April 8, 2006
Florida State - Tallahassee, FL
200m (Flat)

Women's 1500 Meters

1 Georganne Way Junior Kentucky 3:53.09 4:12.29 4:34.22 3:42.12
2 Lavera Morris Sophomore Kentucky 4:08.82 5:37.29 4:36.46 5:06.87
3 Candace Leep Senior Kentucky 4:59.32 3:35.40 4:39.73 4:31.34
4 Andrea Brown Sophomore Kentucky 5:47.90 4:09.70 4:40.56 4:46.18
5 Brittany Holland Junior Georgia State 4:54.78 5:11.79 4:43.44 5:42.97
6 Michelle Scott   Unattached 5:24.53 5:13.14 4:44.67 5:35.91
7 Audrey Hand   Florida State University 4:27.48 4:15.98 4:47.61 4:38.99
8 Alex Friel Sophomore Georgia State 4:42.76 6:00.67 4:48.53 6:09.32
9 Heather Coulter Sophomore W. Kentucky 4:08.65 5:26.71 4:49.12 5:46.95
10 Shannon Coates Sophomore Florida State 3:25.71 6:16.64 4:49.72 3:45.99
11 Lauren Brooks Sophomore West Florida 3:58.69 3:23.76 4:51.08 6:09.68
12 Jessica Smith Sophomore Auburn 5:18.67 5:24.51 4:52.35 5:30.36
13 Taylor Miller   University of Kentucky 5:03.1 5:35.5 4:54.3 4:48.4
14 Lori Costello Freshman Embry-Riddle 5:21.56 5:03.86 4:55.01 4:19.61
15 Paola Reategui Sophomore FIU 4:55.54 5:57.61 4:55.54 6:00.56
16 Lyndia Titus Junior FIU 5:32.32 5:26.39 4:56.71 6:07.92
17 Alysha Galbraith Sophomore W. Kentucky 4:15. 4:15. 5:00. 3:48.
18 Denise Daughenbaugh Junior Auburn 6:10.16 5:28.03 5:00.94 3:36.68
19 Kaley Matthews Freshman Florida State 5:22.78 3:58.32 5:01.66 3:46.25
20 Jessica Spurgeon Freshman West Florida 5:21.72 4:11.92 5:03.51 3:53.71
21 Lauren Kleese Sophomore North Florida 4:19.57 5:45.07 5:05.37 4:16.51
22 Mary Gathua Freshman Embry-Riddle 5:59.92 5:29.16 5:07.62 4:43.01
23 Becky Castleberry Freshman North Florida 5:45.2 5:17.5 5:08.3 4:37.4
24 Amanda Adams Junior W. Kentucky 5:24.12 4:56.34 5:08.68 5:51.90
25 Amy Lankford Freshman West Florida 6:43.98 3:49.96 5:10.75 4:02.39
26 Nicole Stanley Freshman West Florida 4:46.69 6:07.72 5:11.62 6:26.41
27 Katie Heuertz Freshman North Florida 5:48.60 5:45.46 5:14.05 3:58.68
28 Mallory Wellman Freshman Troy 4:53.63 5:22.05 5:15.73 5:28.36
29 Ashley Moore Freshman W. Kentucky 5:10.05 6:19.65 5:16.37 6:13.32
30 Jeanette Crawford   Unattached 5:28.07 5:18.51 5:18.51 3:55.70
31 Madeline Parhalo Sophomore North Florida 6:54.70 6:12.91 5:21.47 4:26.82
32 Bridget Brown Junior Embry-Riddle 4:47.29 6:20.90 5:22.79 6:20.90
33 Naomi Evangelista Senior West Florida 6:05.53 5:26.71 5:23.47 5:07.30
34 Angelina Ramos   Florida State University 6:56.06 5:42.24 5:35.53 6:02.38
35 Diana Sitar Sophomore West Florida 6:14.31 4:40.73 5:46.58 6:52.43
Women's 1500 Meters Section 1
1 Georganne Way Junior Kentucky 4:23.26 5:29.07 5:23.58 4:34.22
