April 27-30, 2016
Drake Stadium - Des Moines, IA

Boys 4 x 100m Relay Division 8

1 Indian Hills MS Carsen Shelton, Ben Keller, Ryan Neu, Creightin Mitchell 46.59 56.38
2 Merrill MS Gary Quinn, Aaron Smith, Semar James, Joyden Singleton 47.59 1:00.44
3 Ankeny Centennial MS Kein Yalentine, Jaxon Smith, Jon Wong, Braden Carlson 48.92 39.14
4 Western Dubuque MS Calvin Harris, Ben Bryant, Will Burds, Collin Hogan 49.01 37.25
5 Urbandale MS Jacob Betts, Max Barton, Matt Richards, Harrison Waylee 49.37 1:01.22
6 Prairieview MS Matthew O'Brien, Sam O'Dell, Christian Jarvis, Jackson Payne 49.78 47.30
7 St. Francis of Assisi MS Andrew Feltz, Adam Brauch, Owen Schiltz, Chace Hauschilt 49.88 55.87
8 Amos Hiatt MS Edin Bangreos, Cedrick Warren, Savion Coleman, Kameron Ford 50.03 45.03
9 Goodrell MS Gabe Kunnert, Devin Hilson, Jaxson Hannan, Isaiah Damerion 50.07 45.07
10 Weeks MS Carler Kline, Antonio Dixon, Chase Agans, Tre Steffens 50.21 56.24
11 Waverly-Shell Rock MS Germain Sagbo, Chase Carpenter, Ben Heyer, Kaden Dewey 50.25 43.72
12 Stilwell MS Alex Whitcomb, Trajen Thorton, Nate Loecher, Braeden Wallace 50.37 51.38
13 Timberline MS Cade Buscher, Nick Fields, Kyle Witte, Jalen Martinez 51.32 40.03
14 Albia MS Austin Major, Landon Noe, Nick Heffron, Pete Sarver 52.00 46.28
15 Callanan MS Ricco Kemp, Alexi Fernandez, Lorenzo Tagger, Gianni Davila 52.04 58.81
16 McCombs MS Noah Gracy, Brody Lamp, Reese Martin, Aubry Gillard 52.48 45.66
17 Dunkerton MS Carter Littlefield, Brody Rygel, Matt Wheeler, Riley Tisue 52.84 44.39
18 Meredith MS Elijiah Torres, San Thang, Gabe Larson, Jerad Fischer 52.85 49.68
19 Christ The King MS Andrew Powell, Jason Moist, Pedro Rodriguez, Caleb Reichow 53.27 59.13
20 Holy Trinity MS Louie Brooks, Nick Hawn, Alex Tyler, Matthew Stilwill 53.77 59.15
21 Sacred Heart MS Gaven Campbell, Andrew Lentsch, Colin Recker, Dyer Jarabek 54.13 55.76
22 Assumption MS Ben Wiese, Matthew Watznauer, Max Derry, Garrett Burkhart 54.60 1:05.52
23 Hoyt MS Julian Perez, Rocky Vizzearra, Gabriel Priest, Cavantae Turner 55.17 1:08.41
24 Central Elkader MS Hazen Loan, Evan Pensel, Justin Cook, Luke Tuecke 55.22 1:04.61
25 St. Pius X MS Will Bussey, Dalton Cale, Mike Gipple, Clark Krueger 55.80 1:07.52
26 St. Theresa MS Jonah Kluesner, Lucas Krameer, Griffin Rhode, Paul Johnston 58.13 56.97
27 St. Augustin MS Danny Kelly, Tommy Lucas, Alejandro Konrad, Dominic Bonanno 58.25 58.25
28 Colfax Mingo MS Trinity Schroeder, Zach Barnes, Brady Berkey, Trystin Ross 59.67 48.34
29 Bergman Academy MS Zach Williams, Aidan Steffes, Nicholas Zeff, Beckett LaParade 1:06.35 1:02.37
Boys 4 x 100m Relay Division 8 Section 1
1 Indian Hills MS Shelton, Keller, Neu, Mitchell 58.24 34.95 42.87 55.91 46.59 35.88
