March 29-April 1, 2017
Texas-Mike A. Myers Stadium - Austin, TX

Boys 4,000m Distance Medley High School

1 Dana Hills Thomas Wilfert, Josh Dowdy, John Turner, Jack Landgraf 12:36.65 10:20.20
2 Pflugerville Hendrickson Justin Botello, Jacob Lee, Tyler McDaniel, Daniel Viegra 9:15.80 10:24.49
3 Plano West Peter Johnson, Ryan Sullivan, Cole Wilschetz, Jackson Vicary 12:54.10 10:29.35
4 Austin Lake Travis Jared Tracy, David Patrick, Connor Butterfiled, Brady Grant 10:51.23 10:32.26
5 St. Stephens Episcopal School Crayton Carrozza, Cameron Conyers, John Sansbury, Andrew Abikhaled 7:35.91 10:33.20
6 San Antonio Warren Julio Arroyo, Alan Gonzalez-Palaci, Carlos Rodriguez, Nathan Perez 7:30.19 10:34.06
7 Lewisville Hebron Conner Miller, Andrew Merutka, Dylan Lowe, Adam Dayani 7:24.69 10:35.26
8 Lewisville Marcus Jacob Egan, Harold Murphy, Zachary Vineyard, Parker Brady 7:25.02 10:35.74
9 Lewisville Flower Mound Michael Romero, Marshall Mathieu, Payton Ash, Alex Maier 11:53.06 10:36.66
10 Arlington Martin Jayce Turner, Dayton Johnson, Dante Richardson, Cade Bethmann 11:53.80 10:37.32
11 Edmond Memorial Jed Helker, Ansen Covin, Aaron Charlton, Zach Mauck 9:41.39 10:38.89
12 Keller Colin Torrey, Colton Nelson, Justin Signo, Joel Potter 9:38.07 10:42.29
13 San Antonio Brandeis Thomas Hinojosa, Parker Pruett, Carlos Salazar, William Potter 9:20.69 10:44.47
14 Pearland Dawson Zion Walker, Jalen Jones, Logan Powell, Kyle Stacks 10:31.58 10:44.47
15 Katy Garvin Chilton, Jacob Marlow, Rafael Hernandez, Ryan Yerrow 12:08.88 10:45.02
16 Keller Central Dylan Miller, Dominique House, Trenton Magryta, Micah Langat 11:50.07 10:45.51
17 Arlington Bowie Devin Rodriguez, Ryan Williams, Isaiah Patterson, Davon Rodriguez 12:41.99 10:45.75
18 Airline Will Dart, Brandon Rayburn, Taejon Morris, Seth Papineau 13:40.37 10:45.96
19 Northwest Nelson Jared Kinneer, Bryson Davis, Spencer Hataway, Ryan Teuscher 12:49.23 10:46.41
20 Round Rock Stony Point Trevor Poulson, Ramzi Issa, Gordon Parkhurst, Dereck Elkins 12:50.52 10:47.49
21 Spring Branch Smithson Valley Chase Bracher, Chandler Beam, Tyler Keranen, Clayton Wilkerson 13:43.19 10:48.18
22 Long Beach Wilson Alan Richards, Phillip Ung, Deviell Perfecto, Arturo Gonzalez 10:23.02 10:48.98
23 Sanger Payten Vidourek, Ramon Rodriguez, Alfonso Fascio, Bryson Basinger 13:16.68 10:53.01
24 La Joya Juarez-Lincoln Mauricio Hernandez, Israel Olivarez, Juan Castillo, Jose Serna 13:36.39 10:53.11
25 McKinney Sage Foster, Jonas Palmer, Nicolas Maclean, Eric Maclean 12:24.56 10:53.12
26 Grapevine Bryce Cook, Carlos Alvarez, Matthew Melcher, Ryan Shumaker 7:50.45 10:53.40
27 Katy Tompkins Johnathan Hernandez, Dubem Nwachkwu, Paul Harris, Daniel Figueroa 12:40.85 10:55.90
