March 29-30, 2013
NC State - Raleigh, NC

Men's 4 x 400 Relay

1 G.W.Express/Nike A Josh Scott, Jamaal Torrance, Jason Boyd, Michael Bingham 3:55.79 3:05.66
2 St. Augustine's A Elhadji Mbow, Burkheart Ellis Jr., Jameel Walcott, Josh Edmonds 3:50.68 3:07.54
3 Delaware State A Ryan Carter, Tyquan Brown, Bryan Pointer, Stephen Bowe 2:18.18 3:09.28
4 Loyola (Ill.) A Bay Abbott, Mike Wetzel, Jake Mazanke, Kevin Glastetter 3:24.55 3:11.16
5 So. Conn. St. A Jimm Guerrier, Logan Sharpe, Twayne Forth, Selasi Lumax 3:13.14 3:11.22
6 North Carolina A Sean Sutton, Reynaldo Radlin, O'Neal Wanliss, Clayton Parros 2:56.57 3:11.92
7 The Executives Track Club A Chris Harrison, Alvin Miles, Mychael Fabio, Randy Curry 2:16.85 3:12.74
8 South Carolina
B Nigel Redic, Jonathan Russell, Chris Maxwell, Andre Carter 2:55.42 3:12.76
9 North Carolina St. A Daniel Fretz, Austin Jackson, Kevin Permenter, Brian Davis 2:14.94 3:12.77
10 Morgan State A Aaron Covington, Rolando Reid, Brandon Hairston, Evan Johnson 3:23.64 3:13.94
11 George Mason A Adrian Vaughn, Anthony Williams, David Verburg, DaQuan Smalls 2:25.69 3:14.25
12 South Carolina A Eric Winfrey, Jermaine Collier, Dondre Echols, Chris Walker 2:55.40 3:14.89
13 Knight elite A Henry Kiedy, Marcell Johnson, Bernard Freeman, Maquavious Johnson 2:36.36 3:15.44
14 North Carolina
C Rilwan Alowonle, Taylor Vippolis, Gratton Fisher, Devon Carter 3:56.84 3:15.73
15 Penn A Allante Keels, Drew Magaha, Mato Bekelja, Tom Timmins 3:12.82 3:16.75
16 LIU Brooklyn A Mica-Jonatha Petit-Homme, Brendon Rodney, Nickolei Mahlung, Alistar McLean 2:21.68 3:16.77
17 N. Carolina A&T A Keenan Smith, Darius Bogertey, Christian Harrison, Ashanti Felder 3:50.68 3:17.16
18 Wheeling Jesuit A Michel Krempin, Brennan Comfort, Mike Little, Brandon McKinley 2:41.70 3:17.19
19 Delaware State
B Alpha Mansaray, Kevaughn Laviea, Terrell Oliver, Charles Wulff-Cochrane 2:41.77 3:17.28
