February 8- 9, 2008
Notre Dame-Loftus Center - Notre Dame, IN
352m (Flat)

Men's 5000 Meters

1 Matt Withrow Junior Wisconsin 17:44.10 17:52.62 14:11.28
2 Andy Baker Sophomore Butler 17:28.86 13:21.57 14:12.73
3 Josh Karanja Junior Eastern Michigan 14:55.70 12:22.15 14:13.04
4 Michael Eaton Freshman Louisville 12:31.05 13:39.33 14:13.46
5 Abraham Kutingala Junior Alabama 11:11.07 16:38.00 14:20.34
6 Jordan Kyle Sophomore Indiana 11:56.47 16:06.80 14:23.21
7 Corey Nowitzke   Adidas 11:39.65 12:05.56 14:23.76
8 Soimo Kiplagat Senior Louisville 11:23.00 17:00.17 14:24.55
9 Sean McNamara Sophomore Michigan 10:48.57 10:39.92 14:24.75
10 Scott Krapf Sophomore Illinois State 13:41.50 10:29.23 14:33.93
11 Brandon Fellows Sophomore Michigan 14:18.15 11:31.78 14:35.66
12 Alexander Bailey Senior Ohio State 12:42.5 16:12.9 14:36.5
13 Dan Jackson   Notre Dame 16:49.23 13:36.16 14:37.59
14 Tommy Davies Junior Butler 15:57.48 11:51.52 14:38.42
15 Scott Keeney Sophomore Indiana State 14:56.97 10:50.75 14:39.38
16 Matt Hooley   Wisconsin Runner 15:58.54 14:56.98 14:39.39
17 Nick Szczech Freshman Marquette 10:35.65 12:03.93 14:42.84
18 Jake Walker Sophomore Notre Dame 13:06.19 15:18.70 14:43.36
19 Ryan Jacobs   Unattached 14:10.80 11:40.14 14:46.25
20 Max Goldak Sophomore Michigan State 18:48.48 11:24.20 14:48.56
21 Mike Richardson Junior Illinois State 14:34.4 13:14.1 14:52.3
22 Kyle Lewis Junior Mississippi 16:48.50 16:21.72 14:52.47
23 John Black Sophomore Michigan 10:53.5 14:55.3 14:55.3
24 Antonio McDaniel Senior Indiana State 17:18.87 14:37.66 14:55.57
25 Mike Popejoy Senior Notre Dame 11:29.92 15:49.75 14:55.99
26 Sammy Kiprotich Freshman Central Michigan 19:25.78 16:53.33 14:56.75
27 Kevin Veselik Junior Notre Dame 12:13.03 11:09.68 15:04.97
28 Adam Sprangel Senior Michigan State 18:05.44 13:04.44 15:12.13
29 Joby Peake Freshman Auburn 18:55.23 17:04.48 15:22.95
30 Mat Abernethy Freshman Notre Dame 19:43.86 19:43.86 15:24.89
31 Tim McLeod Sophomore Indiana 18:21.32 18:11.99 15:33.32
32 Andrew Manning 4 Central Michigan 19:07.30 12:57.51 15:48.18
  Spencer Morrison   University of Toronto TC NT NT NT
Men's 5000 Meters Section 1
12 Alexander Bailey Senior Ohio State 14:10.2 11:49.9 14:27.7 10:48.6 14:36.5 13:43.9 11:23.6
13 Dan Jackson   Notre Dame 17:33.11 15:47.80 12:43.51 10:31.87 14:37.59 10:23.09 13:36.16
14 Tommy Davies Junior Butler 13:45.72 11:42.74 13:36.93 10:14.90 14:38.42 14:38.42 18:09.24
15 Scott Keeney Sophomore Indiana State 12:45.06 18:19.23 10:24.36 11:17.13 14:39.38 15:49.73 16:42.50
17 Nick Szczech Freshman Marquette 12:21.59 18:14.73 10:44.48 12:30.42 14:42.84 15:26.99 12:39.25
