April 16-18, 2015
Hilmer Lodge Stadium-Walnut, CA - Walnut, CA

Girls 4 x 100m Relay High School

0 Claremont Brittney Duquette, Alyssa Cantrell, Natalia Lopez, Emily Spivack DQ DQ DQ DQ
1 Los Osos Kieana Butler, Abibat Iriafen, Tiffany Okeani, Catherine Barilla 48.43 47.47 37.78 53.28
2 Rancho Verde Te'A Lynch, Destiny Longmire, Zion Levi, Chine Ehiemere 49.36 45.91 50.35 49.86
3 Wilmer Carter Savanna Perez, Morgan Smith, Joy Ayoola, A'Nysti Reece 49.42 1:00.79 1:02.77 41.02
4 Thousand Oaks Frankie Boger, Emily Mellor, Rachel Craft, Ana Cordoba 49.74 45.27 45.76 40.29
5 Clovis West Destiny Smith, Maddie Fisher, Micah Hebert, Mikala McClain 49.91 1:03.39 42.43 46.92
6 Youngker Ocean Young, Courtnee Oglesby, Angelica Palacio, Shakia Jones 49.93 51.93 57.92 56.92
7 Lakewood Brionna James, Johnae Smith, Mirajh Mullins, Destiny Moore 50.16 1:02.70 1:02.70 52.17
8 Liberty Shelcy Sales, Meghan Coggins, Alize Rodgers, Gifty Nkansah 50.28 40.23 52.80 47.27
9 Highland (Palmdale) Quennique Bell, Britanie Butts, Deja Allen, Hana Welsh 50.30 38.74 36.72 1:04.89
10 Palmdale Lyric Burrell, Briana Johnson, Aaszah Moore, Keiana Wooten 50.36 52.88 1:02.45 39.79
11 Ontario Jessie Perrin, Samantha Nieves, Erin Money, Rahmah Baaree 50.39 53.42 44.35 1:02.99
12 Mira Mesa Chauni Green, Jonah Morales, Clarissa Taite, Leia Salongo 50.50 46.97 51.01 50.00
13 Franklin (Stockton) Guy Tangela, Jayla Miles, De'Asha Rhone, J'Liyah Miles 50.56 46.01 43.99 48.04
14 Glendora Glendora A, Glendora B, Glendora C, Glendora D 50.69 40.56 50.69 43.09
15 Serrano Fiona Woodside, Sandra Arteaga, Claire Robbins, Kristina Moyer 50.74 42.63 37.55 42.63
16 Rancho Gizelle Reid, Skyler Savage, Tatianna Pamplin, Marencia Pamplin 50.76 42.13 56.35 56.35
17 Paloma Valley Regina Sheffield, Damatria Willingham, Karissa Madrid, Christina Rodriguez 50.76 40.61 48.23 55.33
18 Murrieta Mesa Bre'Anna Bush, Deborrah Zakhar, Parker Edwins, Bryana Hairston 50.89 54.97 53.44 39.70
19 Pacifica (Oxnard) Sidney Ramey, Aiyana Brown, Dejahnae Brown, Sandra Harness 50.89 39.70 59.04 48.86
20 Morse Daiijah Best, Jolize Frank, Kate Mallari, Shanique Simpson 50.91 1:05.68 44.80 47.35
21 St. Lucy's Taylor Stivers, Miranda Aguirre, Samantha Crosmer, Gracyn Helbert 51.00 58.65 48.45 58.65
22 La Costa Canyon Michelle Gould, Makaila Eddington, Carly Kunzik, Kendall Nicholas 51.01 54.58 54.07 1:01.73
23 Del Norte (SDS) Aryonne Gillespie, Lauren Ditzhazy, Karli Renken, Ruby Mandell 51.10 38.33 56.21 1:01.84
24 Bellflower Chanel Duncan, Justice Shorty, Thianna Miller, Danielle Pryor 51.14 48.59 1:03.42 46.03
25 Citrus Valley Kaylee Powell, Olivia McKenzie, Lindsey Toney, Kalise Hart 51.15 49.11 57.80 55.25
26 Paramount Rebecca Miranda-Haley, Mariah Stewart, Jazsai Raglin, Markya Church 51.19 37.88 56.31 36.86
