April 15, 2006
USMMA - Kings Point, NY

Men's 800 Meters

1 Michael Brown Senior York College 1:51.98 1:54.26
2 Justin McKenzie Sophomore Essex County 1:43.1 1:54.6
3 Matthew Lowenthal Sophomore Fordham 1:32.44 1:55.54
4 Nicolas Reid Sophomore Essex County 1:43.85 1:58.01
5 Nicholas Kroll Senior Fordham 2:33.48 1:58.06
6 Thomas Finnerty Sophomore Fordham 2:18.30 1:59.22
7 shawn bender Senior guyana 2:10.17 1:59.42
8 Aaron Warner Sophomore Adelphi University 1:52.39 1:59.56
9 Ryan Serkes Sophomore Fordham 2:21.36 1:59.79
10 Frank McClatchy Sophomore DeSales 1:59.83 1:59.83
11 Miguel Reyes Junior Mercy College 2:23.92 1:59.93
12 Derek Petti Junior C.W. Post 1:56.53 2:00.13
13 Brandon Ryan Freshman Fordham 1:26.58 2:00.25
14 Germaine Shepherd Junior York College 2:12.38 2:00.34
15 Scott Britton Freshman USMMA 2:16.68 2:00.95
16 Tim Morgan Senior St. Thomas Aquinas College 1:33.45 2:01.36
17 Derek Gordon Freshman York College 1:51.94 2:01.67
18 Tony Naimo Sophomore DeSales 1:31.41 2:01.88
19 Austin McClain-Duer Sophomore Fordham 1:27.81 2:01.95
20 Daniel Feeney Freshman USMMA 2:34.04 2:02.25
21 Joe DImperio Senior William Paterson 2:17.16 2:02.46
22 Kester Stephens Freshman Essex County 1:30.77 2:02.65
23 Sadiki White   Emerging Elite Group 2:13.07 2:03.21
24 Mike Landi Freshman Farmingdale State University 2:17.34 2:03.73
25 Sean Harte Freshman Adelphi University 2:01.63 2:04.11
26 DARRON MILLS Sophomore Globe Institute 1:57.93 2:04.13
27 Ousmane Berthe Freshman U-Queensborough CC 1:50.75 2:04.43
28 William Dunbar Junior C.W. Post 1:56.36 2:05.11
29 Elmer Eckert Freshman St. Thomas Aquinas College 1:42.76 2:05.31
30 Ceferino Alcaide Freshman U-Queensborough CC 1:46.81 2:05.65
31 Jose Benitez Senior Fordham 1:31.79 2:05.73
32 Max Collado   C.W. Post 2:04.79 2:06.05
33 Jonathan Hilbert Freshman Adelphi University 2:25.17 2:06.23
34 Luke Sattler Sophomore Hartwick 1:36.17 2:06.53
35 Issa Tall Sophomore Lehman 2:36.93 2:07.58
36 Michael Budesa Freshman USMMA 1:44.65 2:07.62
37 Carlos Techera Freshman Adelphi University 2:40.19 2:08.15
38 Keith Wagner Freshman USMMA 2:46.75 2:09.26
39 Lee Tedeschi Freshman Montclair State 2:20.63 2:10.21
40 Peter Spencer Freshman USMMA 1:57.63 2:10.69
41 Jevaghm Coachman Freshman Kingsborough CC 1:52.89 2:11.26
42 Devon Cooke Freshman Globe Institute 2:05.61 2:12.22
43 Bill Agosto Senior Lehman 2:40.32 2:12.49
44 Lenox Villafana Freshman U-Queensborough CC 2:44.37 2:13.63
45 Rocky Reyes Sophomore Queensborough CC 2:35.1 2:16.1
46 Oscar Bolivar Sophomore Hunter 2:43.54 2:18.59
47 Mike Gallagher Freshman DeSales 2:08.0 2:19.2
48 Dmitri DeLaCruz Junior Hartwick 1:53.1 2:19.7
49 Fernando Londano Freshman Queensborough CC 3:03.32 2:21.01
50 Asad Mohammed   The Executives Track Club 2:30.02 2:21.52
51 Marco Romero Freshman Queensborough CC 2:54.93 2:23.38
52 Chris Yepez Senior Lehman 2:32.02 2:27.59
Men's 800 Meters Section 1
1 Michael Brown Senior York College 1:54.26
2 Justin McKenzie Sophomore Essex County 1:54.6
3 Matthew Lowenthal Sophomore Fordham 1:55.54
4 Nicolas Reid Sophomore Essex County 1:58.01
7 shawn bender Senior guyana 1:59.42
14 Germaine Shepherd Junior York College 2:00.34
17 Derek Gordon Freshman York College 2:01.67
22 Kester Stephens Freshman Essex County 2:02.65
Men's 800 Meters Section 2
5 Nicholas Kroll Senior Fordham 1:25.01 1:45.08 2:32.30 1:26.19 1:58.06 1:52.16
6 Thomas Finnerty Sophomore Fordham 1:49.69 2:11.15 1:28.23 2:25.45 1:59.22 2:12.34
