April 22-26, 2015
Drake Stadium - Des Moines, IA

Girls 4 x 100m Relay Division 8

1 Urbandale Hope Johnson, Kerry Hampe, Ashley Pearson, DeeDee Pryor 42.37 53.49 38.14 52.96 1:07.79 56.14 48.73
2 Ankeny Northview Meg Ridout, Allie Wyckoff, Kenzie L., Kenna Sauer 1:02.33 54.34 44.75 53.27 57.00 1:05.53 57.00
3 Merrill Tianna Little, Emma Fritzjunker, Aaliyah Battle, Jada Morris 43.50 38.67 51.56 53.70 1:01.22 59.07 44.58
4 Pella Lisa Dykstra, Natalie Clayberg, Elsie Thoreson, Emily Holterhaus 1:06.40 1:09.64 51.82 53.98 50.21 50.21 43.73
5 Ankeny Southview Olivia Sharar, Sam Parr, Sydney Julich, Jaelynn Kueker 49.48 1:01.44 45.67 54.37 42.96 58.72 1:08.51
6 South East Jr. High Kate Swenning, Chamya Adams, Eryn Dailey, Emma Cooper 1:09.93 39.34 49.17 54.63 56.82 46.99 1:00.10
7 St. Francis of Assisi Ella Waggoner, Sophia Davis, Morgan Ringwelski, Mira Baccile 44.90 54.21 51.47 54.75 38.33 1:06.25 45.45
8 Johnston Mikala Sidney, Katherine Chapman, Lily Dunley-Williams, Marley Mudhaupt 51.12 48.92 48.37 54.96 39.58 59.91 57.16
9 Waukee South Emma Samples, Ashley Allen, Ella Muse, Janjay Peters 1:05.70 1:04.60 57.42 55.21 1:00.74 1:02.94 1:07.36
10 Albia Taylor Colwell, Kaitlyn Griffin, Kyleigh Guthridge, Kanley Pettit 1:09.47 43.90 1:08.91 55.57 1:11.69 1:12.25 52.24
11 Meredith Ester Ubadigo, Shiggo Shaddin, Nakya Kelly, Saffie Dennis 1:07.17 1:00.45 45.90 55.97 1:03.81 49.82 57.65
12 Dunkerton Julia Rindels, Alicia Wilder, Kayla Rathe, Payton McHone 1:08.21 49.61 41.72 56.37 1:07.65 58.63 46.79
13 St. Augustin Catherine Haus, Lindsey Grask, Ellen Strittmatter, Megan Nelson 45.74 1:03.80 52.51 56.46 40.66 55.33 57.03
14 Amos Hiatt Josefina DeLa Cruz, Ashanti Young, Donnaya Snyder, Kimesha Star 48.43 46.15 1:09.51 56.97 56.97 46.72 1:14.07
15 Central Community Mary Kate Wille, Hannah Erickson, Lizzie Gifford, Ciera Deitchler 50.72 56.41 1:07.81 56.98 54.70 1:04.96 43.31
16 Newton Abbie Barr, Haley Budak, Lakin Jenkins, Rachel Rhoads 42.77 59.88 1:12.42 57.02 1:09.57 1:10.14 46.19
17 Gehlen Catholic Anna Britt, Elliotte Herbst, Brooklyn Heissel, Katie Peters 42.41 46.43 1:07.06 57.31 55.02 49.29 41.27
18 St. Theresa Julia Shonka, Sara Tingleff, Lauren Pogemiller, Juru Okwaramor 59.08 48.76 1:13.42 57.36 45.89 1:04.25 48.19
19 Indian Hills Greta Stewart, Celeste Garza, Alivia Agey, Chastity Louis 46.44 46.44 58.05 58.05 1:14.31 46.44 51.67
20 Goodrell Daija Deatis, Jahnia Sherrill, Andrea James, Melynn Phillips 59.39 1:14.09 49.40 58.80 48.81 46.46 59.98
21 Holy Family Tiffani Nguyen, Lisa Ratsakahn, Emmanuella Oghissa, Pamela Odir 52.35 57.65 58.82 58.82 1:07.65 1:05.88 45.88
22 Waverly Shell Rock Haley Eckerman, Britney Young, Camryn Grawe, Sophia Graening 53.63 54.81 56.58 58.93 53.63 41.26 1:01.88
23 Hoyt Remma Henning, Seraia Outlen, Mona Elniel, Novita Haygood 55.64 1:01.56 46.76 59.19 50.91 58.01 1:09.26
24 Weeks R Likane, H Deng, S Vongphany, A Vasquez 58.61 51.97 51.36 1:00.42 56.80 1:05.86 48.94
25 St. Pius X Alexis Riesberg, Olivia Magneson, Kate Flynn, Kelsey Schweizer 1:07.70 1:08.30 57.42 1:00.44 1:08.30 45.33 47.75
26 Colfax-Mingo Jordan Atwood, Ilia Hostetter, Aubrianna Woody, Payton Rhone 1:18.88 49.30 52.38 1:01.62 54.23 1:07.17 1:01.62