27 Long Beach Millikan Nadiri Wilson, Chudney McGehee, Laya Shorts, Kiairra Mack 51.23 53.80 48.16 50.21
28 North Hollywood Yi-Ling Loo, Emily Nevens, Chloe Butler-Jones, Michael Green 51.34 36.46 42.62 48.78
29 Diamond Bar Sophia Arnold, Bethany Cho, Clara Ru, Brita Liggins 51.42 1:05.31 48.34 55.54
30 Eagle Rock Amanda Milici, Blake Bouligny, Ashley Ibarra, Kelsey Calleja 51.49 42.74 55.10 51.49
31 Desert Vista Clare Dement, Alexis Hartley, Olivia Thorburn, Kaijaylann Beattie 51.55 54.65 59.29 38.15
32 University City Elena Andree, Elyssa Navarro, Awnjenae Walker, Ashlee Watkins 52.37 54.99 38.23 36.66
33 Louisville Jayla Harper, Kelsey Aliabadi, Meghan Wright, Valerie Beketova 52.60 56.81 1:00.49 1:04.18
34 Covina Melissa Mendoza, Paige Marquez, Sakina Williams, Laurelle Ojeda 52.78 43.81 58.59 1:01.76
35 Elsinore Lonsha Bradford, Jadyn Harris, Corby Sumrall, Anastessia Boswell 53.04 43.50 57.82 47.74
36 Delano Rachel Aricheta, Liza Dato, Valerie Perez, Karlie Angkahan 53.10 44.61 1:07.97 1:00.54
37 Tracy Madeline Clark, Rachel Fernandez, Melissa McDonald, Allison Piwowarski 53.12 1:01.09 1:05.34 55.25
38 The Meadows Dani Chami, Kaitlin Herndon, Tessa Dejong, Francine McCall 53.60 45.56 53.60 56.82
39 West Covina Cassidy Gonzalez, Leana Tan, Jocelyn Rivas, Amanda Castellanos 53.70 1:09.28 1:01.76 1:08.20
40 Independence (B) Cheyanne Cuevas, Chasidy Hernandez, Stephanie Bautista, Carla Rodriguez 53.81 55.97 43.05 48.43
41 Westridge Madeline D'Antuno, Natalie White, Samantha Khalsa, Makala Thomas 54.01 1:08.60 53.47 46.45
42 Bonita Brittany Griffin, Amari Mosley, Michelle Rodriguez, Jayme Fisher 54.35 56.53 1:05.77 1:02.51
43 Chino Taylor Crockem 54.43 1:05.32 41.37 1:05.86
44 Pomona Aumazea Cobb, Aliyah Salas, Taumarea Cobb, Raven Londo 54.72 50.89 59.65 1:09.50
45 Marshall Fundamental Zakiyyah Rasheed Anderso, Mary Knovopliv, Sarra Starbird, Breanna Da Sylveira 55.05 1:04.41 1:09.92 41.29
46 Baldwin Park Savannah Butler, Arroyo Angie, Valdivia Jacqueline, Nieblas Monique 55.30 54.20 39.27 1:04.71
Girls 4 x 100m Relay High School Section 1
4 Thousand Oaks Boger, Mellor, Craft, Cordoba 49.74 36.31 1:03.67 37.31
6 Youngker Young, Oglesby, Palacio, Jones 49.93 43.44 34.96 59.42
8 Liberty Sales, Coggins, Rodgers, Nkansah 50.28 38.72 44.25 55.31
20 Morse Best, Frank, Mallari, Simpson 50.91 1:04.66 39.71 53.46
22 La Costa Canyon Gould, Eddington, Kunzik, Nicholas 51.01 36.73 1:02.75 39.79
25 Citrus Valley Powell, McKenzie, Toney, Hart 51.15 43.48 1:03.94 56.27
33 Louisville Harper, Aliabadi, Wright, Beketova 52.60 51.55 42.08 56.81
35 Elsinore Bradford, Harris, Sumrall, Boswell 53.04 38.19 1:01.00 40.31
42 Bonita Griffin, Mosley, Rodriguez, Fisher 54.35 54.35 1:10.12 1:00.33
Girls 4 x 100m Relay High School Section 2
2 Rancho Verde Lynch, Longmire, Levi, Ehiemere 36.04 1:03.68 53.31 49.36 44.43
