March 27-30, 2013
Texas-Mike A. Myers Stadium - Austin, TX

Girls 1,600m Sprint Medley High School

1 The Woodlands Kaylee McCarthy, Lindsay Wilken, Kaitlynn Lindsey, Katie Willard 3:58.64 3:39.55 3:32.39 3:18.08
2 Arlington Lamar Alexis Baldwin, Christian Hedgepeth, Sydni Willis, Tamerah Gorham 4:02.17 4:07.02 4:45.76 5:12.40
3 DeSoto Ja'Nice Griffin, Alexis Logan, Shaporria Montgomery, Camry Grigsby 4:03.02 4:12.74 5:15.93 2:54.98
4 St. Thomas Aquinas Alon Lewis, Khalifa St. Fort, Toria Levy, Christina Kalis 4:03.23 4:39.72 3:17.02 4:15.40
5 Austin Johnson Jazmin Ochoa, Dana Broadnax, Macahla Wesley, Hannah Rieden 4:06.32 3:21.99 4:23.57 5:10.37
6 Huntsville Desirae Houston, Sierra Wagner, Jasmine Williams, Briana McCall 4:10.03 4:47.54 4:35.04 4:32.54
7 Lancaster A'Driana Berkhaulter, Eboni Coby, Alexis Flores, Taylor Rockwell 4:13.76 3:05.25 3:50.93 4:18.84
8 Klein Forest Taylor Cotton, Desiree Stevenson, Tamira Walker, Leeah Phillips 4:14.02 4:59.75 3:38.46 4:01.32
9 Edmond Memorial Kelsie Shanks, Ricki Scheef, Shaquan Burris, Jaclyn Hummel 4:14.85 3:16.24 3:11.14 5:31.31
10 Lewisville Marcus Brittany Jacobson, Peri Moran, Victoria Baldwin, Hannah Bradley 4:15.77 3:55.31 5:14.60 3:37.41
11 Jenks Stephine Nell, Christie Terhune, Jessica Martin, Maddie Brown 4:16.77 3:45.96 5:33.81 5:10.70
12 Southlake Carroll Kyra Maryland, Bailey Farmer, Madysen Hunter, Samantha Young 4:20.67 5:15.41 4:33.71 4:49.35
13 Houston Lamar Kristen Richards, Karielle Parker, Lauren Harris, Kianna Echols 4:21.59 3:39.74 5:03.45 5:13.91
14 Dallas Highland Park Maddie Hammer, Kara Davis, Rebecca Herring, Kate Krikorian 4:22.84 3:56.56 4:22.84 5:41.70
15 Kingwood Park Joy Brown, Friddaus Amadu, Rebecca Lewallen, Katelyn Parker 4:25.04 5:28.65 4:43.60 5:18.05
Girls 1,600m Sprint Medley High School Section 1
1 The Woodlands McCarthy, Wilken, Lindsey, Willard 3:32.39 3:41.94 3:08.53 3:58.64 5:05.46 5:00.69 4:24.89
2 Arlington Lamar Baldwin, Hedgepeth, Willis, Gorham 4:21.55 3:23.43 3:37.96 4:02.17 4:53.03 4:16.70 3:50.07
3 DeSoto Griffin, Logan, Montgomery, Grigsby 4:17.61 3:50.87 3:38.72 4:03.02 3:48.44 3:26.57 5:11.07
4 St. Thomas Aquinas Lewis, St. Fort, Levy, Kalis 5:01.61 5:08.91 4:22.69 4:03.23 4:44.58 3:53.50 4:32.42
7 Lancaster Berkhaulter, Coby, Flores, Rockwell 5:19.74 3:10.32 3:07.79 4:13.76 3:00.17 3:45.85 3:35.70
8 Klein Forest Cotton, Stevenson, Walker, Phillips 3:53.70 4:36.89 4:54.67 4:14.02 5:25.15 3:41.00 3:53.70
10 Lewisville Marcus Jacobson, Moran, Baldwin, Bradley 4:15.77 3:27.18 4:46.47 4:15.77 4:38.79 3:01.60 4:36.24
13 Houston Lamar Richards, Parker, Harris, Echols 4:05.90 3:05.73 4:26.83 4:21.59 3:50.20 3:26.66 3:52.82
Girls 1,600m Sprint Medley High School Section 2
5 Austin Johnson Ochoa, Broadnax, Wesley, Rieden 4:06.32
6 Huntsville Houston, Wagner, Williams, McCall 4:10.03
9 Edmond Memorial Shanks, Scheef, Burris, Hummel 4:14.85
11 Jenks Nell, Terhune, Martin, Brown 4:16.77
12 Southlake Carroll Maryland, Farmer, Hunter, Young 4:20.67
14 Dallas Highland Park Hammer, Davis, Herring, Krikorian 4:22.84
15 Kingwood Park Brown, Amadu, Lewallen, Parker 4:25.04