March 13-14, 2009
Coastal Carolina - Conway, SC

Women's 1500 Meters

1 Andi Owens Junior Cornerstone 4:44.63 4:56.02 4:27.56
2 Darcy McDonald Senior Dickinson College 4:46.49 5:52.39 5:35.20
3 Emily Fournier Sophomore Elon 4:47.31 4:07.09 4:53.06
4 Kimberly Chinn Sophomore Baldwin-Wallace 4:48.89 4:28.67 4:46.01
5 Kaylin Gilmartin-Donohue Freshman Towson 4:50.36 5:48.44 5:07.79
6 Octavia Rinehardt Freshman American 4:52.2 5:09.7 5:00.9
7 KeAira Dickerson Sophomore Seton Hall 4:53.8 5:55.4 4:21.4
8 D'arcy Hlavin Junior Baldwin-Wallace 4:54.08 3:46.45 4:07.03
9 Amanda Blankenship Senior Concord College 4:55.16 4:34.50 3:44.33
10 Alyssa D'Orazio Freshman Col. of Charleston 4:57.08 6:26.21 4:00.64
11 Darcy Dubuc Freshman Wittenberg 4:57.81 5:27.60 3:52.30
12 Madison Russo Freshman Elon 4:57.89 6:24.28 3:55.34
13 Jessi Larrison Senior Marietta 4:57.93 3:43.45 4:46.02
14 Michelle Donadio Junior Towson 4:58.12 4:01.48 4:07.44
15 Heather DelaCruz Freshman VCU 4:59.47 5:50.38 4:50.49
16 Courtney Whalen Freshman Elon 4:59.94 5:08.94 5:53.93
17 Liya Kasimova Freshman Towson 5:00.28 5:06.29 6:21.36
18 Becky Stewart Sophomore Col. of Charleston 5:00.58 3:30.41 4:54.57
19 Mary Hamilton Junior Dickinson College 5:01.51 5:04.53 3:34.08
20 Randi Robertson Junior Marietta 5:02.09 3:34.49 6:17.62
21 Erin Stoddard Sophomore Col. of Charleston 5:02.45 4:35.23 5:29.67
22 Kathy Feeney Senior Swarthmore 5:02.49 5:32.74 4:05.02
23 Anjelica Dinucci Freshman Towson 5:04.87 5:20.12 6:08.90
24 Kimberly Powell Sophomore Dickinson College 5:05.8 4:38.2 4:04.6
25 Andra Sanders Junior Seton Hill 5:06.07 5:15.26 5:21.38
26 Danielle Pye Junior Concord College 5:06.08 5:30.57 5:42.81
27 Julie Kotesovec Freshman Baldwin-Wallace 5:06.37 6:26.03 6:10.71
28 Dreanna Wallace Freshman N.C. Central 5:06.59 3:46.88 6:38.57
29 Emily Nagle Junior Col. of Charleston 5:07.75 4:30.82 4:21.59
30 Justine Schulerud Freshman Elon 5:08.37 5:57.71 3:38.95
31 Hannah Rose Freshman Swarthmore 5:09.18 3:48.80 5:37.01
32 Keli-Jo White Senior Coastal Carolina 5:09.29 4:16.71 4:10.53
33 Emma Bussard Freshman UNC-Asheville 5:11.14 4:30.70 6:28.93
34 Suzanne Capehart Sophomore Wooster 5:12.62 5:31.38 4:16.35
35 Julie McTernan Freshman Dickinson College 5:12.68 5:28.32 3:42.01
36 Peggy Busbee Junior Coastal Carolina 5:14.01 4:42.61 4:08.07
37 Megan Donnelly Senior Lynchburg 5:14.6 4:52.5 3:49.6
38 Katrina Gobrogge Freshman Hope 5:16.08 5:19.24 4:50.80
39 Amanda Eng Freshman Swarthmore 5:16.42 6:22.87 6:26.04
40 Lauren Scholl Freshman American 5:19.35 5:22.55 4:50.61
41 Madison Wrest Sophomore Seton Hall 5:20.39 3:50.68 4:35.54
42 Lindsay Fender Sophomore Lynchburg 5:23.18 3:49.46 6:18.12
