January 25, 2020
LSU-Maddox FH - Baton Rouge, LA
200m (Flat)

Boys' 3200 Meters

1 Evan Pardo Junior St. Paul's 12:17.67 8:17.78 9:59.73 11:23.70
2 Owen Simon Junior Catholic, Baton Rouge 10:37.15 10:55.36 10:06.81 8:35.79
3 Steven Mayer Sophomore Catholic, Baton Rouge 8:43.23 7:18.05 10:08.40 9:50.15
4 Rhen Langley Freshman Zachary 7:18.30 7:12.22 10:08.75 9:01.79
5 Alex Keller Senior Curtis, John 9:46.54 12:13.17 10:10.97 7:19.90
6 Gary Sandrock Junior Brother Martin 11:18.99 11:55.69 10:11.70 8:39.95
7 Patrick Elliot Senior St. Paul's 12:21.00 9:41.77 10:12.39 8:03.79
8 James Christian Senior Episcopal 11:46.13 11:33.85 10:14.02 12:29.11
9 Joshua Burns Senior Airline 7:26.28 11:15.62 10:19.83 13:19.58
10 Cyrus Cox Senior Holy Savior Menard 13:01.39 11:46.97 10:20.15 9:24.34
11 John Walker McDonald Sophomore Dunham 12:49.05 9:55.40 10:20.20 9:42.99
12 Triston Duvall Senior Ruston 10:26.03 9:48.09 10:32.35 8:25.88
13 Easton Baird Senior Mandeville 11:08.67 7:38.51 10:36.82 7:38.51
14 Jake Tournillon Sophomore Christ Episcopal School 9:42.96 9:49.37 10:40.61 8:00.46
15 Landon Sequeira Sophomore Brother Martin 10:51.07 9:40.16 10:44.62 11:03.96
16 Joel Allen Junior Erath 8:32.22 12:45.08 10:48.37 11:40.24
17 Collin Morgan Senior Airline 11:07.86 13:30.50 10:48.40 10:09.50
18 Ben Domangue Freshman Mandeville 7:34.72 9:57.63 10:49.59 11:22.07
19 Caleb Ackman Sophomore Zachary 12:30.83 13:36.12 10:52.89 13:29.59
20 Brady Palmer Sophomore Belle Chasse 7:57.40 11:00.51 10:53.97 9:15.88
21 Christian Leblanc Senior Lafayette 10:50.54 11:49.68 10:57.11 12:48.82
22 Cameron Bourgeois Sophomore East Ascension 14:10.50 13:30.94 10:59.30 9:07.22
23 John Davis Vessel Sophomore Ruston 11:32.65 13:18.19 10:59.66 14:10.97
24 Robert Buisson Freshman Jesuit, New Orleans 9:21.17 8:08.54 11:00.19 8:41.55
25 Donnie Musser Junior Jesuit, New Orleans 13:39.19 13:06.15 11:00.63 9:54.57
26 Eli Watkins Junior Holy Savior Menard 11:04.19 10:11.06 11:04.19 9:04.64
27 Jason Leblanc Junior Erath 14:12.36 11:31.29 11:11.15 13:25.38
28 Chapin Stewart Junior Teurlings Catholic 8:17.39 14:06.91 11:12.15 8:30.84
29 Alex Hollier Freshman Episcopal 10:39.62 11:33.48 11:13.28 12:07.15
30 Jacob Gondron Sophomore Lafayette 12:33.07 10:58.09 11:18.44 11:11.66
31 Johnathan Felipe Junior Curtis, John 13:52.79 12:44.53 11:22.61 13:25.48
32 Owen Tauzin Freshman White, E.D. 13:47.41 10:35.95 11:23.81 9:00.21
33 Landen Schillage Sophomore St. Thomas Aquinas 13:39.13 13:59.78 11:28.34 13:46.01
34 Thomas Monier Junior Archbishop Shaw 11:47.24 10:51.22 11:40.23 13:46.28
35 William Bellina Sophomore Ascension Catholic 13:50.25 13:50.25 11:43.60 10:33.24
36 Ethan Katz Senior Metairie Park Country Day 9:31.96 9:03.72 11:46.12 9:03.72
37 Jase Pope Sophomore Sterlington 15:07.88 9:31.89 11:54.86 12:59.20
38 Rico Murphy Senior NO Military and Maritime Acad. 13:54.67 13:54.67 12:05.80 13:03.87
39 David Burke Junior NO Military and Maritime Acad. 10:12.24 15:03.78 12:08.85 15:25.64
40 Ethan Foster Junior St. Thomas Aquinas 13:41.34 9:07.56 13:02.22 14:20.45
  Matthew Stamps Freshman Carver, G.W. DNF DNF DNF DNF
  chase walker Sophomore Ascension Catholic DNF DNF DNF DNF
  Collin Shaver Senior Kenner Discovery Health Sci. DNF DNF DNF DNF
  Jack Zink Sophomore Metairie Park Country Day DNF DNF DNF DNF
  MATHEW ROBINSON Sophomore Natchitoches Central DNF DNF DNF DNF
  DAYDEN FROST Sophomore Natchitoches Central DNF DNF DNF DNF
  Jacob Henry 7 Jehovah-Jireh Christian DNF DNF DNF DNF
