March 29-31, 2018
Florida-Percy Beard Track - Gainesville, FL

Boys 4,000m Distance Medley High School

1 Hilton Head Joshua Williams, Zach Waters, Ryan Moosbrugger, Sam Gilman 7:45.22 10:20.29
2 Lake Brantley HS Damarius Good, Joab Francois, Brian Johnson, Juan Moscoso 12:26.24 10:37.81
3 Sarasota HS Alan Romero, Jaasiel Torres, Adrien Zambaux, Benjamin Hartvigsen 9:41.41 10:46.01
4 Fort Myers HS Nick Carpenter, Reese Novella, Liam Holston, Kyle Skinner 12:42.38 10:46.08
5 Trinity Prep Sean Leider, Tristan Cloe, David Manning, Trent Turbyfill 8:04.74 10:46.32
6 West Orange HS Artis Lewis, Christian Pierre-Paul, Russell Robinson, Branden Young 10:46.70 10:46.70
7 George M. Steinbrenner HS 8:47.57 10:51.31
8 Spanish River HS Chris French, Sam Rosenthal, Zachary Vincennie, Will Noonan 10:12.48 10:51.57
9 St. Thomas Aquinas HS Sage Brands, Jamir Ferguson, Colin Breslin, Nicholas Rischar 10:53.37 10:53.37
10 Naples HS Dylan Clark, Colin Williams, Jake Kampf, Miguel Lopez 12:34.91 11:02.20
11 Barron Collier HS 8:37.99 11:04.08
12 George Jenkins HS Ryan Chapman, Chase Jones, Thomas Townley, Terrance Denson 12:46.06 11:06.14
13 Coral Reef HS DaMauri Little, Hunter Dobbs, Austin Redondo, Dillon Ford 11:57.34 11:10.41
14 Lake Highland Prep HS Nick Deese, Isaac Jacobs, Gavin Addeo, Jonah Gottschalk 12:38.19 11:10.96
15 St. Petersburg HS Bryce Burt, Matthew Wohlwend, Dieumerci Ufitimana, Anthony Johnson 12:52.31 11:11.57
16 Flagler Palm Coast HS Shawn Gordon, Darrell Thomas, Levi Burton, Abdiel Martir-Martinez 8:10.54 11:11.97
17 Ocala Vanguard HS 12:12.49 11:12.01
18 Cardinal Gibbons HS Allen Escuage, Alex Gonzalez, Andres Zaldivar, Derek Atwaters 8:12.89 11:15.19
19 Apopka HS Rudy Gatling, Ryan Lovern, Marcus Banks-Guy, Jackson Davis 12:36.25 11:15.22
20 Mitchell HS Johannes Van Ooyen, Nicholas Pollard, Logan Stephens, Nickolas Millan 8:47.40 11:16.15
21 Pine Crest HS Jack Rizzo, Matthew Jordan, Jabari Owens, Gabriel Ortega 12:17.01 11:16.15
22 Gainesville HS Matthew Conaty, Mason Gollwitzer, John Broling, Nicholas Cain 13:19.63 11:17.65
23 Dr. Phillips HS Adam Berriz, Franklin Ivey, Joshua Matzner, Adriel Rivera Aponte 9:09.65 11:18.57
24 Windermere High School Onix Ortiz, Jacob Rison, Noah Ellenback, Joshwa Jerelds 9:57.29 11:18.73
25 Westminster School Zachary Roe, Mason Arbery, Andrew Stevens, Sam Blau 11:12.51 11:19.30
26 Admiral Farragut Academy Alex Fiorillo, Philip Henderson, Cole Kolodetsky, Makani Monahan 12:00.08 11:19.32
27 Fleming Island HS Evan Fuller, Felipe Fernandez, Cameron May, Andrew Miller 14:44.88 11:20.67
28 The Master's Academy (Ovi Jordan Woodbine, Josh Gillis, Jonah Woodbine, Esdras Camacho 12:50.03 11:21.44
29 Celebration HS Hudson Rucker, Antonio Franco, Cote Strike, Alejandro Uriostegui 13:25.38 11:22.52
30 South Fork HS Tyler Fohrman, Ephrain Maurival, Bradley Pinto, Jack Ungerland 14:21.45 11:23.69
31 Lakewood HS Gavin Pagan, Khalid Davis, Mohammed Haitham, Lucas Sheridon 8:32.66 11:32.78
