February 9-11, 2012
Iowa State-Leid Rec Center - Ames, IA
300m (Flat)

Women's Distance Medley Relay

1 Nebraska A Ashley Miller, Mara Weekes, Brooke Dinsdale, Jessica Furlan 8:06.28 11:22.14 11:15.38 13:57.48 10:28.11 12:56.69
2 U-Mary A Melissa Agnew, Rikki Schmidt, Nocona Frame, Dakota Wolf 14:50.46 11:56.54 11:35.67 10:46.98 15:04.38 14:22.63
3 SMU A Mary Alenbratt, Kajsa Barr, Craishia Washington, Kristine Eikrem-Engeset 14:21.84 8:45.51 11:40.68 8:45.51 14:14.83 9:41.57
4 Augustana (S.D.) A Kyle Blakeslee, Colleen Everson, Molly Kokesh, Runa Falch 10:51.44 8:58.14 11:48.08 9:26.47 12:37.65 12:44.73
5 North Texas A Sara Dietz, Jamila Cartwright, Josephine Adams, Ingrid Mollenkopf 9:32.57 15:01.80 11:55.71 9:32.57 12:02.87 13:28.76
6 Bradley A Molly Dahlquist, Hannah Booker, Emily Delvo, Kyela Specht 15:41.28 15:12.32 12:04.06 11:42.34 13:16.47 15:12.32
7 Wartburg A Karly Cochrane, Kaly Adkins, Emily Eimers 9:39.62 9:32.37 12:04.52 11:28.30 10:08.60 12:19.01
8 Wisconsin A Rachel McNally, Carrie Edmunds, Megan Beers, Dani Fischer 12:35.51 13:48.16 12:06.45 12:28.25 11:37.40 11:22.87
9 South Dakota A Ashleigh Giese, Amber Ewers, Kristie Mullen, Carol Miller 12:36.73 14:34.29 12:14.69 12:00.00 14:34.29 15:11.02
10 Southern Illinois A 12:53.16 12:16.34 12:16.34 10:33.26 13:07.89 11:46.89
11 SIU-Edwardsville A Veronica Citireag, Hilary Conrad, Debonie Lofton, Aftan Noon 15:47.91 9:45.04 12:20.55 14:48.66 10:51.69 10:44.28
12 Kansas State A Laura Galvan, Edina Brooks, Laura Lee Baird, Erika Schiller 15:05.37 13:28.10 12:28.24 16:05.23 16:05.23 13:35.59
13 Drake A Celia Venezia, Jessica Mathes, Kirsten Lake, Melissa Parks 10:55.35 10:47.82 12:33.27 12:33.27 10:17.69 15:34.06
14 Southwest Baptist A Krenda McClure, Katie Dusenberg, Mandy Brady, Alexis Lindemann 13:25.23 13:40.43 12:39.65 9:52.53 15:49.57 13:32.83
15 Univ of Manitoba A Alex Bell, Jacky Phalen, Nicole Dubois, Alice Sherwin 15:51.94 10:39.71 12:41.55 11:33.01 16:30.02 11:48.25
16 Drake
B Cammy Dole, Tiara Winston, Allie Heifner, Krista McGuire 13:34.30 14:36.94 13:02.98 13:42.13 13:42.13 9:39.41
17 Graceland A Alice Ross, Jaymie Willis, Marriah Willis, Jami Ruckman 13:37.01 9:28.71 13:20.99 9:52.74 14:09.05 11:44.88
Women's Distance Medley Relay Section 1
9 South Dakota Giese, Ewers, Mullen, Miller 12:14.69
10 Southern Illinois 12:16.34
11 SIU-Edwardsville Citireag, Conrad, Lofton, Noon 12:20.55
13 Drake Venezia, Mathes, Lake, Parks 12:33.27
14 Southwest Baptist McClure, Dusenberg, Brady, Lindemann 12:39.65
15 Univ of Manitoba Bell, Phalen, Dubois, Sherwin 12:41.55
16 Drake
Dole, Winston, Heifner, McGuire 13:02.98
17 Graceland Ross, Willis, Willis, Ruckman 13:20.99
Women's Distance Medley Relay Section 2
1 Nebraska Miller, Weekes, Dinsdale, Furlan 11:01.88 13:30.46 8:19.79 8:40.05 11:15.38 13:10.20 10:55.12
2 U-Mary Agnew, Schmidt, Frame, Wolf 14:22.63 10:53.93 8:41.76 14:08.72 11:35.67 9:09.58 11:14.80
3 SMU Alenbratt, Barr, Washington, Eikrem-Engeset 8:17.49 14:21.84 11:05.65 8:52.52 11:40.68 13:32.79 12:57.76
4 Augustana (S.D.) Blakeslee, Everson, Kokesh, Falch 13:55.54 11:26.84 8:51.06 8:43.98 11:48.08 11:26.84 8:22.74
5 North Texas Dietz, Cartwright, Adams, Mollenkopf 10:08.36 14:40.33 12:52.97 14:40.33 11:55.71 10:44.14 10:22.67
6 Bradley Dahlquist, Booker, Delvo, Specht 13:16.47 12:47.51 11:42.34 10:44.42 12:04.06 13:52.67 15:12.32
7 Wartburg Cochrane, Adkins, Eimers 13:16.98 9:25.13 10:30.34 15:05.65 12:04.52 15:41.88 13:31.47
8 Wisconsin McNally, Edmunds, Beers, Fischer 13:11.83 10:53.81 15:15.33 14:39.01 12:06.45 13:48.16 10:46.54
12 Kansas State Galvan, Brooks, Baird, Schiller 15:12.86 15:12.86 11:35.87 14:35.44 12:28.24 11:20.90 10:13.56