43 Melissa Sawicki Freshman Cornerstone 5:24.06 5:37.03 3:59.81
44 Katie Olert Junior UNC-Asheville 5:26.72 4:57.32 3:51.98
45 Meredith Shaul Freshman Wooster 5:28.03 4:25.71 5:37.87
46 Logan Wern Junior Marietta 5:28.47 5:25.19 6:37.45
47 Jessica Yarmosky Sophomore Wooster 5:29.91 5:10.12 4:04.14
48 Chelsea Holicki Freshman Hope 5:31.41 6:57.58 5:41.36
49 Jenny Krueger Freshman Westminster (Pa.) 5:34.18 5:04.11 5:00.77
50 Andi Miller Sophomore Hope 5:39.29 7:10.90 5:18.94
51 Kathryn Gonzalez Freshman Swarthmore 5:39.92 4:18.34 6:30.91
52 Julie Pierret Freshman Seton Hill 5:45.11 5:20.96 5:45.11
53 Rebecca Thomas Senior Wooster 5:55.43 6:45.19 6:20.31
54 Katrina Osterman Junior Concord College 6:07.54 5:34.47 7:43.10
55 Tracey Epley Sophomore Charleston Southern 6:13.71 5:13.92 7:47.14
56 Bethann Hamer Freshman Hope 6:23.97 7:44.61 4:59.50
57 Monique Scroggins Freshman Kentucky State 6:34.02 5:23.10 5:23.10
Women's 1500 Meters Section 1
7 KeAira Dickerson Sophomore Seton Hall 4:53.8 4:53.8
12 Madison Russo Freshman Elon 4:57.89 4:40.02
18 Becky Stewart Sophomore Col. of Charleston 5:00.58 6:15.73
22 Kathy Feeney Senior Swarthmore 5:02.49 3:49.90
23 Anjelica Dinucci Freshman Towson 5:04.87 4:10.00
25 Andra Sanders Junior Seton Hill 5:06.07 5:30.56
30 Justine Schulerud Freshman Elon 5:08.37 3:48.20
34 Suzanne Capehart Sophomore Wooster 5:12.62 6:43.28
35 Julie McTernan Freshman Dickinson College 5:12.68 6:08.97
43 Melissa Sawicki Freshman Cornerstone 5:24.06 6:38.60
44 Katie Olert Junior UNC-Asheville 5:26.72 5:46.33
46 Logan Wern Junior Marietta 5:28.47 6:27.60
Women's 1500 Meters Section 2
26 Danielle Pye Junior Concord College 4:23.23 5:06.08 4:38.54 4:07.93 5:48.94 4:53.84 4:20.17
31 Hannah Rose Freshman Swarthmore 6:41.94 5:09.18 4:56.82 4:10.44 6:35.75 4:41.36 6:14.11
37 Megan Donnelly Senior Lynchburg 4:08.5 5:14.6 3:43.3 4:39.9 5:08.3 4:17.9 3:43.3
38 Katrina Gobrogge Freshman Hope 4:38.15 5:16.08 5:00.28 5:19.24 6:06.66 4:06.55 5:38.21
39 Amanda Eng Freshman Swarthmore 6:19.71 5:16.42 4:51.11 6:03.89 4:35.29 6:03.89 6:35.53
41 Madison Wrest Sophomore Seton Hall 4:57.97 5:20.39 4:51.56 5:13.99 4:57.97 6:05.25 6:18.06
42 Lindsay Fender Sophomore Lynchburg 6:01.97 5:23.18 6:14.89 4:44.40 4:12.08 5:58.73 5:03.79
48 Chelsea Holicki Freshman Hope 5:21.47 5:31.41 5:28.10 6:37.70 3:51.99 4:18.50 4:31.76
50 Andi Miller Sophomore Hope 5:52.87 5:39.29 5:46.08 5:08.76 6:03.04 4:41.61 5:46.08
Women's 1500 Meters Section 3
27 Julie Kotesovec Freshman Baldwin-Wallace 6:38.29 5:06.37 5:03.31 4:17.35 6:10.71 5:18.63 3:52.85
28 Dreanna Wallace Freshman N.C. Central 5:40.32 5:06.59 4:29.80 6:26.31 5:28.06 5:21.92 4:26.74
