February 4, 2023
LSU-Maddox FH - Baton Rouge, LA
200m (Flat)

Boys' 4 x 800 Relay

1 Scotlandville Dylan Evans, Corinthian Walker, Alden Dupree, Josiah Whitaker 7:45.85 8:20.91
2 Zachary Dillon Moree, Roy Vance, Mason Mack, Noah McKneely 8:13.74 8:23.81
3 Parkway Jesus Cordova, Gabriel Falting, Ben Ruliffson, Gary Smith 9:25.11 8:24.56
4 Brother Martin Daniel Falk, Eli Levy, Gabriel Metoyer, Luke Regan 7:34.55 8:25.05
5 East Ascension Cameron Stepter, Chase Henry, Landon Loyd, Christian McGhee 10:25.10 8:28.21
6 St. Louis Deacon Stantz, Jonah Austin, William Bright, Cody Lyons 7:41.36 8:38.38
7 The Willow School Keith Andrews, Bryce Darensbourg, Javier Tillero, Amos Liles 9:22.38 8:40.72
8 Catholic, Baton Rouge Cooper Mockler, Ethan Pham, Kristophe Sauviac, Jonathan Thompson 9:17.57 8:41.09
9 Episcopal Carter McLean, Akshay Basireddy, Jacob Hutchinson-John, Alex Hollier 6:05.85 8:42.64
10 Ponchatoula Josh Bergeron, Preston Bergeron, Daniel Bergeron, Zachariah Baehr 7:46.02 8:43.61
11 Jesuit, New Orleans Connor Fanberg, Jack Flanagan, Nick DeHart, Lucas Sampedro 9:10.88 8:44.64
12 Dutchtown Brody Chatfield, Camden Chapman, Arie Linton, Carter Chapman 10:31.55 8:46.29
13 Lafayette Julius Broussard, Miles Siner, Alek Boyd, Wyatt Stoute 9:33.90 8:46.51
14 Ruston Liam Lowe, Joshua Daulton, Cole Maestrini, Thomas Rogers 11:20.75 8:51.83
15 Belle Chasse Joachim Fernandez, Chosen Ware, Jair Sarmiento, Jace Luckoski 9:22.10 9:00.48
16 White, E.D. Max Bourgeois, Joachim Lafaso, Noah Diedrich, Eli Lafaso 7:10.02 9:04.32
17 St. Augustine Chyron Williams, Kyzer Dunbar, Jacob Dillon, Jerry Perique 10:19.69 9:13.29
18 Carver, G.W. An'trell Grimes, Elbert Chinn, Cole Williams, Darren West 8:23.95 9:13.79
19 Newman, Isidore Myles Barnett, Rivers Lelong, Maslen L'Esperance, Sam Haber 9:56.81 9:17.76
20 University Lab Jacob Phillips, Ian Fellows, Anderson Krupula, Max Tsolakis 11:17.25 9:19.71
21 Karr, Edna Leonard Bradley, Fernell Colbert Jr, K'Mon Washington, Darrin Brewer 6:43.21 9:20.01
22 Walker Carson Boyer, Jordan Robinson, Preston Borne, Lawson Borne 11:12.63 9:20.52
23 Curtis, John Emile Van Haelen, Gabriel Gonzalez, Andrew Jordan, Nathan Sprawls 11:22.82 9:24.31
24 Madison Prep Chase Corbins, Malik Kelley, Walen Ramsey, Joshua Herbert 6:58.98 9:26.18
25 Northside Tommy Thomas, Braylan Taylor, Jaiden Arceneaux, Joshua Hebert 11:11.72 9:34.12
26 Central, Baton Rouge Andrew Readinger, Jude Cullen, Dakota Pitcher, Blaise Gregoire 7:34.74 9:35.61
27 Airline Jayden Williams, Jordan Williams, Jacoby Jefferson, Phillip Hughes 11:43.35 9:36.51
28 Carencro Gavin Bernard, Jaylan Babineaux, Ethan Breaux, Kaden Powell 7:19.85 9:38.74
29 Destrehan Edwin Portillo, Matthew Duffy, Skyler Gayten, Evan Virdure 6:55.04 9:44.56
30 Easton, Warren Kuan Jackson, Jordon Woodson, Ajailen Hines, Pedro Qrtiz 11:38.25 9:51.73
31 McMain, Eleanor Larrell Stokes, Chanz Nelson, Cameron Batiste, Wardell Harvey 9:28.60 10:11.39
32 Sophie B. Wright Andrew Delany, Levar Humble, Enos Jones, Nicholas Washington 8:08.71 10:26.55
