December 12, 2021
Reggie Lewis Track Center
200m (Flat)

Boys' 1000 Meters

1 Garret Rieden Senior Littleton 2:38.23
2 Wyatt Burr Senior Bishop Fenwick 2:38.62
3 Kyle Yanko Sophomore Amherst-Pelham 2:50.08
4 Ryan Hayes Junior Hopedale 2:52.71
5 Jacob Ollerhead Sophomore Norton 2:57.69
6 Conor Stiles Junior Northampton 2:57.72
7 Zachary Bastek Senior Bellingham 2:58.32
8 Aidan Hoidal Bui Junior Newburyport 3:02.23
9 Isaac Rigoli Junior Pentucket 3:04.24
10 Seth Loudon Junior Oakmont 3:05.71
11 Tyler Bruno Junior Norton 3:07.06
12 Krish Almeida Freshman Burlington 3:08.24
13 Gino Di Vito Senior Gardner 3:08.25
14 Benjamin Correard Junior Northampton 3:08.83
15 Alec Garry Sophomore Hudson 3:16.28
16 Erik Halsing Freshman Nipmuc 3:17.71
17 Benjamin Ashworth Junior Douglas 3:19.97
18 Thomas Evans Freshman Nipmuc 3:20.16
19 Nathan Hutchinson Freshman Granby 3:22.24
20 Griffin Funk Junior Granby 3:23.02
21 Jacob Larrabee Freshman Norton 3:26.58
22 Liam Ewers Sophomore Northampton 3:31.59
23 Jayden Brostrom 8 Oakmont 3:31.82
24 Max Regan Freshman Nashoba 3:34.45
25 Nathaniel Henshaw 8 Parker Charter Essential 3:35.98
26 Tyler Murray 8 Academy of Notre Dame 3:36.21
27 Christopher Guiney Sophomore Norton 3:37.04
28 Cypress Lance 7 Parker Charter Essential 3:39.47
29 Sanderson Marshall 7 Parker Charter Essential 3:39.93
30 Michael Dynan Sophomore Wilmington 3:42.30
31 James Overholt Sophomore Nipmuc 3:42.44
32 Benjamin Howard Sophomore Bellingham 3:42.98
33 Ryan Ginn Sophomore Bellingham 3:47.18
34 Stephen MacLennan Freshman Norton 3:47.64
35 Ryan Kaplan Sophomore Norton 3:48.83
36 Gabriel Torres 6 Adv. Math and Science Academy 3:48.89
37 Alexander Bastek Sophomore Bellingham 3:50.96
38 William Burgess 7 Adv. Math and Science Academy 3:59.11
39 Weston Cinclair 8 Oakmont 4:01.59
40 Jon Sy Freshman Norton 4:05.40
41 Luke Cardin Sophomore Wilmington 4:06.94
42 Eric Packer Sophomore Wilmington 4:09.95
43 Alex Child Sophomore Norton 4:15.50
44 Benjamin Sparks Freshman Norton 4:21.04
45 Aiden Drake Freshman Mahar Regional 4:23.73
46 Jason Crocker 8 Adv. Math and Science Academy 4:30.54
47 Johnathon Dworetsky 6 Adv. Math and Science Academy 4:45.38
Boys' 1000 Meters Section 1
1 Garret Rieden Senior Littleton 2:38.23 2:33.49
2 Wyatt Burr Senior Bishop Fenwick 2:38.62 2:40.21
3 Kyle Yanko Sophomore Amherst-Pelham 2:50.08 3:15.60
4 Ryan Hayes Junior Hopedale 2:52.71 3:39.35
5 Jacob Ollerhead Sophomore Norton 2:57.69 3:03.02
6 Conor Stiles Junior Northampton 2:57.72 3:29.71
7 Zachary Bastek Senior Bellingham 2:58.32 3:23.29
10 Seth Loudon Junior Oakmont 3:05.71 3:26.14
12 Krish Almeida Freshman Burlington 3:08.24 3:23.30
13 Gino Di Vito Senior Gardner 3:08.25 3:12.02
Boys' 1000 Meters Section 2
