May 6, 2006
Wisconsin - Madison, WI

Men's 200 Meters

1 Cody Eichmeier Junior U-Northern Iowa 21.77 16.17 21.55 23.06 18.97 18.11
2 andre morris   Unattached 20.48 17.86 21.78 15.90 18.08 18.52
3 Dante Daniels Junior Monmouth College 19.76 24.15 21.95 23.49 19.54 24.15
4 Broderick Hutchins Senior Concordia University Wisconsin 24.90 23.58 22.03 15.87 20.27 16.53
5 Josh Hurlebaus Freshman Carroll College 21.70 20.15 22.14 27.46 24.58 22.14
6 Jonathon Rouse Freshman Concordia University Wisconsin 27.94 24.61 22.17 23.50 18.18 27.05
7 Trentin Edwards Junior UW-Milwaukee 25.59 23.59 22.25 25.37 27.82 23.81
8 dan goesch   University of Wisconsin 21.23 27.48 22.34 26.14 23.68 15.87
9 Tyler Rundle Junior Monmouth College 25.96 21.94 22.38 22.38 18.58 15.67
10 Michael Spillone Freshman DuPage 15.8 16.0 22.6 29.1 16.2 26.4
11 Tommy Washington Senior Milwaukee Sch. of Engineering 27.3 27.3 22.8 16.1 24.1 27.8
12 Anthony Jones   Greater Milwaukee TC 22.37 23.51 22.82 17.12 22.60 15.98
12 Trent Thompson Junior Illinois-Chicago 25.11 27.62 22.82 25.56 27.84 27.39
12 Brian Gaddis Sophomore DuPage 16.21 21.00 22.82 25.56 27.39 19.86
15 Dan Gerber Junior St. Mary's MN 26.29 21.95 22.86 19.89 29.72 16.69
16 Justin Malec Senior Illinois-Chicago 25.15 24.46 23.07 24.92 27.69 16.38
16 Julius Terrell Junior Concordia University Wisconsin 28.61 28.15 23.07 19.61 22.15 17.31
18 Brian Seniuk Freshman Milwaukee Sch. of Engineering 19.40 23.32 23.09 29.79 29.10 24.48
19 Chris Fisette Freshman St. Mary's MN 23.36 28.67 23.12 23.12 16.19 17.58
20 Tom Georgia Sophomore St. Norbert 23.04 19.75 23.51 24.45 27.28 17.87
21 Andy Belter Freshman Lawrence University 22.38 28.50 23.55 26.85 18.84 16.72
22 Chris Rivosecchi Freshman DuPage 24.3 27.8 23.6 29.2 28.5 29.7
23 Josh Meyer   Greater Milwaukee TC 18.22 29.58 23.66 19.88 18.46 24.85
23 Ryan Fadrow Freshman Carroll College 29.58 23.66 23.66 28.63 30.76 22.72
25 Seth Feldner Junior Beloit College 19.18 17.29 23.68 21.79 30.31 30.79
26 Tony Oliver   Greater Milwaukee TC 27.04 27.99 23.72 30.84 20.64 25.15
27 Adam Grinde Freshman St. Norbert 26.38 17.11 23.76 28.28 26.14 21.63
27 Joe Phillips Sophomore Milwaukee Sch. of Engineering 23.29 23.76 23.76 28.52 16.64 21.63
29 Adrell Bullock Junior Lawrence University 18.84 24.80 23.84 27.66 19.55 19.55
30 Zach Behnke Junior St. Norbert 18.45 18.69 23.95 17.97 21.32 28.03
31 Josh Dergner Sophomore St. Norbert 31.17 20.54 24.16 19.82 30.69 27.30
32 James Hahn Senior Lawrence University 19.17 31.54 24.26 26.69 24.51 20.63
33 Christopher Welty Freshman Monmouth College 31.07 21.77 24.46 18.35 22.75 18.59
34 Adrian Grandison Freshman Lawrence University 19.3 24.9 24.5 20.0 28.9 17.3
35 Zach Keilholz Freshman Lawrence University 28.80 28.31 24.61 18.22 26.83 22.40
36 Ken Woodall   Greater Milwaukee TC 30.34 18.50 24.66 18.50 20.97 31.57
37 Damon Spurlock Sophomore Milwaukee Sch. of Engineering 23.60 31.30 24.84 24.10 20.12 22.36
38 Robert Coehoorn Freshman Milwaukee Sch. of Engineering 20.07 32.36 25.08 28.85 24.08 30.10
39 Greg Haas Sophomore Lawrence University 31.1 20.5 25.1 24.0 31.8 30.6
40 Adam Neiffer Senior Beloit College 26.39 32.17 25.13 22.12 17.59 24.88
41 Bill Bade Senior St. Mary's MN 22.02 32.40 25.31 31.64 19.24 19.49