20 Wingate A Cole Henderson, Omar Ray, James Robinson, Corey Silvestri 2:20.55 3:17.95
21 Indiana (Pa.) A Troy Zangaro, Jared Long, Stephen Deak, Joe Lynch 3:43.72 3:17.98
22 St. Augustine's
B Torion Bailey, JaQuan Demiel, John King Jr., Kevin Sainvil 2:50.85 3:18.66
23 Lake Superior State A Coleson Wrege, Justin Balczak, Ben Monroe, Oshane Thomas 2:36.96 3:18.68
24 Lake Erie A Ethan Snyder, Ira George, Shavon Thompson, Keith Hemphill 2:31.29 3:19.06
25 Loyola (Ill.)
B Ned Brady, Ryan Van Portfliet, Peter Archibald, Kyle Johnson 3:41.05 3:19.14
26 East Tenn. St. A Diego Lawrence, Ryan Jones, Desmond Pierce, Rashad Campbell 3:39.19 3:19.26
27 USC Upstate A Tracy Fisher, Cameron Thomas, Carlton White, Matt Johnson 2:27.91 3:19.87
28 Michigan State A Keenan Michael, Jibril Mims, Aaron Hendricks, Jacob McFadden 3:53.98 3:19.98
29 N.C. Central A Snonsio Boye-Weah, Phillip Barren, Kevin Vincent, Jaye Pratt 3:50.06 3:20.05
30 Edinboro A Charles Ivey, Kyle Shinn, Evan Miller, Kyle Maio 2:44.20 3:20.24
31 So. Conn. St.
B Nick Lebron, Joseph Caraciolo, Brian Nill, Justin Escaravage 3:58.41 3:20.34
32 Samford A Jonathon Bush, Josh Davies, Henry Stevens-Carty, Ramsey White 2:56.63 3:20.71
33 Kentucky State A Carlos Smith, Quintin Mems, Kieren Broussard, Adam Crews 2:48.67 3:20.79
34 North Carolina
B Ryan Ramsey, Chad Pierce, Joe Hutchinson, Paul Haley 3:48.96 3:20.84
35 American Int'l A Curtis Johnson, Dennis Stephenson, Jeremy Antivo, Sabum Abanda 2:37.95 3:22.49
36 Bulldog Elite A James Branch, Elijah Reid, Lamar Brewer, Jamaree Murray 2:50.25 3:22.67
37 Seton Hill A Algeron Johnson, Anthony Phillips, Nick Spino, Anthony Peluso 4:19.79 3:22.96
38 Mount Olive A Joaquim Cotano Lezcano, Lamonte Taylor, Shonterio Brown, Caleb Henderson 4:19.39 3:24.24
39 Campbell A Bryson Cartwright, Michael Bedell, Jayshawn Campbell, Nathan Kennedy 3:16.09 3:24.26
40 UNC-Asheville A Miles Brown, Sebastian Paniagua, Courtney Henry, Patrick Osborne 3:40.19 3:27.72
41 Lake Erie
B Jacob DiCello, Trey Matthews, Brian Havrilla, David Thorne 3:28.51 3:28.51
42 Track Eastern Carolina A Kahlil Simpson, Ronnie Lovick, Quincy Rasin, Ryan Fonville 3:31.24 3:29.14
43 Virginia-Lynchburg A Terrell Robertson, Shean Cain, Joe Powell 2:59.30 3:33.45
44 Shaw A Darian Brown, Raymond Culver, Raheem Richardson, Shaquille Strickland 3:52.97 3:33.73
Men's 4 x 400 Relay Section 1
1 G.W.Express/Nike Scott, Torrance, Boyd, Bingham 2:43.38 3:52.08 3:29.80 2:35.96 3:05.66 3:46.51 3:29.80
2 St. Augustine's Mbow, Ellis Jr., Walcott, Edmonds 3:37.55 3:28.17 4:00.06 2:28.16 3:07.54 2:22.53 2:24.41
3 Delaware State Carter, Brown, Pointer, Bowe 3:58.50 3:41.46 3:20.64 3:32.00 3:09.28 2:42.78 2:29.54
4 Loyola (Ill.) Abbott, Wetzel, Mazanke, Glastetter 3:47.48 2:13.82 3:43.66 3:07.34 3:11.16 2:46.31 3:05.43
5 So. Conn. St. Guerrier, Sharpe, Forth, Lumax 3:20.79 2:34.89 3:57.12 2:32.98 3:11.22 3:45.64 2:50.19
7 The Executives Track Club Harrison, Miles, Fabio, Curry 2:53.47 4:00.93 3:10.82 3:37.80 3:12.74 3:47.44 2:53.47
17 N. Carolina A&T Smith, Bogertey, Harrison, Felder 3:42.79 2:47.59 3:11.25 3:23.08 3:17.16 3:30.97 3:32.94
22 St. Augustine's
Bailey, Demiel, King Jr., Sainvil 2:46.88 4:08.33 3:52.44 4:12.30 3:18.66 3:42.50 2:38.93