28 College Station A&M Cons Luke Henderson, Jamarquis Stewart, Matthew Arthur, Levi Alexander 8:44.73 10:55.91
29 LC Clear Falls Laik Dugue, Da'Lin Collins, Kobi Moore, Cooper Godfrey 8:31.72 10:56.04
30 Comal Canyon Jacian Smith, Robert McDonald, Bailey Bournival, Ethan Denfeld 9:33.19 10:58.83
31 Cedar Park Tyler Grendel, Travian Holst, Alden Yi, Jack Rueter 10:06.34 10:59.06
32 St. Marks School of Texas Seth Weprin, Victor Barton, Scott Smythe, Daniel Cope 9:21.73 11:00.85
33 Houston MacArthur Felix Cruz, Santiago Solorio, Michael Skinner, Isai Colon 7:42.92 11:01.31
34 Lucas Lovejoy Ryan Brands, William Muirhead, Bradley Davis, Brett Pedersen 10:49.86 11:03.12
35 Mont Belvieu Barbers Hill Ryan Wilson, Morgan Frederick, Grant Theriot, Josh Fagala 14:15.89 11:08.66
36 Lockhart Luke Hippensteel, Dylan Schuenemann, River Bailey, David Mendez-Serrato 9:43.48 11:10.66
37 Johns Creek Matt Derbawka, Caden Ciul, Nathan Gauthreaux, Colton Ross 12:31.97 11:11.40
38 Katy Morton Ranch Dereck Adamas, Telron Bradford, Deonte' Bradford, Olari Livingston 11:52.02 11:11.71
39 Bullis Scott Albertini, Austin Allen, Ryan Braun, Tony Patrinos 13:15.75 11:14.36
40 Georgetown Mason Motakef, Ryan Talley, Giorgio Etnel, Carter Smith 12:28.83 11:14.62
41 Kinkaid School Oscar Melendez, Kirby Cravens, Andres Melendez, Dz Zavitsanos 14:11.02 11:20.81
42 San Antonio Holmes Nehemiah Pineda, Jett Knight, Pasquell Williams, Ali Wailyow 8:10.10 11:30.28
Boys 4,000m Distance Medley High School Section 1
4 Austin Lake Travis Tracy, Patrick, Butterfiled, Grant 10:57.55 10:32.26 12:26.07 10:51.23
5 St. Stephens Episcopal School Carrozza, Conyers, Sansbury, Abikhaled 9:04.56 10:33.20 12:39.84 9:42.55
6 San Antonio Warren Arroyo, Gonzalez-Palaci, Rodriguez, Perez 11:05.77 10:34.06 8:46.27 10:02.36
7 Lewisville Hebron Miller, Merutka, Lowe, Dayani 11:57.85 10:35.26 9:12.68 11:57.85
10 Arlington Martin Turner, Johnson, Richardson, Bethmann 8:48.98 10:37.32 11:47.43 8:17.11
12 Keller Torrey, Nelson, Signo, Potter 13:29.29 10:42.29 7:29.61 9:31.64
14 Pearland Dawson Walker, Jones, Powell, Stacks 13:57.82 10:44.47 9:01.36 10:05.81
18 Airline Dart, Rayburn, Morris, Papineau 10:00.75 10:45.96 9:15.53 9:47.83
20 Round Rock Stony Point Poulson, Issa, Parkhurst, Elkins 13:48.79 10:47.49 7:46.20 10:28.07
23 Sanger Vidourek, Rodriguez, Fascio, Basinger 9:47.71 10:53.01 8:29.35 9:15.06
24 La Joya Juarez-Lincoln Hernandez, Olivarez, Castillo, Serna 13:10.27 10:53.11 14:02.52 11:19.24
25 McKinney Foster, Palmer, Maclean, Maclean 10:59.66 10:53.12 13:42.94 9:28.22
26 Grapevine Cook, Alvarez, Melcher, Shumaker 10:14.20 10:53.40 8:16.59 10:14.20
28 College Station A&M Cons Henderson, Stewart, Arthur, Alexander 12:21.18 10:55.91 9:43.76 8:38.17
31 Cedar Park Grendel, Holst, Yi, Rueter 11:25.43 10:59.06 8:47.25 9:07.02
