April 22-26, 2015
Drake Stadium - Des Moines, IA

Men's 4 x 400m Relay College (All Other Non-DI) Finals

1 Augustana (Ill.) Isaac Smith, David Devore, Jeffrey Swanson, David Voland 3:10.25 2:13.18 2:39.81
2 Oklahoma Baptist Travis Hinton, Blake Bartlett, Jywayne Allen, Clay Shepperson 3:11.71 2:21.87 3:57.72
3 Grand Valley St. Brent Brock, Sean Wells, Daniel Pung, TJ Burnett 3:12.11 4:02.06 2:47.14
4 Wayland Baptist Kabroderan Handsborough, De'Vion Simpson, Kelson Pierre, Andrew Reynolds 3:13.16 4:11.11 3:11.23
5 Southwest Baptist Nial Thomas, Dwayne Lawrence, Levar Russell, Maverick Bowleg 3:13.21 3:51.86 3:26.74
6 Briar Cliff Rusty Muncy, Kyle Lorenzen, Robert Iron Shell, Augustus Cowan 3:13.49 3:28.97 3:56.06
7 Pittsburg St. Marquel Nickens, Jason Crow, Jordan Peters, Aren Martin 3:13.69 3:38.87 2:21.40

Men's 4 x 400m Relay College (All Other Non-DI) Preliminaries

0 St. Thomas (Minn.) Chris Mueller, Doug Thoreson, Ryan Queenan, Brian Jarvey DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ
1 Augustana (Ill.) Isaac Smith, David Devore, Jeffrey Swanson, David Voland 4:05.26 3:38.44 2:33.29 3:59.52 3:11.61
2 Oklahoma Baptist Jywayne Allen, Travis Hinton, Blake Bartlett, Clay Shepperson 3:40.71 2:45.06 4:07.58 4:07.58 3:11.92
3 Grand Valley St. Brent Brock, Sean Wells, Daniel Pung, TJ Burnett 3:21.58 2:39.35 2:14.39 3:44.62 3:11.98
4 Academy of Art James Steptoe, Jordan Edwards, Alexander McNally, Shaquille Howard 4:06.79 4:02.93 3:08.95 2:28.46 3:12.80
5 Wayland Baptist Kabroderan Handsborough, De'Vion Simpson, Kelson Pierre, Andrew Reynolds 2:30.02 3:41.18 2:20.40 2:51.18 3:12.33
6 Briar Cliff Rusty Muncy, Alan Gerdes, Robert Iron Shell, Augustus Cowan 3:08.69 4:04.53 2:14.78 2:22.48 3:12.54
7 Pittsburg St. Marquel Nickens, Jason Crow, Tanner McNutt, Aren Martin 3:43.43 2:49.50 3:35.73 3:06.84 3:12.61
8 Southwest Baptist Nial Thomas, Dwayne Lawrence, Levar Russell, Maverick Bowleg 2:32.46 3:16.84 3:32.28 3:18.77 3:12.98
9 Central Missouri Marquis Jones, Jacob Randle, Michael Lockhart, Osvaldo Granillo 3:49.97 2:21.08 3:38.38 2:40.40 3:13.25
10 Iowa Western CC Breshawn Hawthorne, Jamaree Murray, Joshua Willingham, Strymar Livingston 2:32.73 3:13.32 3:55.85 3:50.05 3:13.32
11 Monmouth (Ill.) Raimius Foulkes, Adam Parr, Matthew Trainor, Ethan Reschke 3:28.93 2:50.24 4:01.82 2:15.42 3:13.45
12 Wis.-La Crosse Zak Wallenfang, Cyrus Mason, Nick Tehan, Dean McGuire 3:36.70 2:42.53 4:05.72 2:23.18 3:13.48
