December 29, 2019
Ocean Breeze Athletic Complex (Banked) - Staten Island, NY
200m (Banked)

Boys 4 x 400m Relay Novice

1 Chaminade A Daniel Vargas, James Mackiewicz, Andrew Koubek, Kevin Placide 3:51.91 3:17.13 6
2 Christ the King A Noah Jefferson, Samarki Williams, Kevin Vu, Shawn Diamond-Velox 3:52.85 2:56.97 4
3 Fordham Prep
B Nathan Wager, Stephon Walter, Pablo Eccleston, Sean Ortiz 3:54.86 2:58.50 3
4 St. Joseph by-the-Sea A Derek Espejo, Phil Peluso, Thomas Napoli, Jake Panzella 3:55.43 3:50.73 2
5 Fordham Prep A Patrick Gayanelo, Vincent Buccieri, Joseph Haugh, Michael ChinToo 3:55.77 3:55.77 1
6 Monsignor Farrell A Robert Barkovich, Garush Martirosyan, Patrick Sucich, Donato Cuzzolino 3:56.40 2:47.85 -
7 St. John the Baptist A Brian Roman, Shane Bellino, Andrew Healy, Jayson Plaza 3:57.38 3:21.78 -
8 St. Francis Prep A Amare Williams, Dimitri Xidias, Brandon Donaldson, Edward Lysagt 3:57.99 3:53.23 -
9 Fordham Prep
D Maxwell Gonzalez, Randy Fulton, Jeremy Coello, Joseph Tran 4:10.50 4:02.99 -
10 St. John the Baptist
B Erick Rosa, Oscar Partyka, Darin Roman, Freddy Aleaga 4:22.26 4:35.38 -
11 Xavier A Chase Nicolas, Matthew McCabe, Leo Carolan, Charles Kinzie 4:23.36 3:20.16 -
12 Fordham Prep
C Brian Galasso, John Dockery, Esteban Reyes, Allen Santos 4:27.35 4:54.09 -
13 LaSalle Academy A Amir Waiters, Edgar Alvarado, Eamon Moogan, Juan Jacome 4:37.44 3:19.76 -
14 Xavier
B Albert Hynes, Daniel Corr, Thomas Ledwith, Michael Walters 4:52.45 6:02.64 -
15 Monsignor Farrell
B Christian Molina, Andrew White, Tom Lorenzo, Sean Ammirati 4:56.01 5:10.81 -
16 Xavier
C Ryan Brown, Jack Bettex, Andrew Belliwine, Logan Basil 5:09.85 4:23.38 -
Boys 4 x 400m Relay Novice Section 1
1 Chaminade Vargas, Mackiewicz, Koubek, Placide 3:51.91 3:35.68 3:33.36 2:42.34 6
2 Christ the King Jefferson, Williams, Vu, Diamond-Velox 3:52.85 4:09.15 4:41.75 3:34.23 4
3 Fordham Prep
Wager, Walter, Eccleston, Ortiz 3:54.86 3:43.12 3:24.33 3:40.77 3
4 St. Joseph by-the-Sea Espejo, Peluso, Napoli, Panzella 3:55.43 4:49.58 2:49.51 2:49.51 2
5 Fordham Prep Gayanelo, Buccieri, Haugh, ChinToo 3:55.77 3:13.34 4:19.35 3:32.20 1
12 Fordham Prep
Galasso, Dockery, Reyes, Santos 4:27.35 4:00.62 5:47.56 3:36.56 -
Boys 4 x 400m Relay Novice Section 2
6 Monsignor Farrell Barkovich, Martirosyan, Sucich, Cuzzolino 3:04.40 3:44.58 3:56.40 -
7 St. John the Baptist Roman, Bellino, Healy, Plaza 3:50.26 3:28.90 3:57.38 -
8 St. Francis Prep Williams, Xidias, Donaldson, Lysagt 3:34.20 3:08.02 3:57.99 -
9 Fordham Prep
Gonzalez, Fulton, Coello, Tran 3:27.92 3:47.96 4:10.50 -
10 St. John the Baptist
Rosa, Partyka, Roman, Aleaga 4:06.53 3:27.19 4:22.26 -
11 Xavier Nicolas, McCabe, Carolan, Kinzie 5:39.74 5:18.67 4:23.36 -
13 LaSalle Academy Waiters, Alvarado, Moogan, Jacome 4:26.35 3:39.18 4:37.44 -
14 Xavier
Hynes, Corr, Ledwith, Walters 3:30.57 6:08.49 4:52.45 -
15 Monsignor Farrell
Molina, White, Lorenzo, Ammirati 5:22.65 5:28.58 4:56.01 -
16 Xavier
Brown, Bettex, Belliwine, Basil 5:12.95 4:45.07 5:09.85 -