April 6, 2006
UCLA - Los Angeles, CA

Women's 1500 Meters

1 Kristen Guymon Freshman Utah State 3:43.22 4:45.07 5:14.65 4:28.93 5:11.96 5:01.21
2 Laura Taylor Sophomore BYU 4:03.60 3:20.29 4:00.89 4:30.66 5:46.45 4:14.42
3 Claire Rethmeier Sophomore UCLA 5:53.10 5:34.08 4:34.33 4:31.61 4:39.76 5:42.23
4 Mackenzie Edwards Freshman Arizona 4:31.98 4:12.95 5:48.14 4:31.98 4:23.82 3:59.35
5 Allison Hall   UCLA 4:22.60 3:22.42 5:36.46 4:33.54 5:14.58 5:17.31
6 Carolyn Quebe Sophomore BYU 5:04.08 3:52.85 3:41.90 4:33.94 4:25.73 3:19.98
7 Angelina Cabrera Sophomore Arizona 5:34.27 5:31.53 5:04.13 4:33.99 5:28.79 4:20.29
8 Marissa Urban Freshman Arizona 3:51.10 4:13.11 4:15.86 4:35.11 3:15.33 5:52.14
9 Lisa Lopez Sophomore UC Riverside 5:44.08 3:31.95 5:02.79 4:35.26 3:29.20 4:32.51
10 Danelle Onate Senior Arizona 3:32.2 5:47.2 3:18.4 4:35.6 5:05.9 3:32.2
11 Christol McDonald   South Bay TC 5:42.05 3:59.16 5:58.74 4:38.09 4:10.28 5:47.62
12 Cristina Olivas Sophomore UC Riverside 4:47.7 5:01.7 4:42.1 4:39.4 3:29.5 4:28.2
13 Julia Budniak   Polska of Troy 4:42.39 4:59.17 5:52.29 4:39.59 5:29.92 5:35.51
14 Ashley Zamora Sophomore UC Riverside 4:42.81 4:37.21 3:16.01 4:40.01 4:48.41 3:18.81
15 Renee Stribling Junior San Francisco 3:36.27 5:03.34 4:09.98 4:40.87 6:02.33 4:40.87
16 Ashley Ippolito Junior Arizona 5:47.52 3:54.50 4:28.41 4:42.53 6:07.29 5:07.96
17 Lauren Jirges Freshman UCLA 5:33.4 5:36.2 4:31.2 4:42.6 3:31.9 4:14.3
18 Cassie Atkinson Sophomore Cal Poly 5:34.58 3:55.34 3:32.66 4:43.54 6:08.61 4:57.72
19 Allison Passey Sophomore BYU 5:23.21 4:20.28 3:40.24 4:46.02 6:06.11 5:46.09
20 Ashton LeSieur Freshman San Francisco 3:56.38 4:10.79 4:33.85 4:48.26 5:14.21 5:43.03
21 Maryanne Hanks Sophomore UC Riverside 3:22.27 4:40.29 6:15.64 4:48.95 5:52.52 4:37.40
22 Ashleigh Montgomery Freshman UCSD 4:11.60 5:52.82 3:54.25 4:49.19 5:18.11 4:37.63
23 Michelle Born Freshman San Francisco 5:24.21 5:53.16 6:04.74 4:49.47 4:55.26 3:42.90
24 Jannel Sisting Freshman UCSD 6:08.9 5:19.5 4:41.7 4:50.5 3:32.0 5:42.7
25 Julie-Anne Bailey Sophomore Pt. Loma Nazarene 4:51.28 4:19.24 3:32.64 4:51.28 4:48.37 5:58.28
26 Kristina Tudor Sophomore UC Riverside 5:58.72 3:29.98 6:19.14 4:51.64 3:47.48 6:10.39
27 Celene Reyes Freshman UC Riverside 3:40.2 5:34.7 6:21.6 4:53.6 4:59.4 5:58.1
28 Kellie Corbett Freshman Pt. Loma Nazarene 4:04.39 4:01.44 4:19.11 4:54.44 5:35.67 5:23.89
29 Jessica Hogan Freshman UC Riverside 4:55.18 4:46.33 5:57.17 4:55.18 3:41.39 4:19.76
0 Lucy Miller Sophomore San Francisco NT NT NT NT NT NT
Women's 1500 Meters Section 1
1 Kristen Guymon Freshman Utah State 5:11.96 5:25.41 3:37.84 4:28.93 5:01.21 5:30.79 3:59.35
2 Laura Taylor Sophomore BYU 5:22.09 5:11.26 4:46.90 4:30.66 5:24.80 4:00.89 3:41.95
3 Claire Rethmeier Sophomore UCLA 4:45.19 4:28.90 4:20.75 4:31.61 4:34.33 5:39.52 5:25.94
5 Allison Hall   UCLA 4:47.22 4:30.81 5:17.31 4:33.54 4:36.28 5:06.37 4:47.22
6 Carolyn Quebe Sophomore BYU 4:44.90 5:47.91 4:39.42 4:33.94 4:36.68 5:12.30 4:44.90
9 Lisa Lopez Sophomore UC Riverside 4:32.51 5:00.04 4:57.28 4:35.26 5:11.05 5:52.34 4:21.50
11 Christol McDonald   South Bay TC 3:39.70 4:01.94 5:14.25 4:38.09 3:45.26 4:29.75 5:28.15
12 Cristina Olivas Sophomore UC Riverside 3:49.1 3:49.1 5:32.4 4:39.4 5:35.2 6:03.2 3:54.6
19 Allison Passey Sophomore BYU 4:54.60 4:48.88 5:14.63 4:46.02 4:37.44 3:48.82 5:28.93
Women's 1500 Meters Section 2
4 Mackenzie Edwards Freshman Arizona 4:31.98 4:23.82
7 Angelina Cabrera Sophomore Arizona 4:33.99 4:03.86
8 Marissa Urban Freshman Arizona 4:35.11 5:41.14
10 Danelle Onate Senior Arizona 4:35.6 3:48.7
13 Julia Budniak   Polska of Troy 4:39.59 4:42.39
14 Ashley Zamora Sophomore UC Riverside 4:40.01 3:46.81
15 Renee Stribling Junior San Francisco 4:40.87 3:36.27
17 Lauren Jirges Freshman UCLA 4:42.6 5:19.3
18 Cassie Atkinson Sophomore Cal Poly 4:43.54 3:24.15
21 Maryanne Hanks Sophomore UC Riverside 4:48.95 4:48.95
Women's 1500 Meters Section 3
16 Ashley Ippolito Junior Arizona 4:42.53 3:48.85
20 Ashton LeSieur Freshman San Francisco 4:48.26 4:42.50
22 Ashleigh Montgomery Freshman UCSD 4:49.19 4:54.98
23 Michelle Born Freshman San Francisco 4:49.47 4:46.58
24 Jannel Sisting Freshman UCSD 4:50.5 6:17.6
25 Julie-Anne Bailey Sophomore Pt. Loma Nazarene 4:51.28 6:18.67
26 Kristina Tudor Sophomore UC Riverside 4:51.64 6:16.22
27 Celene Reyes Freshman UC Riverside 4:53.6 3:40.2
28 Kellie Corbett Freshman Pt. Loma Nazarene 4:54.44 5:18.00
29 Jessica Hogan Freshman UC Riverside 4:55.18 3:41.39
0 Lucy Miller Sophomore San Francisco NT NT