27 Assumption - Granger Savannah Lehrman, Ally Baumhover, Tristen Lyddon, Megan Burkhart 53.34 1:16.56 1:17.19 1:02.75 1:16.56 1:12.17 1:00.87
28 Holy Trinity Amber Altman, Anna Kerr, Ella Heukendorf, Roz Heuckendorf 47.85 1:15.56 1:16.19 1:02.96 1:17.44 47.85 1:19.33
29 Christ The King Karla Ramirez, Alyssa Last, Peyton Riewer, Shirley Ortega 51.16 1:00.01 1:01.90 1:03.16 56.22 1:03.80 1:05.06
30 Bergman Acadamy Ellie Wilke, Emma Wilke, Alex Dryden, Rebecca Melde 54.81 48.93 1:01.98 1:05.24 1:15.03 1:15.03 1:00.68
31 Sacred Heart Caroline Comito, Jada Spooner, Molly Wright, Forest Kuestner-Burles 1:17.54 1:16.88 53.89 1:05.71 1:22.80 1:22.80 1:20.17
Girls 4 x 100m Relay Division 8 Section 1
5 Ankeny Southview Sharar, Parr, Julich, Kueker 41.87 54.37 1:04.16 59.27 54.37
8 Johnston Sidney, Chapman, Dunley-Williams, Mudhaupt 1:10.35 48.37 46.17 1:09.25 54.96
10 Albia Colwell, Griffin, Guthridge, Pettit 40.01 53.35 42.24 1:00.58 55.57
15 Central Community Wille, Erickson, Gifford, Deitchler 1:00.97 1:11.80 58.12 59.26 56.98
19 Indian Hills Stewart, Garza, Agey, Louis 45.86 1:13.73 1:13.73 52.83 58.05
24 Weeks Likane, Deng, Vongphany, Vasquez 1:13.72 1:07.07 1:09.49 1:03.45 1:00.42
26 Colfax-Mingo Atwood, Hostetter, Woody, Rhone 1:02.24 44.99 47.45 46.22 1:01.62
27 Assumption - Granger Lehrman, Baumhover, Lyddon, Burkhart 1:10.91 1:02.75 58.99 1:06.52 1:02.75
Girls 4 x 100m Relay Division 8 Section 2
2 Ankeny Northview Ridout, Wyckoff, L., Sauer 48.48 47.95 1:04.99 53.27
6 South East Jr. High Swenning, Adams, Dailey, Cooper 1:00.10 57.91 59.00 54.63
12 Dunkerton Rindels, Wilder, Rathe, McHone 43.97 50.74 1:02.01 56.37
13 St. Augustin Haus, Grask, Strittmatter, Nelson 43.48 1:07.19 1:12.84 56.46
14 Amos Hiatt DeLa Cruz, Young, Snyder, Star 50.71 45.01 54.70 56.97
16 Newton Barr, Budak, Jenkins, Rhoads 1:11.85 51.32 52.46 57.02
29 Christ The King Ramirez, Last, Riewer, Ortega 53.69 1:18.95 1:10.74 1:03.16
31 Sacred Heart Comito, Spooner, Wright, Kuestner-Burles 56.51 48.63 1:10.31 1:05.71
Girls 4 x 100m Relay Division 8 Section 3
7 St. Francis of Assisi Waggoner, Davis, Ringwelski, Baccile 43.80 56.40 47.64 54.75 1:00.23
9 Waukee South Samples, Allen, Muse, Peters 43.07 57.97 40.86 55.21 1:02.39
11 Meredith Ubadigo, Shaddin, Kelly, Dennis 53.18 58.77 39.18 55.97 1:04.37
18 St. Theresa Shonka, Tingleff, Pogemiller, Okwaramor 1:13.42 49.91 48.76 57.36 47.04
21 Holy Family Nguyen, Ratsakahn, Oghissa, Odir 1:07.65 45.30 1:01.18 58.82 58.24
22 Waverly Shell Rock Eckerman, Young, Grawe, Graening 48.33 1:04.24 1:07.77 58.93 49.51
25 St. Pius X Riesberg, Magneson, Flynn, Schweizer 1:07.09 43.52 1:17.97 1:00.44 51.98
30 Bergman Acadamy Wilke, Wilke, Dryden, Melde 1:00.68 1:20.90 1:20.25 1:05.24 55.46
Girls 4 x 100m Relay Division 8 Section 4
1 Urbandale Johnson, Hampe, Pearson, Pryor 1:00.91 52.96 41.31
3 Merrill Little, Fritzjunker, Battle, Morris 40.28 53.70 44.04
4 Pella Dykstra, Clayberg, Thoreson, Holterhaus 50.21 53.98 49.13
17 Gehlen Catholic Britt, Herbst, Heissel, Peters 1:01.33 57.31 1:00.75
20 Goodrell Deatis, Sherrill, James, Phillips 46.46 58.80 1:07.04
23 Hoyt Henning, Outlen, Elniel, Haygood 46.17 59.19 55.05
28 Holy Trinity Altman, Kerr, Heukendorf, Heuckendorf 1:08.63 1:02.96 1:13.04