February 3, 2024
LSU-Maddox FH - Baton Rouge, LA
200m (Flat)

Girls' 4 x 800 Relay

1 Dutchtown Katelyn Bucci, Isabella Latkovich, Ersalee Unangst, Keira Melan 10:13.15
2 St. Joseph's, Baton Rouge Hannah Vaughan, Grace Rennhoff, Ainsley Brignac, Sarah Pasquier 10:14.14
3 Zachary Kerrington London, Cecelia Duggan, Korria Gordon, Rylee Deignan 10:30.66
4 White, E.D. Emmie Ritchie, Sadie Gros, Anna Rodrigue, Elizabeth Rodrigue 10:32.97
5 Byrd, C.E. Anna Lake Watts, Pressley Lockey, Mallory Swint, Hudson Roberts 10:33.31
6 Mt. Carmel Sydney Salles, Sabrina Chittenden, Anna Joubert, Sofia Meneses 10:40.87
7 Parkview Baptist Brynlie Monistere, Ella Kate Johnston, Josie Brooks, Molly Cramer 10:50.12
8 Parkway Allison Taylor, Ember Pierce, Lauren Taylor, Cheyenne Olson 10:53.80
9 Sacred Heart, New Orleans Leah Varisco, Reese Tennison, Molly O'Sullivan, Courtney Habetz 10:56.45
10 McGehee, Louise Anna Accousti, Adler Rosenthal, Lesley Williamson, Mary Claire Leckert 11:00.80
11 Lafayette Tay'Lee Crump, Addison Aucoin, Liberty Lightfoot, Hope Gutierrez 11:04.29
12 Benton Danielle Smartt, Addyson Hulett, Ryleigh McCoy, Dominique Coore 11:08.18
13 Fontainebleau Lily Smith, Miley Moore, Sara Hesson, Cecilia Cherry 11:12.15
14 Lake Charles College Prep Jayla King, Kassidy Collins, Laila Duhon, Alaysia Reed 11:19.10
15 Huntington Shuntae First, Aniyah Jackson, Anaiyah Narvaja, Janayah Dotson 11:22.95
16 Archbishop Hannan Mary Friel, Isabelle Breaux, Jacklyn McMenamin, Grace McMenamin 11:29.32
17 Dominican Enna Hawes, Kaitlyn Wismar, Katherine Patron, Caroline Bailey 11:34.23
18 The Willow School Sirena N'Mili, Mia Mahony, Madeline Polin, Ella Berkner 11:36.48
19 St. Scholastica Elaine Oggs, Maleah Toce, Ella Hammer, Elizabeth King 11:41.56
20 Buckeye Kylee Cross, Madilyn Cross, Mandy Belgard, Abby Poche 11:42.89
21 Metairie Park Country Day Isabel Berry, Greer Bouza, Mary Grace De La Cru, Peetsie Goldenberg 12:00.88
22 Iowa Amoni Domino, Jaclyn Underwood, Cali Bufford, Kadence Foreman 12:06.76
23 Airline Chloe Jones, Chloe Moore, Laila Brimmer, Avani Harrison 12:29.60
24 Patrick Taylor Sci/Tech Lucia Vu, Anneliese Kallies, Brooklyn Gauthier, Khloe Fazande 13:04.66
25 East St. John Hannah Jackson, Honalee Yates, Dioszelyn Gonzalez, Kalae Duhe 13:32.56
  East Ascension Molly Decoteau, Amanda Irizarry, Katie Truett, Miranda Vargas DNF
  Berwick Kate Williams, Mallory Menard, Mckenzie Linn, Bailey Womack DNF
  St. Louis Sydney Guinn, Riley Keating, Christina Guidry, Natalie Obluda DNF
Girls' 4 x 800 Relay Section 1
1 Dutchtown Bucci, Latkovich, Unangst, Melan 10:13.15 10:25.42
2 St. Joseph's, Baton Rouge Vaughan, Rennhoff, Brignac, Pasquier 10:14.14 8:23.60
3 Zachary London, Duggan, Gordon, Deignan 10:30.66 12:49.41
4 White, E.D. Ritchie, Gros, Rodrigue, Rodrigue 10:32.97 12:39.57
5 Byrd, C.E. Watts, Lockey, Swint, Roberts 10:33.31 10:52.31
6 Mt. Carmel Salles, Chittenden, Joubert, Meneses 10:40.87 9:23.97
10 McGehee, Louise Accousti, Rosenthal, Williamson, Leckert 11:00.80 14:19.04
12 Benton Smartt, Hulett, McCoy, Coore 11:08.18 13:08.46
  East Ascension Decoteau, Irizarry, Truett, Vargas DNF DNF
  St. Louis Guinn, Keating, Guidry, Obluda DNF DNF
Girls' 4 x 800 Relay Section 2
8 Parkway Taylor, Pierce, Taylor, Olson 8:56.12 9:41.89 12:44.95 10:53.80 11:13.42 10:40.73
9 Sacred Heart, New Orleans Varisco, Tennison, O'Sullivan, Habetz 10:23.63 10:43.33 14:06.82 10:56.45 11:55.53 13:53.70
11 Lafayette Crump, Aucoin, Lightfoot, Gutierrez 10:17.79 9:24.65 11:30.87 11:04.29 14:03.65 9:44.58
13 Fontainebleau Smith, Moore, Hesson, Cherry 8:17.39 10:38.55 11:39.04 11:12.15 13:13.14 12:19.37
14 Lake Charles College Prep King, Collins, Duhon, Reed 12:33.81 12:27.01 13:14.55 11:19.10 14:22.46 9:50.82
15 Huntington First, Jackson, Narvaja, Dotson 13:25.89 12:58.57 11:29.78 11:22.95 8:39.05 13:46.37
17 Dominican Hawes, Wismar, Patron, Bailey 11:55.06 9:36.21 13:11.43 11:34.23 9:36.21 11:41.18
18 The Willow School N'Mili, Mahony, Polin, Berkner 8:35.40 8:56.29 14:23.64 11:36.48 13:48.82 9:52.01
21 Metairie Park Country Day Berry, Bouza, Grace De La Cru, Goldenberg 13:41.81 10:27.17 13:05.76 12:00.88 9:07.87 11:24.84
22 Iowa Domino, Underwood, Bufford, Foreman 12:28.57 12:50.37 13:48.51 12:06.76 14:32.12 13:12.17
Girls' 4 x 800 Relay Section 3
7 Parkview Baptist Monistere, Johnston, Brooks, Cramer 9:12.61 13:52.16 10:50.12 13:52.16
16 Archbishop Hannan Friel, Breaux, McMenamin, McMenamin 11:36.22 9:18.35 11:29.32 8:09.42
19 St. Scholastica Oggs, Toce, Hammer, King 12:02.61 10:59.47 11:41.56 14:50.99
20 Buckeye Cross, Cross, Belgard, Poche 11:14.78 12:25.07 11:42.89 13:42.39
23 Airline Jones, Moore, Brimmer, Harrison 10:37.16 15:22.01 12:29.60 9:37.20
24 Patrick Taylor Sci/Tech Vu, Kallies, Gauthier, Fazande 13:43.90 10:43.43 13:04.66 11:14.81
25 East St. John Jackson, Yates, Gonzalez, Duhe 10:50.05 13:16.31 13:32.56 17:03.83
  Berwick Williams, Menard, Linn, Womack DNF DNF DNF DNF