45 Meredith Shaul Freshman Wooster 6:07.40 5:28.03 5:01.79 4:51.95 5:37.87 6:10.68 7:06.44
47 Jessica Yarmosky Sophomore Wooster 5:49.71 5:29.91 5:39.81 5:36.51 4:53.62 4:56.92 6:58.99
49 Jenny Krueger Freshman Westminster (Pa.) 5:00.77 5:34.18 6:37.68 4:40.72 6:24.31 6:30.99 4:13.98
51 Kathryn Gonzalez Freshman Swarthmore 4:25.14 5:39.92 6:24.11 4:45.54 4:21.74 6:58.11 5:26.33
52 Julie Pierret Freshman Seton Hill 4:01.58 5:45.11 5:41.66 4:32.64 7:04.49 4:39.54 4:01.58
53 Rebecca Thomas Senior Wooster 5:34.11 5:55.43 6:52.30 6:45.19 6:59.41 6:23.87 6:45.19
54 Katrina Osterman Junior Concord College 7:10.03 6:07.54 5:45.49 6:47.97 5:52.84 7:13.70 6:47.97
55 Tracey Epley Sophomore Charleston Southern 6:02.50 6:13.71 6:13.71 5:13.92 4:51.50 4:29.08 4:21.60
56 Bethann Hamer Freshman Hope 7:10.05 6:23.97 7:33.09 7:13.89 5:03.34 6:08.62 4:47.98
57 Monique Scroggins Freshman Kentucky State 8:28.29 6:34.02 5:34.92 4:39.76 7:48.89 7:05.55 5:03.40
Women's 1500 Meters Section 4
1 Andi Owens Junior Cornerstone 6:07.18 5:50.10 4:44.63
2 Darcy McDonald Senior Dickinson College 5:52.39 5:18.01 4:46.49
3 Emily Fournier Sophomore Elon 3:23.99 4:04.22 4:47.31
5 Kaylin Gilmartin-Donohue Freshman Towson 3:55.20 3:29.06 4:50.36
6 Octavia Rinehardt Freshman American 5:53.5 4:34.6 4:52.2
10 Alyssa D'Orazio Freshman Col. of Charleston 5:32.73 3:30.93 4:57.08
13 Jessi Larrison Senior Marietta 4:54.95 6:03.48 4:57.93
14 Michelle Donadio Junior Towson 4:43.22 4:22.35 4:58.12
17 Liya Kasimova Freshman Towson 3:42.21 3:36.21 5:00.28
21 Erin Stoddard Sophomore Col. of Charleston 4:26.16 4:17.09 5:02.45
29 Emily Nagle Junior Col. of Charleston 5:56.99 5:35.45 5:07.75
33 Emma Bussard Freshman UNC-Asheville 5:42.26 6:28.93 5:11.14
Women's 1500 Meters Section 5
4 Kimberly Chinn Sophomore Baldwin-Wallace 4:48.89 3:36.67 3:25.12 5:23.56
8 D'arcy Hlavin Junior Baldwin-Wallace 4:54.08 4:57.02 5:17.61 3:40.56
9 Amanda Blankenship Senior Concord College 4:55.16 5:45.34 4:37.45 3:38.42
11 Darcy Dubuc Freshman Wittenberg 4:57.81 4:45.90 6:24.18 5:48.44
15 Heather DelaCruz Freshman VCU 4:59.47 4:02.57 5:17.44 5:35.41
16 Courtney Whalen Freshman Elon 4:59.94 5:08.94 4:41.95 5:20.94
19 Mary Hamilton Junior Dickinson College 5:01.51 4:07.24 4:58.50 4:10.26
20 Randi Robertson Junior Marietta 5:02.09 4:01.68 6:11.57 3:37.51
24 Kimberly Powell Sophomore Dickinson College 5:05.8 6:19.1 6:22.2 3:52.4
32 Keli-Jo White Senior Coastal Carolina 5:09.29 6:14.24 5:55.69 5:46.41
36 Peggy Busbee Junior Coastal Carolina 5:14.01 6:07.40 6:01.12 5:35.99
40 Lauren Scholl Freshman American 5:19.35 4:47.42 5:12.97 6:55.16