February 12, 2005
Washington-Dempsey Indoor - Seattle, WA
307m (Flat)

Men's 3000 Meters

1 Brett Schoolmeester Junior Colorado 8:56.95 5:49.98 7:59.42 6:57.10
2 Forest Braden Junior Boise State 7:36.36 9:46.06 8:00.37 10:10.07
3 Velibor Radejovic Junior Arizona State 9:39.69 8:46.55 8:03.07 7:43.75
4 Mike Nielson Senior Utah State 10:14.44 7:10.59 8:03.81 9:21.22
5 Aaron Aguayo Sophomore Arizona State 9:55.84 5:53.63 8:04.42 9:21.93
6 Stephen Pifer Sophomore Colorado 7:41.6 6:53.0 8:05.9 6:14.1
7 Giliat Ghebray Sophomore California 8:40.47 10:27.49 8:06.42 9:29.12
8 Matt Johnston   Valley Royals Track Club 8:50.37 8:01.71 8:06.57 6:09.80
9 Joe Thorne Junior Texas 7:08.7 9:44.6 8:07.2 9:00.7
10 Trevor O'Brien   Pacific Athletics 7:23.49 7:08.87 8:07.35 6:34.76
11 Richard Mosley Senior Simon Fraser 9:54.73 7:28.49 8:07.48 10:23.98
12 Erik Stanley Freshman Texas 7:48.36 7:19.09 8:07.87 6:35.18
13 Andy Fader Senior Washington 6:03.41 9:34.58 8:11.09 7:36.72
14 David Kinsella Freshman Portland 7:02.87 6:23.54 8:11.71 7:07.79
15 Chuck McKenzie Sophomore Portland 8:22.3 5:44.7 8:12.5 9:01.7
16 Pete Janson Sophomore Colorado 6:31.86 9:40.35 8:16.02 6:26.90
17 David Pomies Sophomore Oklahoma State 9:35.67 7:56.41 8:16.26 9:35.67
18 Michael Kilburg Sophomore Portland 6:57.20 8:36.53 8:16.66 7:22.03
19 Kevin Davis Junior California 10:06.62 9:11.93 8:17.23 10:26.51
20 Josh Muxen   Nike Farm Team 6:57.75 7:12.67 8:17.32 5:58.07
21 Tony Young   Club Northwest 10:17.14 6:38.16 8:17.69 6:18.25
22 Bruno Mazzotta   Unattached 7:13.05 7:57.84 8:17.75 9:12.51
23 Tim Keller Senior Wisconsin 9:58.88 10:38.80 8:19.06 10:23.83
24 Andrew Jones Sophomore Washington State 6:55.28 8:45.35 8:20.33 10:15.41
25 Jeffrey Gosselin Junior Air Force 6:40.60 8:35.78 8:20.75 6:15.57
26 James Strang Freshman Colorado 6:35.83 7:35.95 8:21.04 8:56.12
27 Joe Gray Sophomore Oklahoma State 7:31.58 8:36.81 8:21.75 10:27.19
28 Brian Ehlis Sophomore Oklahoma State 9:27.02 10:32.25 8:21.78 8:16.77
29 Nicholas Walker Senior U. of Victoria 8:57.78 9:07.83 8:22.59 8:17.57
30 Jon Von Letscher Senior Texas 10:08.42 9:38.25 8:22.82 7:52.65
31 Jason Beck Sophomore Air Force 7:57.87 6:32.36 8:23.02 10:43.87
32 Chris Concha Sophomore Washington State 7:08.3 7:03.2 8:23.9 9:59.6
33 Jeff Cutrer Junior Texas 8:14.80 10:00.82 8:24.89 6:03.52
34 Nick Schuetze Senior Portland 9:45.73 9:05.34 8:24.94 9:40.68
35 Steven Murenbeeld   U. of Victoria 9:01.38 6:19.47 8:25.96 7:20.19
36 Charles Hampton Freshman Texas 7:40.94 10:28.09 8:26.52 10:38.22
37 Steve Strickland Freshman Utah State 7:11.20 7:11.20 8:27.29 8:47.59
38 Jesse Fayant Sophomore U-Washington 10:39.9 9:49.1 8:27.9 7:47.2
39 Alejandro Ruiz Freshman Oklahoma State 10:19.86 9:49.38 8:28.08 10:09.70
40 Wolhan Ovalle Sophomore Long Beach St. 8:43.94 11:01.29 8:28.68 6:41.86
41 Joshua Ludwig Senior Arizona 8:39.51 6:16.90 8:29.32 6:52.55