32 St. Marks School of Texas Weprin, Barton, Smythe, Cope 13:52.68 11:00.85 10:34.42 9:08.51
34 Lucas Lovejoy Brands, Muirhead, Davis, Pedersen 14:22.06 11:03.12 12:49.22 13:22.38
36 Lockhart Hippensteel, Schuenemann, Bailey, Mendez-Serrato 11:30.78 11:10.66 8:23.00 9:56.89
37 Johns Creek Derbawka, Ciul, Gauthreaux, Ross 14:32.82 11:11.40 12:05.12 11:51.69
38 Katy Morton Ranch Adamas, Bradford, Bradford, Livingston 9:04.09 11:11.71 8:37.22 12:32.32
40 Georgetown Motakef, Talley, Etnel, Smith 14:16.77 11:14.62 12:42.32 10:34.15
41 Kinkaid School Melendez, Cravens, Melendez, Zavitsanos 11:34.43 11:20.81 11:14.01 10:33.16
Boys 4,000m Distance Medley High School Section 2
1 Dana Hills Wilfert, Dowdy, Turner, Landgraf 11:09.82 13:01.46 10:45.01 10:20.20 7:51.36 11:28.43
2 Pflugerville Hendrickson Botello, Lee, McDaniel, Viegra 13:25.60 9:40.78 9:59.51 10:24.49 10:55.72 7:17.15
3 Plano West Johnson, Sullivan, Wilschetz, Vicary 9:45.30 11:32.29 7:26.84 10:29.35 12:22.64 12:28.93
8 Lewisville Marcus Egan, Murphy, Vineyard, Brady 9:25.81 12:17.46 8:28.60 10:35.74 11:26.60 12:30.18
9 Lewisville Flower Mound Romero, Mathieu, Ash, Maier 9:45.73 13:22.20 7:51.13 10:36.66 11:53.06 11:21.23
11 Edmond Memorial Helker, Covin, Charlton, Mauck 7:59.17 11:10.84 8:18.34 10:38.89 12:21.12 10:26.12
13 San Antonio Brandeis Hinojosa, Pruett, Salazar, Potter 9:59.36 9:33.58 7:37.58 10:44.47 9:52.92 10:38.03
15 Katy Chilton, Marlow, Hernandez, Yerrow 11:04.37 8:10.22 11:10.82 10:45.02 13:00.48 10:45.02
16 Keller Central Miller, House, Magryta, Langat 13:01.07 12:22.34 11:17.79 10:45.51 8:55.78 12:15.89
17 Arlington Bowie Rodriguez, Williams, Patterson, Rodriguez 12:03.24 11:37.41 13:46.56 10:45.75 12:41.99 10:26.38
19 Northwest Nelson Kinneer, Davis, Hataway, Teuscher 10:27.02 8:24.20 12:03.98 10:46.41 12:10.45 9:09.45
21 Spring Branch Smithson Valley Bracher, Beam, Keranen, Wilkerson 13:36.71 14:02.64 10:09.29 10:48.18 10:28.74 12:44.86
22 Long Beach Wilson Richards, Ung, Perfecto, Gonzalez 9:24.62 7:47.27 8:26.21 10:48.98 9:11.64 11:08.45
27 Katy Tompkins Hernandez, Nwachkwu, Harris, Figueroa 9:10.96 13:13.64 8:05.37 10:55.90 10:09.99 8:57.84
29 LC Clear Falls Dugue, Collins, Moore, Godfrey 7:58.91 10:42.92 11:35.41 10:56.04 10:42.92 12:47.57
30 Comal Canyon Smith, McDonald, Bournival, Denfeld 9:26.60 10:19.30 13:30.36 10:58.83 11:51.54 14:09.89
33 Houston MacArthur Cruz, Solorio, Skinner, Colon 13:20.19 9:55.18 9:28.73 11:01.31 13:33.42 12:47.12
35 Mont Belvieu Barbers Hill Wilson, Frederick, Theriot, Fagala 11:08.66 8:08.13 9:21.68 11:08.66 11:35.41 12:02.16
39 Bullis Albertini, Allen, Braun, Patrinos 9:46.70 12:35.29 11:48.08 11:14.36 9:26.47 13:35.98
42 San Antonio Holmes Pineda, Knight, Williams, Wailyow 13:20.73 8:10.10 11:02.67 11:30.28 14:02.15 14:36.66