April 11-12, 2019
Wichita State - Wichita, KS

Boys 1600m Run 1A-3A

1 Camden Hoelting Senior Olpe 4:44.07
2 Brett Kulp Senior Riley-Riley County 4:45.17
3 Daniel Little Freshman Holton-Jackson Heights 4:58.41
4 Zach Haxton Senior Argonia 4:58.41
5 Chris White Junior Ashland 4:59.38
6 Caleb Diener Sophomore Hillsboro 5:03.44
7 Asher Brown Sophomore Whitewater-Remington 5:05.85
8 Nolan Redeker Sophomore Olpe 5:06.50
9 Spencer Schmidt Freshman Johnson-Stanton County 5:07.74
10 Johnny Yang Sophomore Hesston 5:07.82
11 Quinton Miller Senior Haven 5:08.04
12 Jared Plake Freshman McLouth 5:15.74
13 Paul Shive   Classical School of Wichi 5:15.92
14 Chance Jacobson Senior Hope 5:16.52
15 Justin Burman Junior Cimarron 5:17.35
16 Aiden Ricker Sophomore Ellinwood 5:17.46
17 Tokiwa Armstrong Freshman Burrton 5:22.27
18 Blake Pierce Sophomore La Crosse 5:23.49
19 George Tian Senior Sunrise Christian Academy 5:23.75
20 Luke Stuhlsatz Junior Alma-Wabaunsee 5:23.87
21 Jackson Riggins Sophomore Cheney 5:26.17
22 Kody Schupp Junior McLouth 5:26.44
23 Alex Warner Sophomore Alma-Wabaunsee 5:27.43
24 Christopher Clear Sophomore Cheney 5:28.30
25 Seth Flax Sophomore Ness City 5:31.73
26 Lucas Leis Sophomore Burrton 5:32.75
27 Dylan Blair Sophomore Riley-Riley County 5:34.30
28 Johnny Lozano Junior Holcomb 5:34.41
29 Cooper LeFort Senior Perry-Lecompton 5:37.59
30 Bryce Wheeler Junior Perry-Lecompton 5:38.98
31 Dakota Tireman Junior Douglass 5:39.20
32 Will Rues Freshman La Crosse 5:39.73
33 Ethan Stopcsynski Freshman Rosalia-Flint Hills 5:55.38
34 Andrew Keck Junior Sunrise Christian Academy 6:05.12
Boys 1600m Run 1A-3A Section 1
5 Chris White Junior Ashland 5:56.27 4:26.45 4:59.38 6:26.20 5:26.33 6:02.25 5:26.33
12 Jared Plake Freshman McLouth 5:22.06 4:12.60 5:15.74 4:59.96 3:53.65 5:03.11 4:47.33
13 Paul Shive   Classical School of Wichi 5:06.45 4:50.65 5:15.92 4:34.85 4:22.22 4:38.01 5:56.99
15 Justin Burman Junior Cimarron 6:36.69 6:33.52 5:17.35 5:30.05 4:04.36 3:58.02 3:58.02
17 Tokiwa Armstrong Freshman Burrton 4:59.72 6:29.95 5:22.27 5:44.83 4:21.04 4:56.49 4:56.49
18 Blake Pierce Sophomore La Crosse 6:24.96 5:52.61 5:23.49 4:38.21 3:59.39 5:55.84 4:31.74
20 Luke Stuhlsatz Junior Alma-Wabaunsee 4:25.58 3:46.71 5:23.87 5:59.50 5:53.02 5:43.31 3:53.19
21 Jackson Riggins Sophomore Cheney 4:14.42 3:54.85 5:26.17 4:37.25 5:52.27 4:50.30 5:16.39
22 Kody Schupp Junior McLouth 5:29.71 4:44.01 5:26.44 7:01.11 5:46.03 6:28.47 5:23.18
23 Alex Warner Sophomore Alma-Wabaunsee 6:26.37 6:26.37 5:27.43 4:18.67 5:11.06 4:28.50 4:31.77
24 Christopher Clear Sophomore Cheney 6:20.83 6:33.96 5:28.30 4:09.51 4:25.93 4:22.64 4:09.51
26 Lucas Leis Sophomore Burrton 4:02.91 6:22.67 5:32.75 5:29.43 4:29.53 6:16.01 4:56.15
27 Dylan Blair Sophomore Riley-Riley County 7:04.57 4:00.70 5:34.30 4:24.10 4:44.16 7:07.91 6:44.51
28 Johnny Lozano Junior Holcomb 6:24.58 4:27.53 5:34.41 4:47.60 5:37.76 4:20.84 6:24.58
29 Cooper LeFort Senior Perry-Lecompton 3:56.32 6:07.98 5:37.59 6:48.49 7:08.74 4:46.96 6:48.49
31 Dakota Tireman Junior Douglass 6:33.48 6:30.08 5:39.20 4:27.97 4:17.80 7:00.61 6:02.95
32 Will Rues Freshman La Crosse 6:30.69 5:09.16 5:39.73 5:05.76 6:13.71 6:03.52 4:58.97
33 Ethan Stopcsynski Freshman Rosalia-Flint Hills 5:41.17 6:16.71 5:55.38 6:13.15 7:06.46 7:24.23 4:47.86
34 Andrew Keck Junior Sunrise Christian Academy 4:19.24 6:41.64 6:05.12 7:10.85 7:21.80 6:59.89 4:48.45
Boys 1600m Run 1A-3A Section 2
1 Camden Hoelting Senior Olpe 3:24.53 4:49.76 5:29.53 4:44.07 5:46.57
2 Brett Kulp Senior Riley-Riley County 4:42.32 3:45.29 5:05.14 4:45.17 4:25.21
3 Daniel Little Freshman Holton-Jackson Heights 5:52.13 5:49.14 4:34.54 4:58.41 3:40.83
4 Zach Haxton Senior Argonia 5:01.40 3:28.89 3:58.73 4:58.41 3:58.73
6 Caleb Diener Sophomore Hillsboro 4:36.13 6:31.44 4:30.07 5:03.44 6:04.13
7 Asher Brown Sophomore Whitewater-Remington 4:19.98 5:36.44 3:34.10 5:05.85 3:40.22
8 Nolan Redeker Sophomore Olpe 4:38.92 6:35.39 4:29.72 5:06.50 5:09.57
9 Spencer Schmidt Freshman Johnson-Stanton County 5:32.36 6:30.83 6:12.37 5:07.74 6:12.37
10 Johnny Yang Sophomore Hesston 5:44.76 6:40.17 6:06.31 5:07.82 3:41.63
11 Quinton Miller Senior Haven 4:40.32 3:51.03 4:00.28 5:08.04 4:40.32
14 Chance Jacobson Senior Hope 3:54.23 4:29.05 3:51.06 5:16.52 3:54.23
16 Aiden Ricker Sophomore Ellinwood 5:01.59 4:33.02 5:58.73 5:17.46 4:04.45
19 George Tian Senior Sunrise Christian Academy 5:52.89 6:28.50 6:41.45 5:23.75 6:02.60
25 Seth Flax Sophomore Ness City 4:12.12 4:48.61 5:48.32 5:31.73 4:12.12
30 Bryce Wheeler Junior Perry-Lecompton 5:11.87 5:05.09 5:38.98 5:38.98 6:50.17