March 13-14, 2009
Coastal Carolina - Conway, SC

Men's 1500 Meters

1 Rob Novak Senior Seton Hall 3:59.69 3:21.34 4:57.22 3:54.90 4:54.82 2:57.37
2 Carlos Jamieson Senior American 3:59.69 3:40.52 4:42.84 3:42.92 3:54.90 3:14.15
3 Jeff Brannigan Sophomore American 4:01.12 3:39.42 4:25.24 4:30.06 3:03.26 4:27.65
4 Nate Bowen Senior Baldwin-Wallace 4:02.49 3:18.85 3:06.72 3:23.70 3:04.30 2:49.75
5 Eric Lewandowski Senior Elon 4:04.13 3:17.75 3:44.60 4:11.46 3:05.54 3:37.28
6 Joel Hanlon Senior Radford 4:04.65 4:26.67 3:37.74 4:31.57 5:18.05 4:31.57
7 Dawit Legesse Senior Radford 4:04.71 4:29.19 4:09.61 4:31.63 4:51.21 3:35.35
8 Dan Hodson Senior Swarthmore 4:04.79 3:13.39 5:01.10 3:30.52 4:24.38 4:04.79
9 Colin Eustis   American 4:05.16 3:11.23 3:38.20 4:54.20 4:00.26 5:08.91
10 Michael Tarkoff Sophomore Dickinson College 4:06.2 3:51.4 3:51.4 3:36.6 5:10.2 3:04.6
11 Nathan Love Freshman Hope 4:06.59 3:14.81 3:17.28 5:20.57 4:55.91 3:24.67
12 Jason Baker Sophomore American 4:06.9 3:37.2 4:36.5 3:02.7 4:38.9 2:52.8
13 Josh Mickle Junior Marietta 4:07.23 3:49.93 4:24.54 5:16.46 3:00.48 4:59.15
14 Anthony Rowe   American 4:08.47 4:10.96 4:30.84 3:28.72 5:23.02 5:03.14
15 Josh Olsen Freshman American 4:09.33 3:44.40 3:09.49 4:16.81 5:21.64 3:46.89
16 Joseph Sell Junior Erskine 4:10.29 3:50.27 5:10.36 3:25.24 2:57.71 5:25.38
17 Erik Saka Senior Swarthmore 4:11.34 3:23.59 3:11.02 3:26.10 3:46.21 4:31.45
18 Richard West Freshman Seton Hall 4:11.5 3:13.6 4:08.9 4:44.1 3:41.3 3:13.6
19 James Kukat Sophomore N.C. Central 4:11.59 3:01.15 3:03.66 3:21.28 4:44.30 3:06.18
20 Jacob Shelly   American 4:11.94 3:21.56 2:58.88 4:06.91 4:09.42 5:12.41
21 Stafford McFarlane Junior Seton Hall 4:12.21 3:59.60 5:07.70 3:49.52 5:05.18 4:52.57
22 Andrew Mckeachie Freshman Hope 4:12.45 4:37.70 3:44.68 4:17.50 4:40.22 5:20.62
23 Conor O'Brien Freshman Elon 4:13.76 3:30.62 5:29.89 3:10.32 4:39.14 3:05.25
24 Jeff Bonezzi Junior Baldwin-Wallace 4:13.94 3:23.16 5:09.81 4:01.25 4:46.96 4:46.96
25 Dwight Parker Freshman Seton Hall 4:14.24 3:00.51 3:38.65 4:24.41 5:20.35 4:52.38
26 Wilson Riccardo Freshman Dickinson College 4:14.35 4:47.42 4:52.51 3:18.40 4:09.27 4:14.35
27 Thomas Wilkin Freshman Baldwin-Wallace 4:14.44 4:39.89 4:22.08 5:28.23 3:28.64 4:27.17
28 Thomas Robson Sophomore Dickinson College 4:15.31 4:45.95 3:57.44 5:21.69 3:52.34 3:29.36
29 John Sell   UNAT-Erskine 4:15.46 5:11.67 4:48.67 5:01.45 5:16.77 4:20.57
30 Tim Faugl Junior Col. of Charleston 4:16.39 3:37.94 3:27.68 3:07.17 3:27.68 5:25.62
31 Kent Rankin Freshman UNC-Asheville 4:16.65 4:08.95 5:10.55 5:00.28 3:48.42 3:38.16
32 Taylor Zorski Sophomore Elon 4:17.69 3:57.08 4:56.35 3:00.39 3:26.16 4:02.23
33 Brian Hernandez Freshman Hope 4:18.13 5:09.76 3:52.32 3:47.16 4:56.85 5:04.60