32 Spruce Creek HS Jack Nelson, Daniel Reyes, Griffin Cooney, Luke Kathman 9:44.37 11:35.67
33 Olympia HS 9:32.63 11:38.33
34 Coral Glades HS Josaiah Delice, Joseph Closs, Shadai Enslei, Enrrique Lara 12:48.43 11:38.57
35 Clearwater HS Niklas Jacobi, Brainharris Mosoke, Trevor Cavanaugh, Cormac Gilmore 12:14.26 11:39.29
36 Montverde Academy Ian Cortes, William Cook, Ryder Valiquette, Weston Baptiste 12:28.90 11:39.90
37 Seabreeze HS Shane Brownrigg, Timothy Crosby, Aaron Griffis, Ethan Lemoncello 8:47.01 11:42.68
38 Eastside HS Anthony Bishop-Gylys, Stephen Smith, Nathan Parks, Emile Sow 11:31.68 11:53.07
39 P.K. Yonge School Tyler Jordan, Kiran Jaishankar, Joshua Thompson, Coleman Tadrowski 9:18.61 11:56.16
40 North Port HS Javier Amaya, Caleb Melton, Ruben Rodriguez, Joseph Smith 12:31.93 12:03.01
41 Bartram Trail HS Tommy Adzema, Curren Brown, Dylan Jessee, Sam Rautenstrauch 9:20.98 12:08.54
42 Ponte Vedra HS William Ashcroft, Nathan Beaty, Nicolas Guerrero, Jack Impey 14:36.76 12:16.77
43 Wekiva HS 9:39.08 12:22.41
44 Alonso HS James Sanchez, Alex Quesada, Yonas Sauers, Nick Habyril 8:59.80 12:29.72
45 Buchholz HS Thurman Lincoln, Brant Mountain, Devin Matkozich, Tyler Grubbs 9:32.85 12:33.74
46 American Heritage MS/HS ( Justin Folks, Quinton Burkett, Trenton Guy, Timothy Butler 14:52.75 12:49.61
  Miramar HS Tahj Johnson, Xavier Richemond, Aaron Bush, Oliver Darcisse DNF DNF
  Oak Hall School Michael Holloway II, Ryland Kane, Collin Kane, Austin Montini DNF DNF
Boys 4,000m Distance Medley High School Section 1
1 Hilton Head Williams, Waters, Moosbrugger, Gilman 9:43.08 8:34.84 7:26.61 10:20.29 7:14.21
2 Lake Brantley HS Good, Francois, Johnson, Moscoso 12:13.49 10:56.95 8:49.39 10:37.81 12:26.24
3 Sarasota HS Romero, Torres, Zambaux, Hartvigsen 9:02.65 12:16.46 8:17.43 10:46.01 12:03.54
4 Fort Myers HS Carpenter, Novella, Holston, Skinner 9:35.02 10:26.70 10:20.24 10:46.08 10:33.16
6 West Orange HS Lewis, Pierre-Paul, Robinson, Young 13:21.91 9:22.63 9:48.50 10:46.70 9:29.10
7 George M. Steinbrenner HS 13:40.65 12:35.52 14:06.71 10:51.31 11:04.34
8 Spanish River HS French, Rosenthal, Vincennie, Noonan 7:49.13 14:00.53 7:55.65 10:51.57 13:08.40
10 Naples HS Clark, Williams, Kampf, Lopez 14:07.62 14:01.00 10:55.58 11:02.20 11:08.83
11 Barron Collier HS 13:10.26 7:58.14 13:03.62 11:04.08 10:30.88
12 George Jenkins HS Chapman, Jones, Townley, Denson 11:06.14 14:19.32 7:59.62 11:06.14 7:46.30
15 St. Petersburg HS Burt, Wohlwend, Ufitimana, Johnson 12:18.73 13:59.47 9:24.12 11:11.57 10:24.56
17 Ocala Vanguard HS 13:26.42 9:04.33 11:05.29 11:12.01 12:46.10
21 Pine Crest HS Rizzo, Jordan, Owens, Ortega 10:15.30 14:39.00 12:44.05 11:16.15 9:34.73
27 Fleming Island HS Fuller, Fernandez, May, Miller 10:33.03 13:50.42 12:15.13 11:20.67 13:02.77
28 The Master's Academy (Ovi Woodbine, Gillis, Woodbine, Camacho 13:58.18 11:48.70 11:14.63 11:21.44 11:01.00
40 North Port HS Amaya, Melton, Rodriguez, Smith 8:33.34 15:11.00 10:14.56 12:03.01 11:26.86
43 Wekiva HS 15:50.29 9:01.96 15:13.17 12:22.41 15:13.17
