February 15-16, 2008
Clemson-Indoor Track Facility (Flat) - Clemson, SC
200m (Flat)

Women 3000m Run Unseeded

1 Erin Sutton Junior Kennesaw State 12:55.71 10:25.57
2 Elsabeth Goshu Sophomore Jacksonville 13:16.52 10:27.18
3 Megal Atias Senior Davidson 10:54.91 10:29.72
4 Stephanie Poore Junior Georgia State 9:34.90 10:31.75
5 Ina Ables Freshman Samford 9:55.45 10:33.45
6 Jennifer Barbi Freshman Georgia 11:25.51 10:34.73
7 Lindsey Pickens Sophomore Georgia Tech 11:33.60 10:36.33
8 Emily Fournier Freshman Elon 12:57.17 10:37.02
9 Megan Isaccs Junior Western Carolina 13:23.64 10:37.81
10 Kerri Savery Senior Western Carolina 11:54.49 10:37.93
11 Britany Reilly Sophomore Kennesaw State 12:45.99 10:38.32
12 Ashley King Senior Georgia State 8:37.8 10:39.3
13 Alex Friel Senior Georgia State 10:58.65 10:39.46
14 Carey Phillips Sophomore Winthrop 10:52.79 10:39.99
15 darby mullen Freshman Marshall 10:30.36 10:43.22
16 Skye Aiello Junior Western Carolina 12:34.01 10:44.45
17 Ilana McQuinn Freshman Georgia 7:51.65 10:46.09
18 Brooke Spencer Junior Winthrop 11:09.31 10:49.81
19 Lisa McKinney Sophomore South Carolina 8:43.04 10:53.79
20 Emily King Junior Davidson 10:16.32 10:55.66
21 Ashley Norris Junior Appalachian State 10:10.76 10:56.73
22 Lori Costello Junior Embry-Riddle 9:45.05 10:57.35
23 Leah Nicholson Junior Western Carolina 11:45.77 10:59.59
24 Katie Almand Junior Samford 11:02.18 11:02.18
25 Danielle Coyle Senior Jacksonville 12:55.44 11:02.77
26 Heather Conarroe Freshman Davidson 12:45.77 11:05.88
27 Colleen McCarthy Junior Elon 11:21.01 11:07.65
28 hannah henderson Freshman Marshall 8:01.81 11:09.17
29 Amy Neilson Freshman Appalachian State 11:03.03 11:09.72
30 Lindsay Groce Sophomore Western Carolina 8:15.72 11:09.89
31 Maggie Bernard Sophomore Clemson 7:49.95 11:11.35
32 Erin Stoddard Freshman Col. of Charleston 12:22.47 11:14.97
33 Jessica Villemaire Sophomore North Florida 12:59.98 11:18.24
34 Amy French Freshman Georgia State 11:39.9 11:19.6
35 Felicity Brower Freshman Georgia Tech 9:11.3 11:20.7
36 Carrie Nelson Freshman King College 8:30.73 11:20.97
37 Catherine Rossi Freshman Elon 13:19.79 11:23.58
38 Whitney Austin Sophomore Alabama State 9:55.05 11:23.96
39 Megan Jenkins Junior Citadel 8:28.46 11:36.52
40 Katie Charles Sophomore Kennesaw State 11:37.46 11:37.46
41 Lorena Jaime Junior Kennesaw State 11:27.03 11:41.05
42 Justina Oliva Junior Wofford 10:53.0 11:42.2
43 Hannah Johnson Sophomore Furman 13:02.20 11:44.68
44 Laura Scott Freshman Gardner-Webb 11:00.10 11:49.78
45 emily corley Freshman Marshall 12:26.26 11:50.72
46 Sarah Stierwalt Freshman Citadel 9:07.89 11:51.54
47 Katie Landry Senior Berry 9:28.88 12:00.09
48 Pearce Tapp Freshman Wofford 14:18.02 12:01.02
49 Heather Harris Sophomore Citadel 8:53.85 12:11.29
50 Mary Bierne Taylor Freshman Wofford 9:24.43 12:13.02
51 Kari Harris Sophomore Wofford 11:49.81 12:27.16
  Emily Felty Junior King College NT NT
Women 3000m Run Unseeded Section 1
1 Erin Sutton Junior Kennesaw State 10:25.57
2 Elsabeth Goshu Sophomore Jacksonville 10:27.18
3 Megal Atias Senior Davidson 10:29.72
4 Stephanie Poore Junior Georgia State 10:31.75
5 Ina Ables Freshman Samford 10:33.45
6 Jennifer Barbi Freshman Georgia 10:34.73