34 Terry Workman Junior Wooster 4:18.61 5:02.58 3:08.79 3:21.72 5:07.75 5:31.02
35 Micah Caunter Freshman Wooster 4:19.93 3:46.14 4:58.92 4:58.92 4:27.73 3:48.74
36 Thomas David Freshman Col. of Charleston 4:20.45 4:43.89 4:51.71 5:02.13 4:49.10 5:35.98
37 Austin Tobleman   Seton Hall 4:21.06 5:02.83 5:00.22 3:57.57 3:23.63 3:28.85
38 Jordan Bright Freshman Liberty 4:22.05 4:14.19 5:14.46 5:38.05 5:35.43 3:29.64
39 Kyle Arndt Sophomore Hope 4:22.76 5:38.96 5:31.08 5:28.45 4:17.51 3:06.56
40 Adam Schnapp Freshman UNC-Asheville 4:24.01 4:31.93 5:06.26 3:25.93 3:15.37 4:53.06
41 Sam Maynard Freshman UNC-Asheville 4:25.41 4:04.18 4:54.61 4:25.41 3:27.02 4:30.72
42 Kris Shear Sophomore Cornerstone 4:25.61 4:20.30 4:04.37 5:05.46 3:56.40 4:49.52
43 Michael Sisko Freshman Baldwin-Wallace 4:27.4 3:36.5 5:23.5 4:40.7 3:07.1 3:55.3
44 Andrew Garrison Sophomore Elon 4:27.8 5:34.7 5:13.3 4:57.2 5:16.0 3:28.8
45 Chance Ellison Junior Erskine 4:28.42 4:09.63 4:09.63 4:28.42 4:28.42 5:11.37
46 Trevor Harrison Sophomore Concord College 4:28.53 5:24.93 5:03.44 3:18.72 3:40.20 4:58.07
47 Zach Bayless Freshman Erskine 4:28.85 4:34.23 4:01.97 4:28.85 5:36.07 3:40.46
48 Morgan Hanes Freshman Westminster (Pa.) 4:29.72 4:08.15 3:24.99 5:37.15 4:21.63 4:27.03
49 Randy Horner   UNAT-Concord College 4:30.78 4:25.37 5:27.65 4:28.08 5:24.94 3:25.80
50 Patrick Nickerson Senior Seton Hall 4:31.71 4:50.73 3:31.94 3:31.94 4:01.83 4:34.43
51 Michael Cynkar Senior Wooster 4:33.67 3:41.68 4:11.78 4:47.36 3:41.68 4:28.20
52 Matt Overturf Sophomore Wittenberg 4:35.5 5:11.3 3:29.3 4:43.7 4:43.7 3:59.6
53 Charlie Huntington Freshman Swarthmore 4:36.26 4:47.31 4:55.60 4:27.98 5:20.47 4:25.21
54 Chris Wickham Freshman Swarthmore 4:38.66 4:30.30 5:06.53 4:10.80 3:17.85 4:24.73
55 Sean Bouyack Sophomore Wooster 4:41.23 6:05.60 4:15.92 5:54.35 4:52.48 5:12.17
56 Robert Abrahamson Sophomore UNC-Asheville 4:50.15 4:38.55 5:42.38 4:09.53 5:30.77 5:13.37
57 Jered Mitchem Senior Marietta 4:51.52 4:22.37 3:56.14 6:01.49 5:46.91 5:52.74
58 Josh Billman Freshman Marietta 5:10.99 3:40.81 4:55.44 3:59.47 3:37.70 6:28.74
Men's 1500 Meters Section 1
10 Michael Tarkoff Sophomore Dickinson College 3:31.7 3:02.1 3:51.4 4:06.2 2:52.3
16 Joseph Sell Junior Erskine 4:12.80 3:22.74 3:57.78 4:10.29 4:05.29
23 Conor O'Brien Freshman Elon 3:23.01 4:31.53 3:00.17 4:13.76 2:57.64
27 Thomas Wilkin Freshman Baldwin-Wallace 4:01.72 4:57.70 3:43.91 4:14.44 3:49.00
29 John Sell   UNAT-Erskine 3:47.36 5:26.99 3:47.36 4:15.46 5:29.55
30 Tim Faugl Junior Col. of Charleston 5:15.36 4:34.34 5:12.80 4:16.39 3:55.88
32 Taylor Zorski Sophomore Elon 4:17.69 3:18.43 4:51.19 4:17.69 5:04.08
38 Jordan Bright Freshman Liberty 4:37.78 3:42.75 3:24.40 4:22.05 4:06.33