42 Ryan Freimuth Junior Washington State 10:03.29 8:51.71 8:31.26 9:37.73
43 Chris Williams Sophomore Washington State 9:58.27 10:49.41 8:31.34 7:55.55
44 Dale Engler Senior Idaho 10:14.66 7:20.50 8:32.21 8:16.85
45 Matt Owen Sophomore Washington 8:32.9 9:49.8 8:32.9 6:24.6
45 Alex Grant Sophomore Washington State 10:15.4 7:46.7 8:32.9 8:32.9
47 Matt Sheeks Sophomore U-Portland 7:52.3 10:31.4 8:33.4 10:26.3
48 Kris Swanson Senior U. of Victoria 10:41.93 10:41.93 8:33.54 9:04.36
49 Kevin Krohn Freshman Portland 9:25.61 10:17.03 8:34.19 6:10.22
50 Anthony D'Amato Junior Air Force 8:03.40 9:51.39 8:34.25 7:11.97
51 Chris Olinger Senior Portland 7:27.51 10:53.25 8:34.37 9:41.24
52 Kyle Smits   Club Northwest 8:30.33 7:33.63 8:35.48 9:01.26
53 Hayden Prosser Sophomore Simon Fraser 7:59.75 9:06.82 8:35.86 9:17.13
54 Chris Ogle   Arizona 8:31.15 11:00.88 8:36.31 7:03.38
55 Daniel Estrella Junior Long Beach St. 9:49.82 10:31.21 8:37.38 7:04.26
56 Jason Holt Freshman Utah State 8:27. 9:50. 8:38. 6:28.
57 Woody Favinger Freshman Washington State 10:18.03 10:28.42 8:39.35 7:11.06
58 Trevor Coolidge Junior Portland 10:50.07 6:41.67 8:48.51 9:09.65
59 Ryan Weber Senior Simon Fraser 10:14.47 6:10.80 8:49.71 8:12.63
0 Brian Gosnell Freshman Oklahoma State NT NT NT NT
0 Josh Spiker Senior Wisconsin NT NT NT NT
0 Chris Jacobson Sophomore Portland NT NT NT NT
Men's 3000 Meters Section 1
1 Brett Schoolmeester Junior Colorado 7:59.42 8:56.95
2 Forest Braden Junior Boise State 8:00.37 8:24.39
3 Velibor Radejovic Junior Arizona State 8:03.07 8:41.72
4 Mike Nielson Senior Utah State 8:03.81 9:40.58
5 Aaron Aguayo Sophomore Arizona State 8:04.42 5:53.63
6 Stephen Pifer Sophomore Colorado 8:05.9 7:51.3
7 Giliat Ghebray Sophomore California 8:06.42 9:48.57
8 Matt Johnston   Valley Royals Track Club 8:06.57 5:50.33
9 Joe Thorne Junior Texas 8:07.2 9:59.2
10 Trevor O'Brien   Pacific Athletics 8:07.35 8:26.85
11 Richard Mosley Senior Simon Fraser 8:07.48 7:33.36
12 Erik Stanley Freshman Texas 8:07.87 6:10.79
13 Andy Fader Senior Washington 8:11.09 9:29.67
14 David Kinsella Freshman Portland 8:11.71 8:31.38
20 Josh Muxen   Nike Farm Team 8:17.32 7:07.70
22 Bruno Mazzotta   Unattached 8:17.75 8:32.69
23 Tim Keller Senior Wisconsin 8:19.06 6:29.27
27 Joe Gray Sophomore Oklahoma State 8:21.75 8:16.74
38 Jesse Fayant Sophomore U-Washington 8:27.9 9:13.6
0 Josh Spiker Senior Wisconsin NT NT
Men's 3000 Meters Section 2
15 Chuck McKenzie Sophomore Portland 7:03.5 8:51.9 8:12.5 6:58.6 7:33.1
16 Pete Janson Sophomore Colorado 7:11.54 9:50.27 8:16.02 9:50.27 6:07.06
17 David Pomies Sophomore Oklahoma State 9:15.82 6:27.09 8:16.26 8:31.15 8:21.23
18 Michael Kilburg Sophomore Portland 9:46.06 10:40.70 8:16.66 7:27.00 7:41.90
19 Kevin Davis Junior California 6:37.79 10:46.40 8:17.23 7:57.34 7:47.40
21 Tony Young   Club Northwest 9:02.49 10:32.07 8:17.69 10:42.02 7:22.95