13 Lincoln (Mo.) Roger Blake, Winston Edwards, Jeromia Riley, Miguel Barton 3:42.74 3:27.24 2:56.25 2:50.44 3:13.68
14 Loras Stedman Foster, Josh Goerdt, Zach Frey, Zac Gassman 3:43.32 4:00.80 3:47.21 2:52.83 3:14.19
15 Wis.-Oshkosh Naji Allan, Danny Trimner, Reid Zanoya, Brian Beaudo 2:31.69 3:47.53 2:56.97 3:53.37 3:14.47
16 Wis.-Eau Claire Cody Prince, Jake Pientok, William LaJeunesse, Jimmy Paske 2:18.69 3:44.63 3:52.45 2:44.08 3:15.33
17 MSU-Moorhead Charles Tiedman, Kenny Andri, Matthew Loehr, Ryan Olson 3:13.75 4:12.46 2:44.39 3:19.62 3:15.70
18 Nebraska Wesleyan Tanner Dewey, Zach Holka, Hayden Schuerman, Garrett Teel 2:52.84 2:43.02 3:47.84 3:47.84 3:16.41
19 St. Ambrose Michael Ohioze, Joseph Torres, Ryan Giesemann, Jim Warren 3:59.78 2:54.92 2:56.89 3:02.79 3:16.54
20 Concordia (Neb.) Jaap Van Gaalen, Taiheem Pleasant, Matthew Chapa, CJ Muller 3:10.75 3:26.49 3:20.59 3:32.39 3:16.65
21 Wheaton (Ill.) Mark Hiben, Nils Eastburg, Tommy Cole, Sam Bertram 4:15.71 2:19.66 2:47.20 3:06.87 3:16.70
22 North Central (Ill.) Derek Nelson, Mustapha Olaoye, Daniel Spaccapaniccia, Zach Kirby 2:57.35 2:27.79 3:56.46 2:57.35 3:17.05
23 Lindenwood Brannon Wright, Joshua Newman, Jermaine Unanka, Michael Mlambo 4:15.57 2:18.68 3:51.79 3:00.28 3:18.11
24 Lewis Kevin Dorenkamper, Robert Sterling, Brock Robertson, Matt Jemilo 3:25.03 3:07.11 3:58.86 2:39.24 3:19.05
25 Wis.-Stout Kevin Salveson, Nick Lubinski, Ross Thompson, Cody Hodowanic 3:31.22 2:43.40 3:47.16 4:09.08 3:19.26
26 Emporia St. Ryan Dickson, Cody Miller, Colin Coleman, Jordan Smith 3:09.56 2:21.67 3:47.47 3:27.52 3:19.53
27 Wis.-Stevens Point Michael Evans, Matt Sosinsky, Nick Melotte, Matt Gerber 4:13.39 2:22.78 3:07.03 3:43.23 3:21.10
28 Grand View Tre Porter, Bryon Christensen, Seth Harjes, Clay Cory 2:23.62 2:39.80 3:18.23 2:43.84 3:22.27
Men's 4 x 400m Relay College (All Other Non-DI) Preliminaries Heat 1
4 Academy of Art Steptoe, Edwards, McNally, Howard 2:14.96 3:12.80 2:49.67 2:28.46 4:02.93
14 Loras Foster, Goerdt, Frey, Gassman 2:58.66 3:14.19 2:58.66 3:31.67 3:47.21
16 Wis.-Eau Claire Prince, Pientok, LaJeunesse, Paske 2:57.75 3:15.33 2:49.94 3:50.49 3:05.57
18 Nebraska Wesleyan Dewey, Holka, Schuerman, Teel 3:43.91 3:16.41 2:25.35 2:46.95 2:33.20
20 Concordia (Neb.) Van Gaalen, Pleasant, Chapa, Muller 3:52.05 3:16.65 3:59.92 3:36.32 3:32.39
22 North Central (Ill.) Nelson, Olaoye, Spaccapaniccia, Kirby 3:19.02 3:17.05 2:49.47 3:07.20 2:55.38