42 Josh Weber Freshman Concordia University Wisconsin 25.45 18.33 25.45 30.29 28.25 25.20
43 Chris Nakielski Senior Ripon College 27.34 33.53 25.79 32.24 31.98 31.21
44 Dean Thompson   Wisconsin Track Club 33.13 29.74 26.08 22.17 24.00 20.87
45 Don Smith Freshman Beloit College 28.0 26.2 26.5 18.8 33.9 32.8
46 Joe Reese Freshman Ripon College 29.13 34.68 27.74 29.13 20.25 30.80
47 Erik Schaefer   Wisconsin Track Club 32.50 25.77 28.01 32.50 33.06 34.74
48 Patrick Hunter   University of Northern Io 27.82 39.38 31.25 31.88 22.19 26.57
Men's 200 Meters Section 1
35 Zach Keilholz Freshman Lawrence University 24.61
37 Damon Spurlock Sophomore Milwaukee Sch. of Engineering 24.84
38 Robert Coehoorn Freshman Milwaukee Sch. of Engineering 25.08
39 Greg Haas Sophomore Lawrence University 25.1
42 Josh Weber Freshman Concordia University Wisconsin 25.45
43 Chris Nakielski Senior Ripon College 25.79
44 Dean Thompson   Wisconsin Track Club 26.08
45 Don Smith Freshman Beloit College 26.5
46 Joe Reese Freshman Ripon College 27.74
Men's 200 Meters Section 2
22 Chris Rivosecchi Freshman DuPage 23.6
30 Zach Behnke Junior St. Norbert 23.95
33 Christopher Welty Freshman Monmouth College 24.46
34 Adrian Grandison Freshman Lawrence University 24.5
40 Adam Neiffer Senior Beloit College 25.13
41 Bill Bade Senior St. Mary's MN 25.31
47 Erik Schaefer   Wisconsin Track Club 28.01
Men's 200 Meters Section 3
16 Julius Terrell Junior Concordia University Wisconsin 23.07 16.85
20 Tom Georgia Sophomore St. Norbert 23.51 19.52
21 Andy Belter Freshman Lawrence University 23.55 19.08
25 Seth Feldner Junior Beloit College 23.68 20.13
27 Adam Grinde Freshman St. Norbert 23.76 16.87
29 Adrell Bullock Junior Lawrence University 23.84 20.74
31 Josh Dergner Sophomore St. Norbert 24.16 19.33
32 James Hahn Senior Lawrence University 24.26 23.29
Men's 200 Meters Section 4
8 dan goesch   University of Wisconsin 18.32 22.34
11 Tommy Washington Senior Milwaukee Sch. of Engineering 26.6 22.8
18 Brian Seniuk Freshman Milwaukee Sch. of Engineering 16.86 23.09
19 Chris Fisette Freshman St. Mary's MN 24.05 23.12
23 Josh Meyer   Greater Milwaukee TC 29.58 23.66
23 Ryan Fadrow Freshman Carroll College 23.66 23.66
26 Tony Oliver   Greater Milwaukee TC 25.15 23.72
27 Joe Phillips Sophomore Milwaukee Sch. of Engineering 22.10 23.76
Men's 200 Meters Section 5
6 Jonathon Rouse Freshman Concordia University Wisconsin 22.17 25.28 28.38 19.74 25.94
9 Tyler Rundle Junior Monmouth College 22.38 23.50 19.47 18.36 22.16
10 Michael Spillone Freshman DuPage 22.6 23.9 16.9 21.6 16.2
12 Anthony Jones   Greater Milwaukee TC 22.82 27.84 23.05 20.31 26.25
12 Brian Gaddis Sophomore DuPage 22.82 26.02 24.88 18.03 17.12
12 Trent Thompson Junior Illinois-Chicago 22.82 17.35 21.45 26.25 28.76
16 Justin Malec Senior Illinois-Chicago 23.07 21.23 22.84 29.30 25.84
36 Ken Woodall   Greater Milwaukee TC 24.66 30.83 27.13 27.13 20.23
Men's 200 Meters Section 6
1 Cody Eichmeier Junior U-Northern Iowa 21.55
2 andre morris   Unattached 21.78
3 Dante Daniels Junior Monmouth College 21.95
4 Broderick Hutchins Senior Concordia University Wisconsin 22.03
5 Josh Hurlebaus Freshman Carroll College 22.14
7 Trentin Edwards Junior UW-Milwaukee 22.25
15 Dan Gerber Junior St. Mary's MN 22.86
48 Patrick Hunter   University of Northern Io 31.25