8 Aaron Warner Sophomore Adelphi University 2:01.96 1:58.37 1:54.78 1:58.37 1:59.56 2:23.48
10 Frank McClatchy Sophomore DeSales 2:27.39 2:28.59 1:46.65 1:37.07 1:59.83 1:31.07
11 Miguel Reyes Junior Mercy College 2:05.93 1:47.94 1:49.14 2:08.33 1:59.93 2:03.53
12 Derek Petti Junior C.W. Post 1:31.30 1:45.72 2:04.94 1:33.71 2:00.13 2:16.95
13 Brandon Ryan Freshman Fordham 1:36.20 2:35.13 1:28.99 1:35.00 2:00.25 1:51.84
15 Scott Britton Freshman USMMA 2:19.10 2:04.58 2:33.61 1:54.91 2:00.95 1:41.60
18 Tony Naimo Sophomore DeSales 2:23.82 1:31.41 2:07.98 1:55.79 2:01.88 1:44.82
23 Sadiki White   Emerging Elite Group 1:31.18 2:32.78 2:11.84 1:48.43 2:03.21 2:38.94
24 Mike Landi Freshman Farmingdale State University 2:19.82 2:30.95 1:41.46 1:32.80 2:03.73 1:29.09
Men's 800 Meters Section 3
9 Ryan Serkes Sophomore Fordham 1:33.44 1:52.61 1:53.80 2:28.54 1:59.79
16 Tim Morgan Senior St. Thomas Aquinas College 1:58.94 2:35.34 2:11.07 2:18.35 2:01.36
19 Austin McClain-Duer Sophomore Fordham 2:37.32 1:26.59 1:54.64 2:22.69 2:01.95
20 Daniel Feeney Freshman USMMA 1:28.02 2:27.93 1:28.02 2:15.70 2:02.25
21 Joe DImperio Senior William Paterson 2:28.18 1:41.65 1:44.10 1:34.30 2:02.46
25 Sean Harte Freshman Adelphi University 2:06.60 1:40.53 1:29.36 2:22.73 2:04.11
26 DARRON MILLS Sophomore Globe Institute 2:17.79 1:57.93 2:01.65 1:38.07 2:04.13
27 Ousmane Berthe Freshman U-Queensborough CC 2:36.79 2:09.41 1:48.26 1:47.01 2:04.43
28 William Dunbar Junior C.W. Post 1:33.84 1:33.84 1:42.59 2:30.14 2:05.11
31 Jose Benitez Senior Fordham 1:50.65 2:43.45 1:38.07 2:29.62 2:05.73
32 Max Collado   C.W. Post 1:40.84 2:36.31 2:24.96 2:32.52 2:06.05
34 Luke Sattler Sophomore Hartwick 2:11.60 2:20.45 1:42.49 1:55.15 2:06.53
Men's 800 Meters Section 4
29 Elmer Eckert Freshman St. Thomas Aquinas College 1:36.49 1:52.78 2:05.31 2:06.57 1:40.25
30 Ceferino Alcaide Freshman U-Queensborough CC 1:31.73 1:43.04 2:05.65 2:34.55 2:00.63
33 Jonathan Hilbert Freshman Adelphi University 2:31.48 2:13.81 2:06.23 1:28.37 2:04.97
35 Issa Tall Sophomore Lehman 2:30.55 2:16.51 2:07.58 2:16.51 2:29.27
36 Michael Budesa Freshman USMMA 1:30.61 2:19.11 2:07.62 1:57.41 2:45.91
37 Carlos Techera Freshman Adelphi University 1:56.62 1:29.71 2:08.15 2:38.91 2:23.53
38 Keith Wagner Freshman USMMA 1:47.29 1:30.49 2:09.26 2:33.82 2:15.73
39 Lee Tedeschi Freshman Montclair State 2:29.75 2:05.01 2:10.21 1:48.08 1:45.47
40 Peter Spencer Freshman USMMA 2:45.98 2:34.22 2:10.69 1:38.02 1:52.40
41 Jevaghm Coachman Freshman Kingsborough CC 1:46.32 2:06.01 2:11.26 1:31.89 1:41.07
42 Devon Cooke Freshman Globe Institute 1:56.36 2:33.38 2:12.22 2:42.63 2:43.96
47 Mike Gallagher Freshman DeSales 2:12.2 2:30.3 2:19.2 2:30.3 2:01.1
50 Asad Mohammed   The Executives Track Club 2:21.52 2:44.17 2:21.52 2:25.77 2:05.96
Men's 800 Meters Section 5
43 Bill Agosto Senior Lehman 2:33.69 1:46.00 1:51.30 2:20.44 2:12.49 1:40.70
44 Lenox Villafana Freshman U-Queensborough CC 2:41.70 2:32.34 2:52.39 2:20.32 2:13.63 1:49.58
45 Rocky Reyes Sophomore Queensborough CC 1:43.4 2:48.7 2:46.0 2:20.1 2:16.1 2:02.4
46 Oscar Bolivar Sophomore Hunter 2:43.54 1:53.65 2:47.70 2:28.30 2:18.59 1:43.95
48 Dmitri DeLaCruz Junior Hartwick 2:49.0 2:04.3 2:42.0 1:57.3 2:19.7 1:40.5
49 Fernando Londano Freshman Queensborough CC 2:59.09 2:57.68 2:28.06 1:42.94 2:21.01 2:06.91
51 Marco Romero Freshman Queensborough CC 3:06.40 2:21.95 1:47.54 2:03.31 2:23.38 3:04.96
52 Chris Yepez Senior Lehman 3:07.44 2:49.73 2:46.78 1:46.27 2:27.59 2:34.97