33 Glenmora Dale Anderson, Austin Gordon, Kemmp Hollands, Shawn Pender 12:27.97 10:33.87
Boys' 4 x 800 Relay Section 1
1 Scotlandville Evans, Walker, Dupree, Whitaker 8:30.93 9:16.01 6:45.74 8:20.91 8:35.94 8:45.96 9:06.00
2 Zachary Moree, Vance, Mack, McKneely 8:59.08 10:14.65 6:07.79 8:23.81 10:39.84 6:32.98 7:23.36
3 Parkway Cordova, Falting, Ruliffson, Smith 5:53.20 6:53.74 8:29.61 8:24.56 10:05.48 10:10.52 9:20.07
4 Brother Martin Falk, Levy, Metoyer, Regan 5:53.54 9:55.96 7:04.25 8:25.05 10:46.47 10:41.42 9:55.96
5 East Ascension Stepter, Henry, Loyd, McGhee 7:01.82 8:18.05 6:00.83 8:28.21 9:34.28 10:50.51 9:39.36
6 St. Louis Stantz, Austin, Bright, Lyons 11:08.71 6:39.16 6:33.97 8:38.38 10:42.80 10:32.43 7:20.63
8 Catholic, Baton Rouge Mockler, Pham, Sauviac, Thompson 6:41.24 10:51.37 8:35.88 8:41.09 7:12.51 9:22.78 10:25.31
11 Jesuit, New Orleans Fanberg, Flanagan, DeHart, Sampedro 7:25.95 8:49.89 6:33.48 8:44.64 6:33.48 9:10.88 7:36.44
12 Dutchtown Chatfield, Chapman, Linton, Chapman 10:05.24 9:38.92 9:02.08 8:46.29 10:57.87 11:18.92 11:18.92
17 St. Augustine Williams, Dunbar, Dillon, Perique 11:31.62 10:08.62 6:32.84 9:13.29 10:52.89 6:38.37 9:13.29
18 Carver, G.W. Grimes, Chinn, Williams, West 6:38.73 8:46.10 7:00.88 9:13.79 8:46.10 9:47.02 10:09.17
Boys' 4 x 800 Relay Section 2
7 The Willow School Andrews, Darensbourg, Tillero, Liles 7:43.44 7:12.20 8:04.27 8:40.72
9 Episcopal McLean, Basireddy, Hutchinson-John, Hollier 11:19.44 6:05.85 10:11.49 8:42.64
10 Ponchatoula Bergeron, Bergeron, Bergeron, Baehr 9:04.56 8:12.20 8:01.73 8:43.61
13 Lafayette Broussard, Siner, Boyd, Stoute 7:06.48 7:32.80 6:19.09 8:46.51
14 Ruston Lowe, Daulton, Maestrini, Rogers 8:30.56 9:07.79 8:57.15 8:51.83
15 Belle Chasse Fernandez, Ware, Sarmiento, Luckoski 7:28.60 9:27.51 11:26.41 9:00.48
16 White, E.D. Bourgeois, Lafaso, Diedrich, Lafaso 7:48.12 11:42.18 9:53.31 9:04.32
20 University Lab Phillips, Fellows, Krupula, Tsolakis 6:31.80 8:23.74 7:33.37 9:19.71
21 Karr, Edna Bradley, Colbert Jr, Washington, Brewer 6:54.41 9:25.61 7:22.41 9:20.01
22 Walker Boyer, Robinson, Borne, Borne 11:12.63 7:11.60 9:37.34 9:20.52
29 Destrehan Portillo, Duffy, Gayten, Virdure 9:56.26 8:40.26 9:50.41 9:44.56
Boys' 4 x 800 Relay Section 3
19 Newman, Isidore Barnett, Lelong, L'Esperance, Haber 10:35.85 9:17.76
23 Curtis, John Van Haelen, Gonzalez, Jordan, Sprawls 7:20.17 9:24.31
24 Madison Prep Corbins, Kelley, Ramsey, Herbert 8:35.23 9:26.18
25 Northside Thomas, Taylor, Arceneaux, Hebert 9:28.38 9:34.12
26 Central, Baton Rouge Readinger, Cullen, Pitcher, Gregoire 7:11.71 9:35.61
27 Airline Williams, Williams, Jefferson, Hughes 10:39.93 9:36.51
28 Carencro Bernard, Babineaux, Breaux, Powell 7:08.27 9:38.74
30 Easton, Warren Jackson, Woodson, Hines, Qrtiz 10:15.40 9:51.73
31 McMain, Eleanor Stokes, Nelson, Batiste, Harvey 7:50.77 10:11.39
32 Sophie B. Wright Delany, Humble, Jones, Washington 10:57.88 10:26.55
33 Glenmora Anderson, Gordon, Hollands, Pender 9:55.84 10:33.87