freshman Santa Clara 5:23.57 5:18.31 4:23.06 4:02.02
33 Alp Mimaroglu Freshman West Valley 3:13.02 5:01.43 4:24.41 3:13.02
35 Tamru Abate Freshman UNAT-Notre Dame de Namur 4:33.72 5:16.66 4:28.35 3:56.15
37 Michael Price Senior Humboldt State 5:22.52 4:22.89 4:31.02 5:36.07
38 Mark DePasquale Sophomore San Francisco St. 4:44.07 3:18.57 4:35.79 3:40.64
39 Nate Davis   UNAT-Mills College 5:55.91 4:16.73 4:51.73 6:19.25