March 31-April 3, 2010
Texas-Mike A. Myers Stadium - Austin, TX

Women's Sprint Medley Relay High School

1 Klein Collins Amber Goodson, Melinda Johnson, Nefeteria Hall, Kylie Cullinan 5:08.1 3:39.7 3:58.9 4:51.4 3:56.5
2 Killeen Harker Heights Greta Smith, Aliayah McDonald, Melissa Mays, Aliese Hyde 3:05.18 3:41.25 4:00.49 2:55.56 2:57.97
3 Fort Bend Marshall Jazmine Armstrong, May Dozier, myranda hearn, Briyanni Thomas 3:10.80 3:34.96 4:01.52 5:04.32 3:49.45
4 Conroe The Woodlands Jonelle Cathey-Harper, Tess Howard, Justine Charbonnet, Collen Murray 4:43.52 4:48.36 4:02.32 3:55.05 3:57.48
5 La Porte Hannah Smith, Montrell Freeman, Consuela Lindsey, Imani Mark 3:21.77 2:57.46 4:03.09 4:32.26 4:46.85
6 Katy Cinco Ranch Allison Pettit, Stephanie Sparkman, Jennifer VanOVerdam, Kelsey Miller 4:44.65 2:55.17 4:03.29 4:56.82 3:00.04
7 DeSoto Ariel Cain, Chrishuna Williams, Kierra Hamilton, Tia Gamble 3:46.7 5:12.0 4:03.8 4:06.2 3:05.2
8 Kingwood Park Jamie Luis, Brooke Harper, Mariam Amadu, Zahri Jackson 4:16.03 4:30.66 4:03.83 5:16.98 3:44.33
9 Lancaster Ke'Andrea Wilson, Eboni Coby, Taneka Henderson, Ameesha Washington 4:14.06 2:58.33 4:04.28 3:00.77 4:06.73
10 Houston Westside Rushell Harvey, Bria Robinson, Daranesha Herron, Diamond Dixon 4:22.2 3:37.7 4:07.4 3:45.1 3:50.0
11 Houston Cypress Creek Krystal Brown, Zoe Wright, Diana Harper, Leslie Schilsky 2:58.15 4:42.06 4:07.42 2:53.20 4:34.64
12 Houston Lamar Kalvinika Lockhart, Chisom Ejekam, Myorca Young, Bria Guerin 4:33.26 4:20.83 4:08.41 2:58.86 5:08.03
13 Dallas Skyline Britje Montgomery, Kearra Haynes, Takia Taylor, LaTrice Brooks 3:15.70 5:04.98 4:14.15 5:12.61 4:47.19
14 McKinney Boyd Danielle Clark, Victoria Haynes, Brianna Ballard, Natasha Richardson 5:14.43 3:34.73 4:15.63 3:34.73 4:43.75
15 Dallas Highland Park Haley McCollum, Kelly Nash, Kelsey Bass, Madeline Crank 3:10.86 4:15.33 4:17.91 5:17.23 4:46.28
16 Lufkin Amber Sellers, Keyana Penson, Jasmine Taylor, Olivia McKinney 5:00.22 4:10.62 4:21.06 3:15.80 4:23.67
17 Killeen Ellison Brittany Harris, Stephanie White, Kenya King, Toi Taylor 5:08.07 3:02.75 4:21.07 5:13.29 4:52.40
Women's Sprint Medley Relay High School Section 1
3 Fort Bend Marshall Armstrong, Dozier, hearn, Thomas 3:56.69 4:01.52 4:13.60 3:54.28 4:30.51
6 Katy Cinco Ranch Pettit, Sparkman, VanOVerdam, Miller 4:51.95 4:03.29 3:09.77 4:05.73 3:29.23
8 Kingwood Park Luis, Harper, Amadu, Jackson 3:37.01 4:03.83 2:53.12 4:30.66 3:37.01
10 Houston Westside Harvey, Robinson, Herron, Dixon 4:34.6 4:07.4 3:35.2 3:22.8 3:05.5
12 Houston Lamar Lockhart, Ejekam, Young, Guerin 4:33.26 4:08.41 3:01.34 3:21.22 4:45.68
14 McKinney Boyd Clark, Haynes, Ballard, Richardson 3:32.18 4:15.63 5:27.21 4:00.30 4:07.97
15 Dallas Highland Park McCollum, Nash, Bass, Crank 3:44.39 4:17.91 4:20.49 4:56.60 5:35.29
17 Killeen Ellison Harris, White, King, Taylor 5:02.85 4:21.07 3:05.36 5:23.73 4:05.41
Women's Sprint Medley Relay High School Section 2
1 Klein Collins Goodson, Johnson, Hall, Cullinan 4:27.5 4:08.4 3:58.9
2 Killeen Harker Heights Smith, McDonald, Mays, Hyde 3:55.68 3:17.21 4:00.49
4 Conroe The Woodlands Cathey-Harper, Howard, Charbonnet, Murray 4:48.36 4:58.06 4:02.32
5 La Porte Smith, Freeman, Lindsey, Mark 5:08.73 4:32.26 4:03.09
7 DeSoto Cain, Williams, Hamilton, Gamble 4:54.9 4:25.7 4:03.8
9 Lancaster Wilson, Coby, Henderson, Washington 4:55.58 3:44.74 4:04.28
11 Houston Cypress Creek Brown, Wright, Harper, Schilsky 3:57.53 4:14.85 4:07.42
13 Dallas Skyline Montgomery, Haynes, Taylor, Brooks 3:38.57 4:21.78 4:14.15
16 Lufkin Sellers, Penson, Taylor, McKinney 4:49.78 4:00.18 4:21.06