19 Ryan Jacobs   Unattached 13:17.63 16:06.02 13:53.08 16:23.74 14:46.25 14:19.67 14:37.39
20 Max Goldak Sophomore Michigan State 19:06.25 13:37.48 14:57.45 17:10.73 14:48.56 14:04.14 10:48.65
22 Kyle Lewis Junior Mississippi 11:27.21 15:37.10 12:20.75 11:09.36 14:52.47 10:51.51 16:57.42
23 John Black Sophomore Michigan 11:47.2 12:49.9 14:10.5 16:06.9 14:55.3 14:10.5 12:23.0
24 Antonio McDaniel Senior Indiana State 11:20.64 19:24.25 18:03.64 16:34.09 14:55.57 12:23.33 17:54.69
25 Mike Popejoy Senior Notre Dame 18:22.07 15:40.79 10:36.16 18:48.95 14:55.99 13:44.31 17:19.35
26 Sammy Kiprotich Freshman Central Michigan 12:42.24 10:27.73 10:27.73 12:33.27 14:56.75 16:53.33 19:16.81
27 Kevin Veselik Junior Notre Dame 10:42.53 13:34.48 18:05.97 11:36.83 15:04.97 15:23.07 17:20.72
29 Joby Peake Freshman Auburn 11:32.22 17:22.94 18:36.77 18:36.77 15:22.95 18:46.00 19:22.92
30 Mat Abernethy Freshman Notre Dame 18:39.12 15:43.39 11:42.92 15:52.64 15:24.89 13:06.16 13:15.41
32 Andrew Manning 4 Central Michigan 14:41.81 11:03.73 12:00.62 16:54.56 15:48.18 17:32.48 15:57.67
  Spencer Morrison   University of Toronto TC NT NT NT NT NT NT NT
Men's 5000 Meters Section 2
1 Matt Withrow Junior Wisconsin 10:46.98 11:55.08 17:18.57 11:55.08 14:11.28 11:21.03
2 Andy Baker Sophomore Butler 13:47.15 17:03.28 17:37.39 16:46.23 14:12.73 10:56.61
3 Josh Karanja Junior Eastern Michigan 10:14.19 14:55.70 11:56.56 13:13.33 14:13.04 17:46.30
4 Michael Eaton Freshman Louisville 11:39.84 10:40.10 11:14.24 9:57.43 14:13.46 14:39.07
5 Abraham Kutingala Junior Alabama 12:11.29 17:03.81 12:11.29 10:53.86 14:20.34 14:28.95
6 Jordan Kyle Sophomore Indiana 10:04.25 14:05.95 14:05.95 17:33.12 14:23.21 13:40.05
7 Corey Nowitzke   Adidas 16:33.33 11:48.29 18:42.89 13:40.58 14:23.76 16:07.42
8 Soimo Kiplagat Senior Louisville 18:26.63 16:51.53 16:08.30 18:26.63 14:24.55 12:06.23
9 Sean McNamara Sophomore Michigan 10:31.27 11:23.16 11:14.51 12:15.04 14:24.75 15:16.64
10 Scott Krapf Sophomore Illinois State 18:47.37 11:56.63 11:47.89 18:03.68 14:33.93 16:45.02
11 Brandon Fellows Sophomore Michigan 15:01.93 13:51.88 18:23.34 15:54.47 14:35.66 14:35.66
16 Matt Hooley   Wisconsin Runner 15:05.78 12:01.10 12:27.49 17:35.27 14:39.39 14:13.01
18 Jake Walker Sophomore Notre Dame 18:24.20 15:27.53 14:08.03 17:13.54 14:43.36 18:06.54
21 Mike Richardson Junior Illinois State 16:12.6 13:49.8 12:20.6 16:21.5 14:52.3 11:35.9
28 Adam Sprangel Senior Michigan State 13:50.04 14:08.28 11:42.34 14:17.41 15:12.13 11:33.22
31 Tim McLeod Sophomore Indiana 18:49.32 13:22.66 13:59.99 16:10.66 15:33.32 13:31.99