8 Aidan Hoidal Bui Junior Newburyport 2:42.19 3:02.23 2:45.83
9 Isaac Rigoli Junior Pentucket 3:59.52 3:04.24 3:53.99
11 Tyler Bruno Junior Norton 3:14.55 3:07.06 3:46.35
15 Alec Garry Sophomore Hudson 3:18.25 3:16.28 3:02.54
21 Jacob Larrabee Freshman Norton 3:32.78 3:26.58 2:37.00
27 Christopher Guiney Sophomore Norton 2:49.30 3:37.04 2:42.78
34 Stephen MacLennan Freshman Norton 3:29.43 3:47.64 4:28.62
35 Ryan Kaplan Sophomore Norton 3:55.70 3:48.83 4:46.04
36 Gabriel Torres 6 Adv. Math and Science Academy 3:55.76 3:48.89 4:46.12
38 William Burgess 7 Adv. Math and Science Academy 4:42.15 3:59.11 3:44.77
40 Jon Sy Freshman Norton 5:11.66 4:05.40 4:17.67
44 Benjamin Sparks Freshman Norton 3:31.45 4:21.04 3:05.34
Boys' 1000 Meters Section 3
24 Max Regan Freshman Nashoba 3:58.04 3:00.14 4:28.07 3:34.45
25 Nathaniel Henshaw 8 Parker Charter Essential 3:57.58 3:51.10 2:31.19 3:35.98
26 Tyler Murray 8 Academy of Notre Dame 4:23.78 4:10.81 3:47.02 3:36.21
28 Cypress Lance 7 Parker Charter Essential 2:55.58 4:08.01 4:18.98 3:39.47
29 Sanderson Marshall 7 Parker Charter Essential 2:44.95 3:39.93 3:24.54 3:39.93
33 Ryan Ginn Sophomore Bellingham 3:38.10 3:24.47 3:29.01 3:47.18
39 Weston Cinclair 8 Oakmont 5:14.07 4:47.50 3:10.86 4:01.59
42 Eric Packer Sophomore Wilmington 3:52.46 4:42.45 3:32.46 4:09.95
43 Alex Child Sophomore Norton 4:51.27 4:12.95 3:42.29 4:15.50
45 Aiden Drake Freshman Mahar Regional 4:42.20 3:33.63 3:28.35 4:23.73
46 Jason Crocker 8 Adv. Math and Science Academy 4:08.90 4:22.43 3:31.03 4:30.54
47 Johnathon Dworetsky 6 Adv. Math and Science Academy 5:02.51 3:25.48 4:36.82 4:45.38
Boys' 1000 Meters Section 4
14 Benjamin Correard Junior Northampton 3:08.83 2:25.40 3:54.15 4:01.71 3:03.17 2:19.74
16 Erik Halsing Freshman Nipmuc 3:17.71 4:01.21 3:27.60 4:13.07 3:35.51 3:33.53
17 Benjamin Ashworth Junior Douglas 3:19.97 4:11.97 2:45.98 2:39.98 3:13.97 4:05.97
18 Thomas Evans Freshman Nipmuc 3:20.16 3:28.17 4:04.20 3:22.17 4:08.20 3:10.16
19 Nathan Hutchinson Freshman Granby 3:22.24 2:37.75 3:44.49 2:49.89 4:08.76 3:52.58
20 Griffin Funk Junior Granby 3:23.02 3:45.36 3:47.39 4:09.72 3:35.21 3:08.81
22 Liam Ewers Sophomore Northampton 3:31.59 3:52.75 3:16.78 2:55.62 3:42.17 2:55.62
23 Jayden Brostrom 8 Oakmont 3:31.82 3:57.24 3:08.52 3:04.29 4:24.78 3:53.01
30 Michael Dynan Sophomore Wilmington 3:42.30 4:28.99 3:04.51 2:37.84 3:26.74 3:48.97
31 James Overholt Sophomore Nipmuc 3:42.44 2:49.06 4:38.05 4:33.61 3:00.18 4:42.50
32 Benjamin Howard Sophomore Bellingham 3:42.98 3:05.08 2:51.70 4:09.74 4:34.27 2:47.24
37 Alexander Bastek Sophomore Bellingham 3:50.96 2:57.84 3:11.70 3:02.46 4:57.94 3:53.27
41 Luke Cardin Sophomore Wilmington 4:06.94 4:56.33 4:19.29 4:14.35 3:54.60 3:39.78