Men's 4 x 400 Relay Section 2
6 North Carolina Sutton, Radlin, Wanliss, Parros 3:59.90 3:11.92 3:46.47 2:25.86 2:48.89 2:33.54 3:11.92
9 North Carolina St. Fretz, Jackson, Permenter, Davis 3:28.20 3:12.77 2:28.44 2:18.80 4:06.75 4:06.75 3:24.34
10 Morgan State Covington, Reid, Hairston, Johnson 2:25.46 3:13.94 3:29.46 3:10.07 2:29.34 2:56.49 2:37.10
12 South Carolina Winfrey, Collier, Echols, Walker 4:11.41 3:14.89 2:20.32 3:01.25 3:22.69 4:05.57 4:07.51
16 LIU Brooklyn Petit-Homme, Rodney, Mahlung, McLean 4:00.06 3:16.77 2:37.42 2:43.32 3:58.10 2:41.36 4:13.84
28 Michigan State Michael, Mims, Hendricks, McFadden 3:09.99 3:19.98 4:03.98 3:21.98 4:01.98 2:27.99 3:07.99
35 American Int'l Johnson, Stephenson, Antivo, Abanda 4:11.09 3:22.49 2:50.10 3:56.92 3:32.62 2:54.15 3:12.37
Men's 4 x 400 Relay Section 3
8 South Carolina
Redic, Russell, Maxwell, Carter 3:47.46 3:12.76
13 Knight elite Kiedy, Johnson, Freeman, Johnson 3:05.67 3:15.44
15 Penn Keels, Magaha, Bekelja, Timmins 3:54.14 3:16.75
25 Loyola (Ill.)
Brady, Van Portfliet, Archibald, Johnson 2:29.36 3:19.14
26 East Tenn. St. Lawrence, Jones, Pierce, Campbell 2:41.40 3:19.26
27 USC Upstate Fisher, Thomas, White, Johnson 3:09.88 3:19.87
31 So. Conn. St.
Lebron, Caraciolo, Nill, Escaravage 4:04.42 3:20.34
Men's 4 x 400 Relay Section 4
18 Wheeling Jesuit Krempin, Comfort, Little, McKinley 3:03.39 2:21.98 3:17.19 4:00.58 4:12.41
19 Delaware State
Mansaray, Laviea, Oliver, Wulff-Cochrane 3:13.34 2:35.86 3:17.28 3:35.04 3:46.88
20 Wingate Henderson, Ray, Robinson, Silvestri 2:30.45 3:12.02 3:17.95 2:26.49 3:06.08
23 Lake Superior State Wrege, Balczak, Monroe, Thomas 3:00.80 2:29.01 3:18.68 3:44.51 4:04.38
24 Lake Erie Snyder, George, Thompson, Hemphill 3:50.91 2:59.16 3:19.06 2:35.27 4:16.79
30 Edinboro Ivey, Shinn, Miller, Maio 3:04.22 3:02.22 3:20.24 3:24.25 3:48.28
32 Samford Bush, Davies, Stevens-Carty, White 3:10.68 2:44.59 3:20.71 3:46.81 3:46.81
37 Seton Hill Johnson, Phillips, Spino, Peluso 3:57.47 3:27.02 3:22.96 4:11.67 3:08.76
Men's 4 x 400 Relay Section 5
21 Indiana (Pa.) Zangaro, Long, Deak, Lynch 2:56.21 3:17.98
33 Kentucky State Smith, Mems, Broussard, Crews 3:18.79 3:20.79
34 North Carolina
Ramsey, Pierce, Hutchinson, Haley 2:52.73 3:20.84
36 Bulldog Elite Branch, Reid, Brewer, Murray 4:21.45 3:22.67
38 Mount Olive Cotano Lezcano, Taylor, Brown, Henderson 2:39.31 3:24.24
39 Campbell Cartwright, Bedell, Campbell, Kennedy 3:56.95 3:24.26
41 Lake Erie
DiCello, Matthews, Havrilla, Thorne 2:38.47 3:28.51
Men's 4 x 400 Relay Section 6
11 George Mason Vaughn, Williams, Verburg, Smalls 3:14.25 3:55.05 4:10.59 2:41.23
14 North Carolina
Alowonle, Vippolis, Fisher, Carter 3:15.73 3:39.22 3:33.35 3:09.86
29 N.C. Central Boye-Weah, Barren, Vincent, Pratt 3:20.05 2:48.05 4:14.07 2:52.05
40 UNC-Asheville Brown, Paniagua, Henry, Osborne 3:27.72 3:09.03 4:03.04 2:58.64
42 Track Eastern Carolina Simpson, Lovick, Rasin, Fonville 3:29.14 2:51.50 3:35.42 2:28.49
43 Virginia-Lynchburg Robertson, Cain, Powell 3:33.45 4:28.95 3:46.26 3:54.80
44 Shaw Brown, Culver, Richardson, Strickland 3:33.73 2:38.16 3:33.73 3:55.11