40 Adam Schnapp Freshman UNC-Asheville 4:16.09 3:07.45 3:41.77 4:24.01 3:36.49
45 Chance Ellison Junior Erskine 4:39.16 4:52.58 5:03.32 4:28.42 5:11.37
47 Zach Bayless Freshman Erskine 4:10.03 4:04.66 5:22.62 4:28.85 3:45.84
49 Randy Horner   UNAT-Concord College 4:44.32 3:50.17 4:33.49 4:30.78 4:49.74
Men's 1500 Meters Section 2
18 Richard West Freshman Seton Hall 4:11.5
22 Andrew Mckeachie Freshman Hope 4:12.45
28 Thomas Robson Sophomore Dickinson College 4:15.31
35 Micah Caunter Freshman Wooster 4:19.93
36 Thomas David Freshman Col. of Charleston 4:20.45
37 Austin Tobleman   Seton Hall 4:21.06
39 Kyle Arndt Sophomore Hope 4:22.76
43 Michael Sisko Freshman Baldwin-Wallace 4:27.4
44 Andrew Garrison Sophomore Elon 4:27.8
48 Morgan Hanes Freshman Westminster (Pa.) 4:29.72
51 Michael Cynkar Senior Wooster 4:33.67
Men's 1500 Meters Section 3
21 Stafford McFarlane Junior Seton Hall 4:12.21 5:07.70 4:32.39
26 Wilson Riccardo Freshman Dickinson College 4:14.35 4:32.16 3:38.74
42 Kris Shear Sophomore Cornerstone 4:25.61 4:25.61 4:41.55
46 Trevor Harrison Sophomore Concord College 4:28.53 3:48.25 3:53.63
50 Patrick Nickerson Senior Seton Hall 4:31.71 4:07.26 4:26.28
52 Matt Overturf Sophomore Wittenberg 4:35.5 3:37.6 5:25.0
53 Charlie Huntington Freshman Swarthmore 4:36.26 5:14.94 5:03.89
54 Chris Wickham Freshman Swarthmore 4:38.66 4:10.80 5:37.18
55 Sean Bouyack Sophomore Wooster 4:41.23 5:54.35 5:40.29
56 Robert Abrahamson Sophomore UNC-Asheville 4:50.15 5:51.09 4:58.86
57 Jered Mitchem Senior Marietta 4:51.52 6:04.40 5:17.76
58 Josh Billman Freshman Marietta 5:10.99 4:15.02 5:45.20
Men's 1500 Meters Section 4
1 Rob Novak Senior Seton Hall 4:59.62 3:59.69
2 Carlos Jamieson Senior American 3:06.96 3:59.69
3 Jeff Brannigan Sophomore American 4:27.65 4:01.12
4 Nate Bowen Senior Baldwin-Wallace 3:43.09 4:02.49
6 Joel Hanlon Senior Radford 3:10.83 4:04.65
9 Colin Eustis   American 5:06.45 4:05.16
12 Jason Baker Sophomore American 3:49.6 4:06.9
14 Anthony Rowe   American 3:11.33 4:08.47
15 Josh Olsen Freshman American 3:34.43 4:09.33
19 James Kukat Sophomore N.C. Central 2:58.63 4:11.59
20 Jacob Shelly   American 3:24.08 4:11.94
41 Sam Maynard Freshman UNC-Asheville 3:42.95 4:25.41
Men's 1500 Meters Section 5
5 Eric Lewandowski Senior Elon 4:04.13 5:17.37
7 Dawit Legesse Senior Radford 4:04.71 4:36.53
8 Dan Hodson Senior Swarthmore 4:04.79 3:57.45
11 Nathan Love Freshman Hope 4:06.59 4:55.91
13 Josh Mickle Junior Marietta 4:07.23 5:21.40
17 Erik Saka Senior Swarthmore 4:11.34 5:24.23
24 Jeff Bonezzi Junior Baldwin-Wallace 4:13.94 4:08.87
25 Dwight Parker Freshman Seton Hall 4:14.24 4:26.96
31 Kent Rankin Freshman UNC-Asheville 4:16.65 3:45.86
33 Brian Hernandez Freshman Hope 4:18.13 3:47.16
34 Terry Workman Junior Wooster 4:18.61 3:26.89