  Miramar HS Johnson, Richemond, Bush, Darcisse DNF DNF DNF DNF DNF
Boys 4,000m Distance Medley High School Section 2
9 St. Thomas Aquinas HS Brands, Ferguson, Breslin, Rischar 10:40.31 9:02.30 13:04.05 11:32.58 10:53.37 10:46.84 11:32.58
14 Lake Highland Prep HS Deese, Jacobs, Addeo, Gottschalk 13:05.03 13:18.45 8:09.80 11:17.67 11:10.96 9:10.19 13:58.70
18 Cardinal Gibbons HS Escuage, Gonzalez, Zaldivar, Atwaters 12:36.22 14:17.50 9:27.16 9:47.42 11:15.19 10:41.43 14:24.25
20 Mitchell HS Van Ooyen, Pollard, Stephens, Millan 13:04.34 14:32.24 14:11.95 11:29.68 11:16.15 13:17.86 10:42.35
22 Gainesville HS Conaty, Gollwitzer, Broling, Cain 14:40.95 9:49.56 14:40.95 10:37.00 11:17.65 13:39.96 14:27.40
24 Windermere High School Ortiz, Rison, Ellenback, Jerelds 8:22.26 13:54.84 14:08.42 8:01.90 11:18.73 8:56.20 9:57.29
25 Westminster School Roe, Arbery, Stevens, Blau 14:43.09 9:57.79 11:39.68 13:35.16 11:19.30 12:06.86 10:38.55
26 Admiral Farragut Academy Fiorillo, Henderson, Kolodetsky, Monahan 8:36.29 8:02.32 12:00.08 11:46.50 11:19.32 12:20.46 12:40.84
29 Celebration HS Rucker, Franco, Strike, Uriostegui 14:26.80 8:04.59 14:06.33 13:25.38 11:22.52 8:04.59 8:18.24
33 Olympia HS 14:18.95 15:07.83 11:10.40 12:13.25 11:38.33 12:27.22 14:46.88
34 Coral Glades HS Delice, Closs, Enslei, Lara 11:24.60 12:48.43 9:32.83 10:07.76 11:38.57 11:59.53 13:37.33
38 Eastside HS Bishop-Gylys, Smith, Parks, Sow 11:53.07 11:24.55 9:23.33 13:25.77 11:53.07 12:00.20 13:40.03
41 Bartram Trail HS Adzema, Brown, Jessee, Rautenstrauch 13:57.82 14:48.82 11:32.12 12:44.97 12:08.54 10:33.83 12:37.69
42 Ponte Vedra HS Ashcroft, Beaty, Guerrero, Impey 13:59.92 10:04.16 9:49.42 12:38.88 12:16.77 10:48.36 12:09.41
45 Buchholz HS Lincoln, Mountain, Matkozich, Grubbs 11:40.98 11:25.91 12:03.59 12:48.82 12:33.74 11:03.30 15:04.49
46 American Heritage MS/HS ( Folks, Burkett, Guy, Butler 14:52.75 15:00.45 12:57.31 15:46.62 12:49.61 16:40.50 10:23.39
Boys 4,000m Distance Medley High School Section 3
5 Trinity Prep Leider, Cloe, Manning, Turbyfill 10:46.32 9:54.62
13 Coral Reef HS Little, Dobbs, Redondo, Ford 11:10.41 11:23.82
16 Flagler Palm Coast HS Gordon, Thomas, Burton, Martir-Martinez 11:11.97 9:17.74
19 Apopka HS Gatling, Lovern, Banks-Guy, Davis 11:15.22 12:22.75
23 Dr. Phillips HS Berriz, Ivey, Matzner, Rivera Aponte 11:18.57 11:52.50
30 South Fork HS Fohrman, Maurival, Pinto, Ungerland 11:23.69 13:47.27
31 Lakewood HS Pagan, Davis, Haitham, Sheridon 11:32.78 12:35.13
32 Spruce Creek HS Nelson, Reyes, Cooney, Kathman 11:35.67 9:51.32
35 Clearwater HS Jacobi, Mosoke, Cavanaugh, Gilmore 11:39.29 9:26.43
36 Montverde Academy Cortes, Cook, Valiquette, Baptiste 11:39.90 11:53.90
37 Seabreeze HS Brownrigg, Crosby, Griffis, Lemoncello 11:42.68 13:42.14
39 P.K. Yonge School Jordan, Jaishankar, Thompson, Tadrowski 11:56.16 12:24.81
44 Alonso HS Sanchez, Quesada, Sauers, Habyril 12:29.72 15:22.16
  Oak Hall School Holloway II, Kane, Kane, Montini DNF DNF