May 16-17, 2013
Springfield College - Springfield, MA

Men's 4 x 100 Relay

1 Oneonta Tom Wheeler, Sean Bernstein, Joe Carr, Jake Alviene 29.95 53.66 41.59 51.16 33.69 42.01 36.60 10
2 MIT Michael DuPlessis, Michael Kaba, Joshua Duncavage, Tyler Singer-Clark 37.08 41.66 41.66 38.75 46.66 52.50 50.83 8
3 Gwynedd-Mercy DeShaun Pickett, Sam Keliojor, Nick Keba, Robert Smith 41.75 48.43 41.75 32.57 37.16 46.76 48.02 6
4 Brockport St. Cameron Shaughnessy, Dorian Hayden, Romario Robinson, Zachary Brown 51.01 34.71 41.81 29.27 38.47 52.27 50.59 5
5 Ithaca Rashaad Barrett, Tyler Curtis, Kevin Davis, Jake Willis 48.18 52.41 42.26 30.43 48.18 35.93 50.29 4
6 Middlebury Kevin Chu, Bryan Holtzman, Fritz Parker, Will Bain 43.53 32.54 42.26 52.41 54.10 32.12 36.77 3
7 Widener Bobby Herbster, Christian Jeznach, Benjamin Petrak, Gavin Colley 43.56 31.30 42.29 34.68 49.91 30.88 35.95 2
8 St. Lawrence Adrian Wilson, Omaru Kabia, Shawn Lillie, Andy Fisher 31.75 33.02 42.33 33.87 31.33 40.22 34.29 1
9 Worcester State Duy Truong, Jon Parrella, Stephen Gannon, Matthew Alley 48.09 42.13 42.55 34.90 50.64 55.32 31.49 -
10 Rochester Eugene O'Hanlon, Jeffrey Hrebenach, Max Sims, Anthony Paschke 55.33 46.39 42.56 42.14 38.31 52.35 45.54 -
11 Cortland St. Darius Samples, Andre Hernandez-Green, Steve Damiani, Melique Garcia 44.28 51.51 42.57 31.93 46.41 53.64 42.57 -
12 RIT Zach Pfister, Cameron Lee, Mike Andrews, Drake Wilson 50.6 32.3 42.6 42.1 47.7 35.7 50.2 -
13 Rowan Brandon Taylor, Tyler Coulbourn, Frank Rubino, Ali Ejaz 55.05 55.05 42.67 36.27 43.95 50.78 33.29 -
14 Waynesburg Zakk DeCarlo, Christian Jackson, David Cobb, Byrum Louco 55.53 44.42 42.71 46.99 51.68 53.39 33.74 -
15 Southern Maine Zach Miller, Matt Kimball, Nicholas Wall, Daniel Webb 30.78 50.86 42.74 41.46 42.74 46.59 55.14 -
16 Westfield State John Murphy, Zachery Madera, Ryan Bota, Devon Clements 44.41 38.37 43.11 56.05 37.08 33.20 54.32 -
16 Utica Christian Lesperance, Andrew Hoover, Brandon Rudolphe, Sylvester Owusu 43.55 50.87 43.11 52.17 41.39 31.04 50.01 -
18 Bates Ben Levy, Tim Woods, Adam Spencer, Isaiah Spofford 35.38 37.97 43.14 32.36 41.42 56.09 54.79 -
19 Lebanon Valley Mickeal Pugh, Darryl Sweeper, Joseph Bennett, Jerome Duncan 30.6 38.0 43.2 44.0 52.7 43.2 50.1 -
20 St. John Fisher William Sterriker, Joseph Dagostino, Trevor Wilkes, Nicholas Antonio 47.19 37.23 43.29 40.26 42.43 44.16 35.50 -
21 Bethany (W.V.) Matt Brower, Umar Moore, Raymear Pinchom, Anthony Thompson 49.81 32.92 43.31 34.65 55.87 35.52 43.31 -
22 PSU-Behrend Andres Morales, Kevin Lai, Geoffrey Faltot, Kalil Slaughter 44.65 54.19 43.35 51.59 48.99 32.95 40.75 -
23 UMass Boston Jabari Coy-Gooding, Henry Morales, Nobert Simon, Fritz Gustave 53.34 41.63 43.36 54.64 48.57 50.30 52.47 -
24 Stockton Chris Parlow, Charles Brown, Tim Miller, Larry Floyd 50.88 43.92 43.48 53.92 55.22 37.83 33.92 -
25 WPI Julian Dano, Austin Holliday, Joey Collins, Ditton Kawalya 45.70 33.08 43.52 33.08 39.17 41.78 53.10 -
26 RPI Matt Fenlon, Timothy Gibson, James Willy, Stephen Silber 47.46 54.43 43.54 38.32 38.75 54.86 38.32 -
27 Wesleyan Luca Ameri, LaDarius Drew, Jack Pacelle, James Dottin 52.74 54.48 43.58 50.99 52.74 51.86 32.25 -