26 Emporia St. Dickson, Miller, Coleman, Smith 2:33.64 3:19.53 2:55.59 4:13.41 4:11.41
28 Grand View Porter, Christensen, Harjes, Cory 3:28.34 3:22.27 2:51.93 2:51.93 4:02.73
Men's 4 x 400m Relay College (All Other Non-DI) Preliminaries Heat 2
1 Augustana (Ill.) Smith, Devore, Swanson, Voland 2:50.54 2:35.21 3:11.61 4:05.26 3:09.70 3:05.87 2:33.29
5 Wayland Baptist Handsborough, Simpson, Pierre, Reynolds 4:04.26 3:04.64 3:12.33 2:51.18 3:56.57 4:10.03 2:49.25
7 Pittsburg St. Nickens, Crow, McNutt, Martin 3:26.10 3:06.84 3:12.61 3:06.84 3:37.65 3:26.10 2:22.54
9 Central Missouri Jones, Randle, Lockhart, Granillo 3:51.90 3:24.85 3:13.25 3:03.59 3:15.19 2:28.81 2:34.60
17 MSU-Moorhead Tiedman, Andri, Loehr, Olson 3:31.36 3:25.49 3:15.70 3:41.14 2:28.74 3:07.88 4:08.54
23 Lindenwood Wright, Newman, Unanka, Mlambo 2:56.32 2:34.53 3:18.11 2:30.57 3:45.85 4:03.68 2:58.30
Men's 4 x 400m Relay College (All Other Non-DI) Preliminaries Heat 3
2 Oklahoma Baptist Allen, Hinton, Bartlett, Shepperson 3:57.98 3:52.23 3:38.79 3:50.31 2:52.73 2:25.86 3:11.92
8 Southwest Baptist Thomas, Lawrence, Russell, Bowleg 3:51.58 4:05.09 3:20.70 2:55.62 4:07.02 2:57.55 3:12.98
10 Iowa Western CC Hawthorne, Murray, Willingham, Livingston 2:53.99 3:36.52 3:09.46 4:05.52 2:17.26 3:22.99 3:13.32
12 Wis.-La Crosse Wallenfang, Mason, Tehan, McGuire 3:17.35 2:32.85 3:54.11 4:01.85 3:13.48 3:23.16 3:13.48
19 St. Ambrose Ohioze, Torres, Giesemann, Warren 2:19.55 3:04.75 2:21.51 3:26.37 3:44.06 3:24.41 3:16.54
24 Lewis Dorenkamper, Sterling, Robertson, Jemilo 3:03.13 2:53.18 2:51.19 2:47.21 4:04.84 2:23.32 3:19.05
27 Wis.-Stevens Point Evans, Sosinsky, Melotte, Gerber 2:28.82 4:05.35 3:41.21 3:09.04 2:54.96 4:13.39 3:21.10
Men's 4 x 400m Relay College (All Other Non-DI) Preliminaries Heat 4
0 St. Thomas (Minn.) Mueller, Thoreson, Queenan, Jarvey DQ DQ DQ DQ
3 Grand Valley St. Brock, Wells, Pung, Burnett 2:54.71 2:52.79 2:33.59 3:11.98
6 Briar Cliff Muncy, Gerdes, Iron Shell, Cowan 2:28.26 3:43.35 3:12.54 3:12.54
11 Monmouth (Ill.) Foulkes, Parr, Trainor, Reschke 2:15.42 3:13.45 2:57.98 3:13.45
13 Lincoln (Mo.) Blake, Edwards, Riley, Barton 3:19.49 4:09.85 3:13.68 3:13.68
15 Wis.-Oshkosh Allan, Trimner, Zanoya, Beaudo 4:10.87 3:06.70 3:33.92 3:14.47
21 Wheaton (Ill.) Hiben, Eastburg, Cole, Bertram 4:03.91 2:43.27 3:28.51 3:16.70
25 Wis.-Stout Salveson, Lubinski, Thompson, Hodowanic 3:15.28 3:37.20 3:25.24 3:19.26