March 4- 6, 2016
Boston University-Track & Tennis Center - Boston, MA
200m (Banked)

Men's 4 x 800 Relay Finals

1 Coppin State Ronaldo Ball, Michael James, Alaric Coker, Mark London 7:29.82 6:53.84 8:50.79 10
2 St. Joseph's (Pa.) Dan Ferraiolo, Dylan Eddinger, Jack Magee, Steve Thompson 7:29.83 6:49.35 6:17.86 8
3 Liberty Andrew Crowell, Colin Schultz, Bradley Prentice, Michael Todd 7:30.50 6:31.94 9:18.62 6
4 Georgetown Andrew Ogle, Charles Cooper, Tommy Williams, Zach Zingsheim 7:30.65 6:05.03 8:56.28 5
5 Adelphi Anthony Seara, Anthony Coccia, Michael Grady, Sean Grady 7:30.89 5:15.63 9:41.65 4
6 Brown Cameron McKie, Zachery Emrich, Christian Bermel, Dylan Groos 7:31.07 6:14.39 6:05.37 3
7 Fordham Fritz Heinrich, Brian Cook, Louis Santelli, Sean Phillips 7:35.46 9:15.67 6:08.93 2
8 Bucknell Kyle Adams, David Frering, Cole Conte, Michael Johnson 7:37.49 9:27.29 6:38.02 1
9 La Salle Stephen Lewandowski, Ben DeVenezia, Nicholas Smart, Chris Sanders 7:44.16 9:40.20 6:06.69 -

