February 1- 2, 2019
JDL Fast Track - Winston-Salem, NC
200m (Flat)
Timing: Timing Inc.

Women's 1 Mile Run

1 Liz Lansing JR-3 Duke 5:20.64 4:51.49
2 Leigha Torino SO-2 Duke 5:35.32 4:51.58
3 Emma Ferguson FR-1 North Carolina St. 5:07.47 4:52.82
4 Grace Sullivan SR-4 East Carolina 3:47.02 4:54.83
5 Julia Zachgo FR-1 North Carolina St. 5:48.73 4:55.53
6 Caroline Yarbrough SR-4 Davidson 4:48.16 5:00.16
7 Nuria Tillo-Prats JR-3 East Carolina 6:03.98 5:00.81
8 Chelsea Smith SR-4 Elon 6:16.14 5:00.91
9 Claire Brown JR-3 Richmond 4:49.16 5:01.20
10 Brooke Smith SR-4 Shawnee State 3:30.93 5:01.32
11 Clara Savchik FR-1 Duke 5:16.73 5:01.64
12 Sophia Mills SR-4 Davidson 5:26.35 5:02.17
13 Olivia Gwynn JR-3 Duke 6:25.33 5:03.41
14 Hannah Wolkenhauer SR-4 Queens (N.C.) 3:35.61 5:03.67
15 Elizabeth Reneau FR-1 Duke 5:34.05 5:06.46
16 Anna Vess SO-2 North Carolina St. 3:38.70 5:08.02
17 Lucie Noall SR-4 Queens (N.C.) 3:39.15 5:08.66
18 Celine Ritter SO-2 Mount Olive 4:29.39 5:09.64
19 Tanner Guest FR-1 Troy 6:28.33 5:10.66
20 Hannah Preeo FR-1 Elon 5:34.24 5:12.37
21 Caroline Robelen SO-2 Richmond 4:26.50 5:13.52
22 Katie MacTurk JR-3 Davidson 3:55.48 5:13.97
23 Margaret Seybold SR-4 Washington and Lee 6:33.77 5:15.01
24 Julia Moody JR-3 Washington and Lee 6:06.44 5:15.89
25 Marissa Smith SO-2 Shawnee State 6:32.81 5:16.78
26 Paige King JR-3 Elon 5:39.70 5:17.47
27 Charis Dinger JR-3 High Point 5:36.54 5:17.49
28 Allyson Arellano SO-2 Queens (N.C.) 5:52.87 5:17.90
29 Cate Ambrose SO-2 Col. of Charleston 5:30.67 5:17.95
30 Lucy Clayton FR-1 High Point 6:37.26 5:20.37
31 Rylee Bowen FR-1 Duke 4:52.48 5:21.40
32 Krystin Guirey SR-4 Troy 5:02.75 5:22.07
33 Christie Caruana SO-2 Troy 4:43.59 5:22.26
34 Kristen Cherry FR-1 Col. of Charleston 6:36.41 5:22.28
35 Ashley Jean-Raymond FR-1 N.C. Central 5:51.19 5:25.17
36 Garnet Brown SO-2 Davidson 6:01.76 5:25.91
37 Ammah Abdel-Rahman FR-1 East Carolina 3:58.20 5:26.30
38 Julia Ledgett SO-2 UNCW 5:11.33 5:27.71
39 Camille Martin JR-3 N. Carolina A&T 6:06.98 5:30.61
40 Kamryn Osterbind FR-1 Anderson (S.C.) 5:31.23 5:31.23
41 Hannah Mercer SO-2 Catawba 5:21.58 5:31.52
42 Julia Otranto SR-4 Belmont Abbey 6:21.30 5:34.47
43 Kelley McCarten SO-2 Elon 6:04.99 5:34.85
44 Didi Pace SO-2 Washington and Lee 3:55.81 5:36.87
45 Kendal Clark SO-2 Webber 4:21.63 5:39.77
46 Hannah Farmer JR-3 Col. of Charleston 4:30.61 5:42.54
47 Lydia Gambrell SO-2 Anderson (S.C.) 4:55.11 5:43.15
48 Madeline Sides JR-3 Montreat 5:16.57 5:44.09
49 Skyler Tait FR-1 Montreat 6:26.95 5:45.49
50 Destiny Stevons SO-2 Fayetteville St. 5:31.69 6:00.53
51 Gabbrielle Robinson JR-3 SCAD Atlanta 5:23.54 6:03.52
52 Julianna White Freshman Unattached 7:48.14 6:14.51
53 Grace Hetzel FR-1 Belmont Abbey 8:05.26 6:16.17
54 Theresa Wilson JR-3 Belmont Abbey 4:57.12 6:25.87
55 Summer Ruznak SO-2 Belmont Abbey 7:54.94 7:04.05
  Sarah Armstrong SO-2 Duke DNF DNF
Women's 1 Mile Run Section 1
1 Liz Lansing JR-3 Duke 5:00.24 4:51.49
2 Leigha Torino SO-2 Duke 3:59.10 4:51.58
3 Emma Ferguson FR-1 North Carolina St. 5:33.82 4:52.82
4 Grace Sullivan SR-4 East Carolina 3:26.38 4:54.83
5 Julia Zachgo FR-1 North Carolina St. 5:54.64 4:55.53
6 Caroline Yarbrough SR-4 Davidson 5:06.17 5:00.16
11 Clara Savchik FR-1 Duke 6:17.05 5:01.64