24 Andrew Jones Sophomore Washington State 7:45.31 8:50.35 8:20.33 9:20.37 8:25.34
25 Jeffrey Gosselin Junior Air Force 6:10.56 8:55.81 8:20.75 8:00.72 8:40.78
28 Brian Ehlis Sophomore Oklahoma State 9:27.02 7:51.68 8:21.78 9:27.02 8:21.78
29 Nicholas Walker Senior U. of Victoria 8:42.70 8:02.49 8:22.59 9:43.01 10:53.37
30 Jon Von Letscher Senior Texas 10:23.50 5:57.01 8:22.82 6:27.18 9:03.05
32 Chris Concha Sophomore Washington State 6:17.9 7:23.4 8:23.9 8:03.7 10:19.7
34 Nick Schuetze Senior Portland 6:03.56 10:05.93 8:24.94 7:44.55 7:44.55
39 Alejandro Ruiz Freshman Oklahoma State 6:41.39 8:28.08 8:28.08 7:32.20 10:55.43
41 Joshua Ludwig Senior Arizona 11:02.12 10:01.00 8:29.32 7:07.83 9:15.16
42 Ryan Freimuth Junior Washington State 6:59.24 6:38.79 8:31.26 6:13.22 8:26.15
44 Dale Engler Senior Idaho 10:40.27 9:49.05 8:32.21 9:43.92 9:49.05
45 Alex Grant Sophomore Washington State 11:06.7 8:43.1 8:32.9 6:24.6 9:08.8
59 Ryan Weber Senior Simon Fraser 11:28.63 10:30.36 8:49.71 8:28.53 6:58.47
Men's 3000 Meters Section 3
26 James Strang Freshman Colorado 7:25.93 9:51.23 8:21.04 6:10.77 8:06.01 7:35.95
31 Jason Beck Sophomore Air Force 8:53.21 9:38.48 8:23.02 6:47.45 10:18.72 7:57.87
33 Jeff Cutrer Junior Texas 10:46.26 9:25.48 8:24.89 10:26.07 6:03.52 9:05.29
35 Steven Murenbeeld   U. of Victoria 8:51.26 10:42.57 8:25.96 10:27.39 9:36.80 9:46.92
36 Charles Hampton Freshman Texas 9:22.24 8:06.26 8:26.52 6:55.35 6:09.76 7:56.13
37 Steve Strickland Freshman Utah State 9:58.61 7:01.05 8:27.29 8:42.51 10:59.48 5:55.11
40 Wolhan Ovalle Sophomore Long Beach St. 6:46.95 7:37.82 8:28.68 10:56.20 9:14.47 6:16.43
43 Chris Williams Sophomore Washington State 8:36.46 8:36.46 8:31.34 10:28.95 6:38.85 7:45.32
45 Matt Owen Sophomore Washington 8:22.6 6:50.3 8:32.9 9:49.8 6:50.3 6:40.0
47 Matt Sheeks Sophomore U-Portland 9:19.6 6:04.5 8:33.4 10:46.8 9:40.1 5:59.3
48 Kris Swanson Senior U. of Victoria 8:33.54 6:35.43 8:33.54 5:59.48 7:31.92 6:20.02
49 Kevin Krohn Freshman Portland 11:08.45 10:11.89 8:34.19 6:20.50 6:30.79 7:42.78
50 Anthony D'Amato Junior Air Force 9:10.25 6:51.40 8:34.25 8:44.54 9:15.39 6:56.55
51 Chris Olinger Senior Portland 10:17.25 11:03.54 8:34.37 6:00.06 6:20.64 8:34.37
52 Kyle Smits   Club Northwest 8:25.17 10:23.73 8:35.48 7:43.94 7:07.85 9:16.72
53 Hayden Prosser Sophomore Simon Fraser 6:26.90 8:04.91 8:35.86 6:47.53 8:41.02 8:51.34
54 Chris Ogle   Arizona 9:12.46 6:16.91 8:36.31 10:09.25 9:12.46 8:25.99
55 Daniel Estrella Junior Long Beach St. 7:09.43 7:35.30 8:37.38 7:40.47 9:34.30 6:59.08
56 Jason Holt Freshman Utah State 7:15. 7:41. 8:38. 6:23. 10:31. 9:14.
57 Woody Favinger Freshman Washington State 9:20.90 6:39.90 8:39.35 9:36.48 7:37.03 6:03.55
58 Trevor Coolidge Junior Portland 9:51.94 6:31.10 8:48.51 9:04.37 8:16.80 6:09.96
0 Brian Gosnell Freshman Oklahoma State NT NT NT NT NT NT
0 Chris Jacobson Sophomore Portland NT NT NT NT NT NT