2 Lavera Morris Sophomore Kentucky 4:06.05 4:17.11 3:16.29 4:36.46
3 Candace Leep Senior Kentucky 4:56.52 6:03.65 4:00.57 4:39.73
4 Andrea Brown Sophomore Kentucky 4:18.12 5:14.23 5:39.48 4:40.56
5 Brittany Holland Junior Georgia State 5:59.97 4:32.11 5:40.13 4:43.44
6 Michelle Scott   Unattached 4:41.83 4:24.75 5:30.22 4:44.67
7 Audrey Hand   Florida State University 3:52.97 4:38.99 3:52.97 4:47.61
8 Alex Friel Sophomore Georgia State 4:36.99 5:14.50 3:42.17 4:48.53
9 Heather Coulter Sophomore W. Kentucky 5:44.06 3:33.95 3:51.30 4:49.12
10 Shannon Coates Sophomore Florida State 5:30.28 5:21.59 6:02.15 4:49.72
11 Lauren Brooks Sophomore West Florida 4:19.07 3:47.05 5:58.03 4:51.08
13 Taylor Miller   University of Kentucky 3:46.6 3:40.7 5:17.8 4:54.3
19 Kaley Matthews Freshman Florida State 3:34.18 4:13.40 6:26.13 5:01.66
Women's 1500 Meters Section 2
12 Jessica Smith Sophomore Auburn 4:23.12 4:52.35 6:11.29
14 Lori Costello Freshman Embry-Riddle 4:31.41 4:55.01 4:13.71
16 Lyndia Titus Junior FIU 3:27.70 4:56.71 4:53.75
17 Alysha Galbraith Sophomore W. Kentucky 5:18. 5:00. 4:57.
18 Denise Daughenbaugh Junior Auburn 5:09.97 5:00.94 6:01.13
20 Jessica Spurgeon Freshman West Florida 3:53.71 5:03.51 3:56.74
21 Lauren Kleese Sophomore North Florida 3:45.98 5:05.37 5:02.32
28 Mallory Wellman Freshman Troy 6:15.72 5:15.73 4:06.27
Women's 1500 Meters Section 3
15 Paola Reategui Sophomore FIU 4:17.12 4:55.54 3:38.70 4:23.03 6:00.56 6:18.30
22 Mary Gathua Freshman Embry-Riddle 6:30.68 5:07.62 4:52.24 5:38.39 4:09.18 5:23.01
23 Becky Castleberry Freshman North Florida 4:34.3 5:08.3 6:40.7 6:19.2 3:54.3 5:51.4
24 Amanda Adams Junior W. Kentucky 6:41.29 5:08.68 4:50.16 4:31.64 4:43.99 3:39.17
25 Amy Lankford Freshman West Florida 4:30.36 5:10.75 4:33.46 5:57.37 6:31.55 4:42.79
26 Nicole Stanley Freshman West Florida 3:41.25 5:11.62 6:23.30 6:35.76 3:38.14 4:31.11
27 Katie Heuertz Freshman North Florida 4:17.53 5:14.05 6:35.71 5:32.90 3:42.98 5:45.46
29 Ashley Moore Freshman W. Kentucky 4:25.75 5:16.37 6:03.83 5:41.68 6:29.14 6:35.47
30 Jeanette Crawford   Unattached 4:02.07 5:18.51 5:31.25 5:37.62 5:28.07 4:24.37
31 Madeline Parhalo Sophomore North Florida 5:40.76 5:21.47 6:38.63 3:45.03 5:53.62 6:51.49
32 Bridget Brown Junior Embry-Riddle 4:47.29 5:22.79 6:46.72 5:51.85 6:37.04 4:53.74
33 Naomi Evangelista Senior West Florida 5:59.06 5:23.47 6:24.93 7:00.52 4:28.48 4:31.72
34 Angelina Ramos   Florida State University 4:15.01 5:35.53 5:12.05 6:46.00 6:39.28 7:16.19
35 Diana Sitar Sophomore West Florida 6:24.71 5:46.58 5:53.52 6:28.17 6:21.24 6:35.11