3 Wilmer Carter Perez, Smith, Ayoola, Reece 1:01.28 44.48 58.81 49.42 54.86
7 Lakewood James, Smith, Mullins, Moore 47.66 49.66 46.65 50.16 1:04.71
9 Highland (Palmdale) Bell, Butts, Allen, Welsh 59.86 1:01.87 1:01.37 50.30 1:01.87
13 Franklin (Stockton) Tangela, Miles, Rhone, Miles 48.54 44.50 1:04.22 50.56 41.97
19 Pacifica (Oxnard) Ramey, Brown, Brown, Harness 43.26 51.91 56.49 50.89 47.84
24 Bellflower Duncan, Shorty, Miller, Pryor 1:04.95 45.01 36.82 51.14 59.84
26 Paramount Miranda-Haley, Stewart, Raglin, Church 55.80 45.05 1:01.94 51.19 42.49
Girls 4 x 100m Relay High School Section 3
0 Claremont Duquette, Cantrell, Lopez, Spivack DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ
5 Clovis West Smith, Fisher, Hebert, McClain 55.40 49.91 37.44 51.41 50.41
11 Ontario Perrin, Nieves, Money, Baaree 52.41 50.39 38.30 58.46 48.88
12 Mira Mesa Green, Morales, Taite, Salongo 39.39 50.50 49.49 44.95 59.59
16 Rancho Reid, Savage, Pamplin, Pamplin 59.39 50.76 36.55 55.84 1:03.96
18 Murrieta Mesa Bush, Zakhar, Edwins, Hairston 42.75 50.89 1:04.63 48.35 1:02.60
23 Del Norte (SDS) Gillespie, Ditzhazy, Renken, Mandell 48.04 51.10 40.88 56.73 39.86
28 North Hollywood Loo, Nevens, Butler-Jones, Green 1:03.67 51.34 45.18 54.94 56.48
Girls 4 x 100m Relay High School Section 4
14 Glendora A, B, C, D 39.54 50.69
15 Serrano Woodside, Arteaga, Robbins, Moyer 38.06 50.74
17 Paloma Valley Sheffield, Willingham, Madrid, Rodriguez 35.54 50.76
29 Diamond Bar Arnold, Cho, Ru, Liggins 50.91 51.42
30 Eagle Rock Milici, Bouligny, Ibarra, Calleja 47.37 51.49
31 Desert Vista Dement, Hartley, Thorburn, Beattie 54.13 51.55
38 The Meadows Chami, Herndon, Dejong, McCall 47.17 53.60
40 Independence (B) Cuevas, Hernandez, Bautista, Rodriguez 51.66 53.81
Girls 4 x 100m Relay High School Section 5
1 Los Osos Butler, Iriafen, Okeani, Barilla 48.43
21 St. Lucy's Stivers, Aguirre, Crosmer, Helbert 51.00
27 Long Beach Millikan Wilson, McGehee, Shorts, Mack 51.23
34 Covina Mendoza, Marquez, Williams, Ojeda 52.78
36 Delano Aricheta, Dato, Perez, Angkahan 53.10
39 West Covina Gonzalez, Tan, Rivas, Castellanos 53.70
46 Baldwin Park Butler, Angie, Jacqueline, Monique 55.30
Girls 4 x 100m Relay High School Section 6
10 Palmdale Burrell, Johnson, Moore, Wooten 50.36 55.90 44.82 49.36 1:03.96
32 University City Andree, Navarro, Walker, Watkins 52.37 1:01.80 50.80 41.90 59.71
37 Tracy Clark, Fernandez, McDonald, Piwowarski 53.12 41.44 57.90 48.34 1:07.47
41 Westridge D'Antuno, White, Khalsa, Thomas 54.01 38.89 58.87 45.91 1:02.12
43 Chino Crockem 54.43 43.55 1:02.05 1:10.76 51.71
44 Pomona Cobb, Salas, Cobb, Londo 54.72 1:07.31 59.65 59.10 56.91
45 Marshall Fundamental Rasheed Anderso, Knovopliv, Starbird, Da Sylveira 55.05 1:08.82 42.94 56.71 41.29