3 Ankeny Centennial MS Yalentine, Smith, Wong, Carlson 1:02.13 39.63 35.23 40.61 48.92 1:03.60
8 Amos Hiatt MS Bangreos, Warren, Coleman, Ford 41.53 39.03 58.54 55.04 50.03 47.03
9 Goodrell MS Kunnert, Hilson, Hannan, Damerion 55.08 1:03.59 57.08 56.58 50.07 1:04.59
16 McCombs MS Gracy, Lamp, Martin, Gillard 43.56 57.73 44.09 59.31 52.48 39.89
22 Assumption MS Wiese, Watznauer, Derry, Burkhart 57.88 47.51 1:09.35 52.42 54.60 48.60
23 Hoyt MS Perez, Vizzearra, Priest, Turner 54.07 1:11.17 1:06.21 58.48 55.17 41.93
26 St. Theresa MS Kluesner, Krameer, Rhode, Johnston 53.48 46.51 1:01.62 52.90 58.13 1:07.43
Boys 4 x 100m Relay Division 8 Section 2
5 Urbandale MS Betts, Barton, Richards, Waylee 55.30 36.54 49.37 1:00.24 48.39 38.51 48.39
11 Waverly-Shell Rock MS Sagbo, Carpenter, Heyer, Dewey 59.30 56.79 50.25 52.77 57.79 1:01.31 1:01.31
13 Timberline MS Buscher, Fields, Witte, Martinez 43.11 44.14 51.32 45.17 58.00 55.94 59.54
17 Dunkerton MS Littlefield, Rygel, Wheeler, Tisue 48.62 1:08.17 52.84 47.56 40.16 47.56 40.69
21 Sacred Heart MS Campbell, Lentsch, Recker, Jarabek 1:01.17 44.39 54.13 53.05 56.84 47.10 56.30
24 Central Elkader MS Loan, Pensel, Cook, Tuecke 41.42 49.15 55.22 1:01.30 1:07.37 1:05.72 1:07.92
Boys 4 x 100m Relay Division 8 Section 3
6 Prairieview MS O'Brien, O'Dell, Jarvis, Payne 51.28 54.76 49.78 52.27 37.84 49.29
7 St. Francis of Assisi MS Feltz, Brauch, Schiltz, Hauschilt 1:02.85 1:03.35 49.88 39.41 1:00.36 1:02.85
12 Stilwell MS Whitcomb, Thorton, Loecher, Wallace 44.33 1:02.97 50.37 46.85 47.86 48.86
14 Albia MS Major, Noe, Heffron, Sarver 41.60 47.84 52.00 36.92 1:02.92 45.24
19 Christ The King MS Powell, Moist, Rodriguez, Reichow 57.54 52.74 53.27 51.14 37.29 38.89
20 Holy Trinity MS Brooks, Hawn, Tyler, Stilwill 1:01.84 49.47 53.77 51.09 52.70 1:01.30
28 Colfax Mingo MS Schroeder, Barnes, Berkey, Ross 1:08.62 51.92 59.67 1:13.99 47.14 45.95
29 Bergman Academy MS Williams, Steffes, Zeff, LaParade 1:22.28 1:12.99 1:06.35 1:12.99 50.43 1:13.65
Boys 4 x 100m Relay Division 8 Section 4
2 Merrill MS Quinn, Smith, James, Singleton 44.26 56.64 39.98 55.68 56.16 36.65 47.59
4 Western Dubuque MS Harris, Bryant, Burds, Hogan 1:01.27 44.60 1:01.27 54.90 48.52 36.27 49.01
10 Weeks MS Kline, Dixon, Agans, Steffens 1:03.27 47.20 1:04.77 38.67 54.23 42.18 50.21
15 Callanan MS Kemp, Fernandez, Tagger, Davila 54.13 45.80 46.84 1:05.57 46.32 56.73 52.04
18 Meredith MS Torres, Thang, Larson, Fischer 44.93 53.91 40.70 39.11 51.80 1:03.42 52.85
25 St. Pius X MS Bussey, Cale, Gipple, Krueger 57.48 1:04.17 56.36 39.62 45.76 44.64 55.80
27 St. Augustin MS Kelly, Lucas, Konrad, Bonanno 1:15.15 1:08.74 42.53 46.60 51.26 53.59 58.25