March 29-30, 2013
Richmond - Richmond, VA

Women's 4 x 400 Relay

1 VCU A Kiara Porter, Niaimani Aduma, Nicole Grasty, Amethyst Polk 3:45.24 3:58.76
2 Duquesne A Nicole Cherok, Abby O'Connell, Shannon Abraham, Anna Simone 3:46.77 4:54.81
4 Richmond A Mary Allen, Jade Gregory, Amber Young, Alexis Williams 3:50.74 2:50.75
5 Virginia State A Alicia Terry, Cherish Richardson, Taylor-Ashle Bean, Shannon Lewis 3:53.56 3:16.19
6 Shippensburg A Briana Fells, Megan Lundy, Monique Clemons, Lauren Ellsworth 3:54.17 4:38.67
7 Hampton
B Tyra Cooper, Ashley Armand, Casaundra Bouldin, Maya Moore 3:56.44 3:28.07
8 Rutgers A Rachel Leeke, Christina Dibernardo, Jillian Grant, Eleanor Clark 3:57.25 3:26.41
9 Kutztown A Iris Burch, Maria Borland, Mikaila White, Stephanie Borland 3:58.49 3:15.57
10 William and Mary A Shelby Feliciano, Sarah Katz, Grayson Llerandi, Claire Tito 3:59.33 3:52.15
11 St. Francis (N.Y.) A Kristal Williams, Taia Thomas, Jetiea Williams, Mary Gallagher 3:59.98 4:31.18
12 Wagner A Kayleigh Macchirole, Morgan Kaisershot, Brittany Martin, Emily Pereira 4:03.67 5:02.15
13 Concord A Casey Ord, Demi Kirk, Donnie Kirk, Rachel Williams 4:06.79 3:22.37
14 Lock Haven A Jordan Ball, Wynnie Green, Brittany Whitmer, Fallon Heddings 4:09.01 2:59.29
15 Virginia Union A Johniqua Porter, G'Ana Robinson, Brinae Robinson, S'Kaylah Woods 4:12.31 4:47.64
16 Prince George's CC A Terika Lathern, Adaobi Mgbodille, Stephanie Nickerson, Stephanie Linton 4:12.34 4:27.48
17 Kutztown
B Danielle Chaney, Caleigh Coates, Evan Dangerfield, Brandy Nice 4:14.89 4:17.44
18 Lock Haven
B Megan Borigo, Alyssa Wherry, Elizabeth Brennan, Samantha Lane 4:16.36 4:34.31
19 Concord
B Ashleigh Taylor, Micalyn Miller, Bethany Carroll, Lindsey Sanson 4:27.37 5:28.87
20 Virginia State
B Deanna Thomas, Alexis Coleman, Shani Francklin, Tykwees Bice 4:28.8 4:07.2
21 Prince George's CC
B Nakira Cox, Gabriella Perez, Nyiesha Thorne, Robin Williamson 4:42.7 5:33.5
Women's 4 x 400 Relay Section 1
1 VCU Porter, Aduma, Grasty, Polk 3:22.72 3:45.24
2 Duquesne Cherok, O'Connell, Abraham, Simone 2:54.62 3:46.77
4 Richmond Allen, Gregory, Young, Williams 2:43.83 3:50.74
7 Hampton
Cooper, Armand, Bouldin, Moore 4:57.92 3:56.44
8 Rutgers Leeke, Dibernardo, Grant, Clark 4:56.57 3:57.25
10 William and Mary Feliciano, Katz, Llerandi, Tito 3:28.22 3:59.33
Women's 4 x 400 Relay Section 2
5 Virginia State Terry, Richardson, Bean, Lewis 3:53.56 3:44.22
6 Shippensburg Fells, Lundy, Clemons, Ellsworth 3:54.17 4:45.69
9 Kutztown Burch, Borland, White, Borland 3:58.49 3:44.18
11 St. Francis (N.Y.) Williams, Thomas, Williams, Gallagher 3:59.98 4:50.38
12 Wagner Macchirole, Kaisershot, Martin, Pereira 4:03.67 4:47.53
13 Concord Ord, Kirk, Kirk, Williams 4:06.79 2:55.22
14 Lock Haven Ball, Green, Whitmer, Heddings 4:09.01 4:56.33
20 Virginia State
Thomas, Coleman, Francklin, Bice 4:28.8 3:21.6
Women's 4 x 400 Relay Section 3
15 Virginia Union Porter, Robinson, Robinson, Woods 5:05.30 3:31.94 3:19.33 4:12.31 3:36.99
16 Prince George's CC Lathern, Mgbodille, Nickerson, Linton 3:01.69 4:12.34 4:52.72 4:12.34 5:17.95
17 Kutztown
Chaney, Coates, Dangerfield, Nice 3:29.01 4:58.23 4:53.13 4:14.89 3:21.37
18 Lock Haven
Borigo, Wherry, Brennan, Lane 4:18.93 4:26.62 4:18.93 4:16.36 3:35.35
19 Concord
Taylor, Miller, Carroll, Sanson 5:39.56 3:07.16 5:18.17 4:27.37 5:28.87
21 Prince George's CC
Cox, Perez, Thorne, Williamson 4:17.2 6:01.8 5:56.2 4:42.7 4:00.2