28 Vassar Cory Terwilliger, Elijah Mondesir, Peter Winkeller, Mathue Duhaney 53.8 31.0 43.8 40.2 40.7 40.2 37.2 -
28 Grove City Thomas Whittaker, Andrew Ledbetter, Patrik Miller, John Green 56.9 56.5 43.8 31.5 42.9 49.9 39.4 -
30 Neumann Domenic Pileggi, Michael Robinson, Terrence Downs, Jeffrey Best 39.11 32.08 43.94 50.53 46.58 50.53 46.58 -
31 Union (N.Y.) Dylan Schuck, Tosin Kazeem, Ricco Pierre, Sean Day 52.30 38.24 43.95 54.50 52.30 38.68 46.15 -
32 Coast Guard Ben Hannon, Frederick Higgins, Kelcey Smith, James Dawkins 38.70 40.02 43.97 33.86 30.78 48.37 55.85 -
33 Washington and Jefferson Lucas Tarr, Jared Jones, Thaddeus Piscatelli, Dakota Holloway 37.01 34.36 44.05 33.92 30.84 48.02 33.48 -
34 Moravian Travis King, Travis Dorsa, Justin Taylor, Albert Myers 44.4 51.9 44.4 36.8 43.5 51.0 39.0 -
Men's 4 x 100 Relay Section 1
26 RPI Fenlon, Gibson, Willy, Silber 43.54 -
28 Grove City Whittaker, Ledbetter, Miller, Green 43.8 -
28 Vassar Terwilliger, Mondesir, Winkeller, Duhaney 43.8 -
30 Neumann Pileggi, Robinson, Downs, Best 43.94 -
31 Union (N.Y.) Schuck, Kazeem, Pierre, Day 43.95 -
32 Coast Guard Hannon, Higgins, Smith, Dawkins 43.97 -
Men's 4 x 100 Relay Section 2
16 Utica Lesperance, Hoover, Rudolphe, Owusu 42.25 52.17 35.79 54.75 43.11 -
20 St. John Fisher Sterriker, Dagostino, Wilkes, Antonio 53.25 30.31 37.23 35.50 43.29 -
23 UMass Boston Coy-Gooding, Morales, Simon, Gustave 53.34 46.83 47.70 31.66 43.36 -
24 Stockton Parlow, Brown, Miller, Floyd 32.18 51.75 51.31 54.35 43.48 -
27 Wesleyan Ameri, Drew, Pacelle, Dottin 48.38 52.74 31.38 34.87 43.58 -
33 Washington and Jefferson Tarr, Jones, Piscatelli, Holloway 48.02 41.85 53.30 31.72 44.05 -
Men's 4 x 100 Relay Section 3
12 RIT Pfister, Lee, Andrews, Wilson 36.2 42.6 -
14 Waynesburg DeCarlo, Jackson, Cobb, Louco 50.40 42.71 -
15 Southern Maine Miller, Kimball, Wall, Webb 46.16 42.74 -
19 Lebanon Valley Pugh, Sweeper, Bennett, Duncan 31.9 43.2 -
21 Bethany (W.V.) Brower, Moore, Pinchom, Thompson 36.82 43.31 -
22 PSU-Behrend Morales, Lai, Faltot, Slaughter 50.29 43.35 -
25 WPI Dano, Holliday, Collins, Kawalya 44.39 43.52 -
34 Moravian King, Dorsa, Taylor, Myers 32.8 44.4 -
Men's 4 x 100 Relay Section 4
5 Ithaca Barrett, Curtis, Davis, Willis 45.64 42.26 4
7 Widener Herbster, Jeznach, Petrak, Colley 37.22 42.29 2
8 St. Lawrence Wilson, Kabia, Lillie, Fisher 52.49 42.33 1
10 Rochester O'Hanlon, Hrebenach, Sims, Paschke 31.92 42.56 -
11 Cortland St. Samples, Hernandez-Green, Damiani, Garcia 47.68 42.57 -
16 Westfield State Murphy, Madera, Bota, Clements 34.06 43.11 -
18 Bates Levy, Woods, Spencer, Spofford 47.89 43.14 -
Men's 4 x 100 Relay Section 5
1 Oneonta Wheeler, Bernstein, Carr, Alviene 42.84 42.84 41.59 50.33 10
2 MIT DuPlessis, Kaba, Duncavage, Singer-Clark 37.08 42.08 41.66 52.91 8
3 Gwynedd-Mercy Pickett, Keliojor, Keba, Smith 53.03 42.17 41.75 45.93 6
4 Brockport St. Shaughnessy, Hayden, Robinson, Brown 38.89 45.58 41.81 48.09 5
6 Middlebury Chu, Holtzman, Parker, Bain 38.88 52.83 42.26 30.43 3
9 Worcester State Truong, Parrella, Gannon, Alley 52.34 40.85 42.55 29.79 -
13 Rowan Taylor, Coulbourn, Rubino, Ejaz 39.69 44.38 42.67 52.49 -