12 Sophia Mills SR-4 Davidson 5:11.24 5:02.17
15 Elizabeth Reneau FR-1 Duke 6:35.34 5:06.46
16 Anna Vess SO-2 North Carolina St. 5:04.94 5:08.02
18 Celine Ritter SO-2 Mount Olive 6:39.44 5:09.64
  Sarah Armstrong SO-2 Duke DNF DNF
Women's 1 Mile Run Section 2
7 Nuria Tillo-Prats JR-3 East Carolina 4:36.75 3:39.60 5:36.91 5:45.94 5:00.81 5:21.87
8 Chelsea Smith SR-4 Elon 4:06.75 6:25.17 4:15.78 4:51.89 5:00.91 4:27.81
9 Claire Brown JR-3 Richmond 5:07.23 4:52.17 5:22.29 4:06.99 5:01.20 5:55.42
10 Brooke Smith SR-4 Shawnee State 3:36.95 5:46.52 4:34.21 4:34.21 5:01.32 5:13.38
13 Olivia Gwynn JR-3 Duke 3:41.49 3:59.70 5:27.69 3:32.39 5:03.41 6:07.13
14 Hannah Wolkenhauer SR-4 Queens (N.C.) 6:19.59 5:00.64 3:41.68 3:56.87 5:03.67 3:56.87
17 Lucie Noall SR-4 Queens (N.C.) 5:51.88 6:35.09 6:13.48 6:13.48 5:08.66 4:00.76
20 Hannah Preeo FR-1 Elon 5:59.23 5:03.00 5:40.49 4:00.53 5:12.37 4:47.38
21 Caroline Robelen SO-2 Richmond 3:39.47 5:10.39 4:48.44 5:22.93 5:13.52 5:35.47
22 Katie MacTurk JR-3 Davidson 4:30.02 5:54.79 6:29.33 4:55.14 5:13.97 6:13.63
28 Allyson Arellano SO-2 Queens (N.C.) 6:46.92 5:27.44 6:50.10 4:04.79 5:17.90 6:43.74
29 Cate Ambrose SO-2 Col. of Charleston 4:23.90 5:05.24 6:08.83 6:40.62 5:17.95 6:12.01
31 Rylee Bowen FR-1 Duke 5:18.19 5:21.40 4:29.98 5:18.19 5:21.40 4:49.26
39 Camille Martin JR-3 N. Carolina A&T 5:33.92 4:01.35 5:43.84 5:37.23 5:30.61 4:50.94
Women's 1 Mile Run Section 3
19 Tanner Guest FR-1 Troy 4:42.70 3:37.47 3:53.00 4:48.92 5:10.66
23 Margaret Seybold SR-4 Washington and Lee 6:30.62 5:27.61 4:15.16 5:27.61 5:15.01
24 Julia Moody JR-3 Washington and Lee 4:00.08 5:31.69 5:00.10 4:09.56 5:15.89
25 Marissa Smith SO-2 Shawnee State 6:42.31 6:35.98 4:29.27 5:00.95 5:16.78
26 Paige King JR-3 Elon 6:17.79 5:17.47 3:48.58 5:14.30 5:17.47
27 Charis Dinger JR-3 High Point 5:11.14 4:42.57 6:17.82 4:58.44 5:17.49
30 Lucy Clayton FR-1 High Point 6:37.26 6:21.24 5:33.19 4:38.73 5:20.37
32 Krystin Guirey SR-4 Troy 5:22.07 4:43.43 5:28.52 6:29.71 5:22.07
33 Christie Caruana SO-2 Troy 4:21.03 3:45.59 3:58.48 4:30.70 5:22.26
34 Kristen Cherry FR-1 Col. of Charleston 3:55.27 5:09.39 4:08.16 4:59.72 5:22.28
38 Julia Ledgett SO-2 UNCW 6:13.59 4:58.22 4:15.62 6:23.42 5:27.71
40 Kamryn Osterbind FR-1 Anderson (S.C.) 5:14.67 6:47.42 4:54.80 4:51.49 5:31.23
41 Hannah Mercer SO-2 Catawba 6:27.88 4:45.11 6:24.57 4:28.54 5:31.52
43 Kelley McCarten SO-2 Elon 4:04.44 6:25.08 6:18.38 5:48.25 5:34.85
44 Didi Pace SO-2 Washington and Lee 6:24.04 6:17.30 7:14.57 7:11.20 5:36.87
Women's 1 Mile Run Section 4
35 Ashley Jean-Raymond FR-1 N.C. Central 5:25.17
36 Garnet Brown SO-2 Davidson 5:25.91
37 Ammah Abdel-Rahman FR-1 East Carolina 5:26.30
42 Julia Otranto SR-4 Belmont Abbey 5:34.47
45 Kendal Clark SO-2 Webber 5:39.77
46 Hannah Farmer JR-3 Col. of Charleston 5:42.54
47 Lydia Gambrell SO-2 Anderson (S.C.) 5:43.15
48 Madeline Sides JR-3 Montreat 5:44.09
49 Skyler Tait FR-1 Montreat 5:45.49
50 Destiny Stevons SO-2 Fayetteville St. 6:00.53
51 Gabbrielle Robinson JR-3 SCAD Atlanta 6:03.52
52 Julianna White Freshman Unattached 6:14.51
53 Grace Hetzel FR-1 Belmont Abbey 6:16.17
54 Theresa Wilson JR-3 Belmont Abbey 6:25.87
55 Summer Ruznak SO-2 Belmont Abbey 7:04.05