7 Lindsey Pickens Sophomore Georgia Tech 10:36.33
9 Megan Isaccs Junior Western Carolina 10:37.81
10 Kerri Savery Senior Western Carolina 10:37.93
12 Ashley King Senior Georgia State 10:39.3
13 Alex Friel Senior Georgia State 10:39.46
15 darby mullen Freshman Marshall 10:43.22
20 Emily King Junior Davidson 10:55.66
21 Ashley Norris Junior Appalachian State 10:56.73
30 Lindsay Groce Sophomore Western Carolina 11:09.89
Women 3000m Run Unseeded Section 2
8 Emily Fournier Freshman Elon 9:20.58 9:46.06 10:37.02 11:08.88
11 Britany Reilly Sophomore Kennesaw State 10:51.09 10:12.79 10:38.32 8:49.81
14 Carey Phillips Sophomore Winthrop 12:54.39 10:52.79 10:39.99 10:39.99
16 Skye Aiello Junior Western Carolina 8:03.34 12:08.23 10:44.45 12:40.46
17 Ilana McQuinn Freshman Georgia 9:47.95 13:34.08 10:46.09 8:04.57
18 Brooke Spencer Junior Winthrop 11:22.30 8:13.86 10:49.81 9:25.34
19 Lisa McKinney Sophomore South Carolina 9:09.19 14:03.39 10:53.79 8:49.57
22 Lori Costello Junior Embry-Riddle 12:09.66 13:35.12 10:57.35 8:19.59
23 Leah Nicholson Junior Western Carolina 10:20.02 13:11.51 10:59.59 10:59.59
24 Katie Almand Junior Samford 12:15.02 13:34.49 11:02.18 9:49.34
25 Danielle Coyle Senior Jacksonville 7:57.20 12:02.42 11:02.77 11:35.91
27 Colleen McCarthy Junior Elon 8:20.74 12:21.10 11:07.65 7:47.36
28 hannah henderson Freshman Marshall 10:49.10 9:48.87 11:09.17 10:15.64
29 Amy Neilson Freshman Appalachian State 14:10.55 13:43.76 11:09.72 9:15.87
35 Felicity Brower Freshman Georgia Tech 14:44.9 13:43.6 11:20.7 10:53.4
37 Catherine Rossi Freshman Elon 9:20.54 12:04.60 11:23.58 14:14.48
Women 3000m Run Unseeded Section 3
26 Heather Conarroe Freshman Davidson 11:05.88 10:45.91 12:19.13 11:05.88
31 Maggie Bernard Sophomore Clemson 13:52.48 14:19.33 9:17.22 11:11.35
32 Erin Stoddard Freshman Col. of Charleston 8:53.23 12:49.47 9:47.23 11:14.97
33 Jessica Villemaire Sophomore North Florida 12:39.63 9:16.16 11:52.16 11:18.24
34 Amy French Freshman Georgia State 10:38.8 11:53.5 14:09.5 11:19.6
36 Carrie Nelson Freshman King College 13:43.98 10:19.69 13:16.74 11:20.97
38 Whitney Austin Sophomore Alabama State 9:20.85 13:20.24 11:03.45 11:23.96
39 Megan Jenkins Junior Citadel 9:17.22 13:55.83 9:59.01 11:36.52
40 Katie Charles Sophomore Kennesaw State 8:22.18 13:36.03 13:56.96 11:37.46
41 Lorena Jaime Junior Kennesaw State 11:13.01 8:38.78 10:30.95 11:41.05
42 Justina Oliva Junior Wofford 12:03.2 9:56.8 13:55.6 11:42.2
43 Hannah Johnson Sophomore Furman 10:20.12 9:09.65 11:16.50 11:44.68
44 Laura Scott Freshman Gardner-Webb 11:07.20 12:46.57 14:33.03 11:49.78
45 emily corley Freshman Marshall 10:53.87 13:23.12 15:09.73 11:50.72
46 Sarah Stierwalt Freshman Citadel 13:45.39 10:26.16 10:33.27 11:51.54
47 Katie Landry Senior Berry 13:40.91 11:38.49 14:31.31 12:00.09
48 Pearce Tapp Freshman Wofford 13:20.34 11:39.39 10:05.66 12:01.02
49 Heather Harris Sophomore Citadel 14:00.99 13:02.48 14:22.93 12:11.29
50 Mary Bierne Taylor Freshman Wofford 13:55.65 12:05.69 10:23.07 12:13.02
  Emily Felty Junior King College NT NT NT NT
Women 3000m Run Unseeded Section 4
51 Kari Harris Sophomore Wofford 10:35.09 11:19.92 12:19.69 12:27.16 14:11.77 12:27.16 14:19.24