  Cire Barnes Freshman Landry/Walker DNF DNF DNF DNF
  Cody Ponthieux Junior Tioga DNF DNF DNF DNF
  Darrell LaCour Sophomore Tioga DNF DNF DNF DNF
  Nikolas Mortan Junior Archbishop Shaw DNF DNF DNF DNF
Boys' 3200 Meters Section 1
1 Evan Pardo Junior St. Paul's 9:59.73
2 Owen Simon Junior Catholic, Baton Rouge 10:06.81
3 Steven Mayer Sophomore Catholic, Baton Rouge 10:08.40
4 Rhen Langley Freshman Zachary 10:08.75
5 Alex Keller Senior Curtis, John 10:10.97
6 Gary Sandrock Junior Brother Martin 10:11.70
7 Patrick Elliot Senior St. Paul's 10:12.39
8 James Christian Senior Episcopal 10:14.02
9 Joshua Burns Senior Airline 10:19.83
10 Cyrus Cox Senior Holy Savior Menard 10:20.15
11 John Walker McDonald Sophomore Dunham 10:20.20
12 Triston Duvall Senior Ruston 10:32.35
13 Easton Baird Senior Mandeville 10:36.82
14 Jake Tournillon Sophomore Christ Episcopal School 10:40.61
15 Landon Sequeira Sophomore Brother Martin 10:44.62
17 Collin Morgan Senior Airline 10:48.40
18 Ben Domangue Freshman Mandeville 10:49.59
21 Christian Leblanc Senior Lafayette 10:57.11
28 Chapin Stewart Junior Teurlings Catholic 11:12.15
32 Owen Tauzin Freshman White, E.D. 11:23.81
  chase walker Sophomore Ascension Catholic DNF
Boys' 3200 Meters Section 2
16 Joel Allen Junior Erath 13:17.50 13:36.95 10:48.37
19 Caleb Ackman Sophomore Zachary 8:16.20 8:48.84 10:52.89
20 Brady Palmer Sophomore Belle Chasse 13:24.39 8:17.02 10:53.97
22 Cameron Bourgeois Sophomore East Ascension 11:25.68 11:38.86 10:59.30
23 John Davis Vessel Sophomore Ruston 7:41.77 11:19.45 10:59.66
24 Robert Buisson Freshman Jesuit, New Orleans 10:33.79 11:33.20 11:00.19
25 Donnie Musser Junior Jesuit, New Orleans 13:45.79 9:21.54 11:00.63
26 Eli Watkins Junior Holy Savior Menard 12:50.46 14:10.17 11:04.19
27 Jason Leblanc Junior Erath 11:11.15 9:03.64 11:11.15
29 Alex Hollier Freshman Episcopal 9:05.36 12:00.41 11:13.28
30 Jacob Gondron Sophomore Lafayette 9:50.25 13:06.99 11:18.44
31 Johnathan Felipe Junior Curtis, John 14:20.09 14:47.40 11:22.61
34 Thomas Monier Junior Archbishop Shaw 10:44.22 8:17.17 11:40.23
35 William Bellina Sophomore Ascension Catholic 8:47.70 14:53.58 11:43.60
36 Ethan Katz Senior Metairie Park Country Day 10:35.51 8:14.29 11:46.12
  Cody Ponthieux Junior Tioga DNF DNF DNF
  Darrell LaCour Sophomore Tioga DNF DNF DNF
Boys' 3200 Meters Section 3
33 Landen Schillage Sophomore St. Thomas Aquinas 11:48.99 11:28.34 11:35.23 13:25.36 8:43.14 12:37.18 8:50.03
37 Jase Pope Sophomore Sterlington 8:49.00 11:54.86 10:36.23 10:36.23 13:27.80 9:17.59 12:52.05
38 Rico Murphy Senior NO Military and Maritime Acad. 14:23.71 12:05.80 15:21.77 10:45.97 14:30.96 11:58.55 12:56.61
39 David Burke Junior NO Military and Maritime Acad. 13:14.45 12:08.85 14:05.47 11:03.26 8:44.78 11:03.26 11:32.41
40 Ethan Foster Junior St. Thomas Aquinas 9:46.67 13:02.22 13:56.98 11:44.00 14:43.91 10:25.78 14:04.80
  Collin Shaver Senior Kenner Discovery Health Sci. DNF DNF DNF DNF DNF DNF DNF
  Nikolas Mortan Junior Archbishop Shaw DNF DNF DNF DNF DNF DNF DNF
  Cire Barnes Freshman Landry/Walker DNF DNF DNF DNF DNF DNF DNF
  Jacob Henry 7 Jehovah-Jireh Christian DNF DNF DNF DNF DNF DNF DNF
  DAYDEN FROST Sophomore Natchitoches Central DNF DNF DNF DNF DNF DNF DNF
  MATHEW ROBINSON Sophomore Natchitoches Central DNF DNF DNF DNF DNF DNF DNF
  Jack Zink Sophomore Metairie Park Country Day DNF DNF DNF DNF DNF DNF DNF
  Matthew Stamps Freshman Carver, G.W. DNF DNF DNF DNF DNF DNF DNF