Men's 4 x 800 Relay Preliminaries

1 La Salle Stephen Lewandowski, Ben DeVenezia, Nicholas Smart, Chris Sanders 6:27.46 9:45.69 7:30.53 5:37.90 5:15.38
2 Fordham Fritz Heinrich, Brian Cook, Louis Santelli, Sean Phillips 8:53.10 6:31.85 7:35.64 6:50.08 8:25.76
3 Liberty Andrew Crowell, Colin Schultz, Bradley Prentice, Michael Todd 5:58.31 6:44.25 7:39.37 6:53.44 5:35.34
4 St. Joseph's (Pa.) Dan Ferraiolo, Dylan Eddinger, Jack Magee, Steve Thompson 5:44.47 8:14.05 7:33.25 8:36.71 9:03.90
5 Coppin State Alaric Coker, Ronaldo Ball, Michael James, Mark London 5:37.62 6:00.43 7:36.24 8:21.87 6:27.81
6 Georgetown Christian Alvarado, Zach Zingsheim, Tommy Williams, Andrew Ogle 8:27.84 6:33.46 7:37.51 7:42.09 8:32.42
7 Adelphi Anthony Seara, Anthony Coccia, Michael Grady, Sean Grady 5:52.80 9:51.06 7:38.18 9:23.57 8:37.75
8 Bucknell Kyle Adams, David Frering, Cole Conte, Michael Johnson 8:34.95 9:07.13 7:39.77 9:34.72 8:44.14
9 Brown Cameron McKie, Dylan Groos, Nick Wey, Christian Bermel 6:40.06 7:49.03 7:39.83 6:53.85 5:31.08
10 Rider Dalin Hackley, Scott Wood, Tom McLaughlin, Brook Wilson 7:26.70 6:03.81 7:40.51 6:08.41 9:31.04
11 New Hampshire Thomas Harter, Cody Symonds, Jacob Kittredge, Nathan Kittredge 6:31.60 8:59.02 7:40.70 8:40.59 8:59.02
12 Yale Schan Lartigue, John Mahoney, Michael Yuan, Tim Cox 7:40.91 9:22.31 7:40.91 6:04.12 6:54.82
13 Columbia Alex Freemantle, Tyler Otterstedt, Brian McGovern, Jake Tuckerman 7:18.83 9:46.64 7:41.92 9:51.26 8:00.40
14 William and Mary Duncan Goodrich, Jomar Aryee, Richard Cappetta, Michael Wilkens 8:52.64 5:47.37 7:43.16 9:01.90 7:43.16
15 Albany Harold Lamour, Austin Sperl, Matthew Gladysz, Zachary Cook 6:48.84 7:21.36 7:44.59 9:50.03 7:49.24
16 Monmouth Jack Grace, Kevin Mazzella, Joe Cawley, Frank Conforti 6:37.88 7:15.33 7:48.09 8:48.95 8:16.18
17 Colgate Colin Loughlin, Oliver Moe, Daniel Palladino, Jonathan Zeosky 7:06.05 9:35.87 7:48.18 7:20.09 9:54.59
18 Lafayette Matthew Weintraub, Tyler Pressl, Andrew Morra, Frank Clarke 8:03.09 7:34.95 7:49.02 9:36.90 7:02.12
19 Boston College Oliver Boucher, Johnny Kemps, Matt Morano, Evan Gray 9:50.74 7:14.79 7:52.59 9:55.47 7:57.32
20 Marist Nestor Taylor, Mark Vuono, Nate Lungarini, Josh Siegel 8:18.17 7:25.98 7:54.44 9:19.84 8:46.63
21 Vermont Allen Vance, Drew Baker, Oliver Scofield, Fletcher Hazlehurst 10:11.95 7:04.03 8:01.85 7:37.76 6:35.12
Men's 4 x 800 Relay Preliminaries Heat 1
3 Liberty Crowell, Schultz, Prentice, Todd 7:39.37 9:38.81 7:39.37
9 Brown McKie, Groos, Wey, Bermel 5:58.67 7:03.05 7:39.83
12 Yale Lartigue, Mahoney, Yuan, Cox 6:13.34 7:08.65 7:40.91
13 Columbia Freemantle, Otterstedt, McGovern, Tuckerman 6:18.78 10:00.50 7:41.92
14 William and Mary Goodrich, Aryee, Cappetta, Wilkens 8:38.74 8:06.32 7:43.16
18 Lafayette Weintraub, Pressl, Morra, Clarke 7:20.88 9:55.66 7:49.02
19 Boston College Boucher, Kemps, Morano, Gray 9:50.74 8:16.22 7:52.59
Men's 4 x 800 Relay Preliminaries Heat 2
1 La Salle Lewandowski, DeVenezia, Smart, Sanders 9:36.68 6:54.49 7:30.53
4 St. Joseph's (Pa.) Ferraiolo, Eddinger, Magee, Thompson 8:00.45 9:44.70 7:33.25
6 Georgetown Alvarado, Zingsheim, Williams, Ogle 9:31.89 7:51.24 7:37.51
8 Bucknell Adams, Frering, Conte, Johnson 5:21.84 9:07.13 7:39.77
11 New Hampshire Harter, Symonds, Kittredge, Kittredge 9:49.70 9:26.67 7:40.70
16 Monmouth Grace, Mazzella, Cawley, Conforti 6:47.24 7:29.37 7:48.09
20 Marist Taylor, Vuono, Lungarini, Siegel 5:32.11 8:46.63 7:54.44
Men's 4 x 800 Relay Preliminaries Heat 3
2 Fordham Heinrich, Cook, Santelli, Phillips 5:41.73 7:35.64 6:40.97 5:59.96
5 Coppin State Coker, Ball, James, London 8:44.68 7:36.24 8:03.62 8:40.12
7 Adelphi Seara, Coccia, Grady, Grady 9:05.24 7:38.18 6:29.46 9:18.98
10 Rider Hackley, Wood, McLaughlin, Wilson 9:03.41 7:40.51 7:54.33 6:03.81
15 Albany Lamour, Sperl, Gladysz, Cook 6:53.49 7:44.59 7:16.72 9:45.39
17 Colgate Loughlin, Moe, Palladino, Zeosky 6:05.18 7:48.18 5:37.09 10:03.96
21 Vermont Vance, Baker, Scofield, Hazlehurst 7:28.12 8:01.85 6:54.40 8:40.40